Blog Post Jennifer Errick Mar 5, 2013

Veterans to Volunteer in Cleanup Efforts at Gateway National Recreation Area

When Superstorm Sandy made landfall in the Northeast late last October, many of New York's beaches were inundated with damage and debris. As the area recovers and rebuilds, a group of veterans will help with cleanup and beach restoration efforts at Gateway National Recreation Area, which has remained closed since the storm.

The nonprofit organizing the effort, Wounded Nature – Working Veterans, based in Charleston, South Carolina, is recruiting veterans and volunteers from across the country to join them from Wednesday, March 20 through Friday, March 22. The group will remove storm debris from the Jamaica Bay area from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. each day, then give volunteers the rest of the afternoon and evening off to enjoy the local attractions in the New York City area.

Want to help? You don’t need to be a veteran to join.

“We welcome any and all non-veterans who have a love for nature and the environment to join us in this vital restoration work,“ said the group’s CEO, Rudy Socha. "If someone cannot make it to assist on this project, they can support us by donating to help cover our ongoing expenses.”

Learn more on the organization’s website,

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