Send a message now and tell the Bureau of Land Management to keep Minidoka and Craters of the Moon protected from development.

Minidoka National Historic Site and Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve in central Idaho are two places where solitude and seclusion are prized. But an industrial development between these two parks would bring massive wind turbines, roads, noise and power lines – intrusions into places that deserve to be protected.

The Bureau of Land Management is accepting comments on the development plan for only a few more days. If enough park supporters speak out before the deadline, it could force BLM to take a closer look at the plan and move the massive wind farm to a better location – not between two parks.

*Send a message now and tell the Bureau of Land Management to keep Minidoka and Craters of the Moon protected from development. *

Note: A personalized message will go a long way toward showing that you’re a real person who cares about our parks. Please take a moment to add to the letter before sending it. ** Some agencies require that constituents provide a phone number in order to submit a comment. If you’d like to opt out of text messages please uncheck the box to the right. Thank you!

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