With more than 17 million people, the Los Angeles Metropolitan area is the second most populated area in the country, yet it has less open space than any other large urban area on the West Coast. The Rim of the Valley proposal, which would expand Santa Monica National Recreation Area, represents an opportunity for the National Park Service to protect some of the last wild lands and historic sites in the greater Los Angeles area.

We support the Rim of the Valley because it brings healthy choices for physical activity to our communities, which so often do not have that luxury.” – Scott Chan, Director of the Asian and Pacific Islander Obesity Prevention Alliance

Among its many benefits, expanding Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area would help:

  • Create new outdoor recreation opportunities for more 17 million area residents;
  • Preserve critical habitat for unique and threatened species, ranging from mountain lions to the California red-legged frog;
  • Protect cultural sites that allow the National Park Service to tell the story of the region’s nationally significant history, including El Pueblo de Los Angeles, the City’s downtown historic district;
  • Create new partnerships with local governments and schools to connect youth with the outdoors.

The Rim of the Valley area is truly worthy of national park status as an extension of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area.

The Rim of the Valley Trail will serve as truly a living educational resource for urban residents. Anytime a child has the opportunity to hike through open space or be surrounded by a region’s unique natural and cultural history, important learning occurs. In the past 80 years, I don’t believe that many residents of the Southland have had appropriate access to such educational experiences. Now is our opportunity to make that happen.” – Brad Rumble, Principal, Esperanza Elementary School

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