Encourage your senators to support the Amache National Historic Site Act.

The Granada Relocation Center in Colorado, better known as Amache, was a prison for more than 7,500 Americans of Japanese descent during World War II.

Our parks have the power to fill in the gaps of our history that are deliberately or carelessly forgotten. What happened to the people incarcerated at Amache is an American story that must not be forgotten. It’s a story of failure by the U.S. government to protect its own citizens. And it’s a story that remains relevant to how America treats its Asian American and Pacific Islander communities.

A new national park site would be one of the most powerful ways to preserve and protect the stories of Amache. That’s why Congressmen Joe Neguse (D-CO) and Congressman Ken Buck (R-CO), along with Senators John Hickenlooper and Michael Bennet have introduced the Amache National Historic Site Act.

This bill will preserve and protect the Amache story, while challenging us all to reflect, heal, and act toward a better future where justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion are our nation’s top priorities.

Please urge your senators to vote on and pass this important park bill – and please take a moment to personalize your message. Help Congress understand that you’re a real park advocate who cares about these stories.

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