The proposed Pebble Mine, with its open pits, massive mining district, and network of roads, would industrialize the pristine Bristol Bay watershed, including Katmai and Lake Clark National Parks & Preserves, and introduce catastrophic risks.

But the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has denied a key permit for the Pebble Mine – a big win for national parks, wildlife, and local communities.

Despite this progress, Bristol Bay remains at risk because the Environmental Protection Agency has not yet acted to protect the watershed from mining.

Mining in the watershed would jeopardize legendary wild salmon runs, dependable jobs, world-class wildlife viewing, and a remarkable way of life. The Pebble Mine proposal has suffered a setback, but it must be permanently blocked.

Send your elected representatives a personalized message today and tell them to put a halt to Pebble Mine by supporting EPA’s veto of this project.

Note: Many House and Senate offices require that you provide an address and phone number so they can verifiy that you are a constituent. If you do not wish to provide a phone number, you can still take action by calling them directly! Just dial the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.

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