The Find Your Voice initiative engaged a new generation of advocates to speak up for parks through a series of special events and hands-on projects during the 2016 National Park Service centennial.

Over the course of the year, NPCA organized 100 activities with more than 35,000 participants around the country, from Anchorage to Chicago to Miami. Together, people took more than 50,000 advocacy actions, from calling members of Congress to sending emails to writing postcards in defense of critical national park issues. Through these myriad community service projects, advocacy trainings and other events, we engaged a broad and diverse group of people to take action for national parks, helping these special places to thrive into their second century. The collective effort resulted in more than a million dollars’ worth of needed maintenance and improvements benefitting some of America’s favorite places.

Watch a few of the ways Find Your Voice participants made a tangible difference for parks during their centennial year.

Mojave National Preserve

A record crowd of 130 people enjoy a star party under the dark skies of this spectacular park, including advocates, youth groups, astronomers and first-time park visitors

Big Thicket National Preserve

An enthusiastic crew helps to plant longleaf pine seedlings as part of a challenge to build a “Centennial Forest” with 100,000 new trees.

Biscayne National Park

Youth participate in a day-long fishing trip and volunteer event at Biscayne National Park in Florida.

Pullman National Monument

Volunteers work on a variety of maintenance projects at this historic site, learning about its significance to labor rights and equality.

Yellowstone National Park

On the borders of Yellowstone National Park decades worth of barriers to pronghorn migration are opening one day at a time thanks to the hard work of volunteers and willing private landowners.

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