Press Release Despite Overwhelming Opposition, Interior Department Gives Green Light to California Desert's Most Controversial Solar Project Bureau of Land Management decides to move forward with controversial renewable energy project, Soda Mountain Solar Project.
Press Release Victory! New Marine Reserve at Biscayne National Park to Protect Coral Reefs and Replenish Fish Populations National Park Service announces creation of a marine reserve in Biscayne National Park.
Blog Post VICTORY: What You Helped Protect at Biscayne National Park Earlier today, park officials at Biscayne made an announcement that NPCA has been waiting more than 15 years to hear: The park will establish a new marine reserve to help protect its fragile, one-of-a-kind underwater resources. This important step represents the work of numerous environmental groups, scientists, fishermen, and concerned citizens—including more than 20,000 NPCA supporters who spoke out over the years to make this reserve a reality.
Press Release More Than 200,000 People Urge Forest Service to Reject Mega-Development Near Grand Canyon Public overwhelmingly opposes threat to Grand Canyon National Park.
Blog Post One-of-a-Kind Destinations: 11 National Park Curiosities National parks preserve wondrous landscapes, stories, and artifacts—as well as a whole host of weird and exceptional sights. From wacky-looking rocks to giant monuments of steel, here’s a short list of places to explore that are like nowhere else in the world.
Press Release Corrosion of the Arlington Memorial Bridge Causes Second Partial Closure Within 10 Days Closure Underscores Chronic Underfunding of National Park Roads and Bridges
Press Release Celebrating Clean Water for National Parks and Park Visitors with Obama Administration's Final Clean Water Rule The final Clean Water Rule will better protect our waters by stating more clearly which waters are protected under the Clean Water Act.
Blog Post Positioning Pullman: What’s Next for Chicago’s New National Monument? Pullman National Monument is a must-see treasure of Chicago’s South Side. The formerly independent industrial town, now a landmark Chicago neighborhood, was entrusted last February to the National Park Service via a presidential proclamation.
Press Release Statement Regarding Arlington Memorial Bridge Closure Inspectors found area of corrosion on Arlington Memorial Bridge.
Blog Post Trivia Challenge: The Most Celebrated People in the Park System Q: National parks don’t just preserve spectacular landscapes and wildlife. They also honor the people who have changed history and influenced American culture, from the Wright brothers to Harriet Tubman to Eugene O’Neill. Two noteworthy people have more national park sites named after them than anyone else, with four sites each. Can you name these two celebrated historic figures?
Press Release New Agreement Requires Minnesota's Dirtiest Power Plant to Curb Pollution Clean air advocates say more steps are necessary to reduce Xcel Energy's Sherco coal plant emissions that harm community health, national parks, wilderness
Blog Post News Flash: Arizona Loves the Grand Canyon A new poll shows that Arizonans agree on this iconic park more than just about anything else.
Blog Post 4 Ways President Obama Can Create a Lasting National Park Legacy Last month, President Obama took the podium at Everglades National Park to publicly address the seriousness of climate change. That he chose the world-famous River of Grass as the setting for his Earth Day speech was no accident: Rising ocean levels and other effects of climate change threaten the very existence of this landmark park.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 1644, the Supporting Transparent Regulatory and Environmental Actions in Mining Act NPCA, along with partner organizations, submitted the following positions on legislation considered by the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources during a hearing on May 14, 2015.
Policy Update Position on S. 411 and S. 1196 NPCA, along with the Coalition of National Park Service Retirees and Park Rangers for Our Lands, submitted the following positions on legislation considered by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on May 14, 2015.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 1732, the Regulatory Integrity Protection Act NPCA submitted the following position on H.R. 1732, the Regulatory Integrity Protection Act of 2015, when the bill was considered on the floor of the House in May 2015.
Press Release Celebrating the Buffalo National River During National Travel and Tourism Week Nation's first national river proves to draw the crowds and is an economic generator, contributing millions of dollars to the surrounding communities
Blog Post Beyond Yellowstone: 8 Unexpected Parks for Wildlife-Watching If you want to see wildlife, it’s hard to beat some of the largest, most popular parks in the country: Yellowstone, Glacier, Denali, Olympic, Great Smoky Mountains, and the Everglades are all winning choices. But what if you’ve already explored those parks and want to try something new—or just want to avoid the crowds? Here are eight less-visited parks that offer excellent and varied wildlife-watching opportunities.
Blog Post Lessons from the Wildlife Brigade Our job was simple: hike to Marion Lake in Granite Canyon. Tack on a few more details, like a novice backpacker, an unknown wilderness, a leaky can of tuna, and a problem bear, and things get a little more complicated.
Policy Update Position on S. 750, the Arizona Borderlands Protection and Preservation Act NPCA, along with partner organizations, submitted the following position on legislation to be considered by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee during a hearing on May 6, 2015.
Blog Post River Warriors: Building New Paths to Happiness through Our National Parks Thanks to a group of dedicated volunteers, new trails are making national parks like Shenandoah more accessible.
Blog Post Does This Outfit Match My Canoe? Can a city girl survive a four-day wilderness adventure paddling through some of the Everglades' most remote waters? One young woman leaves her makeup bag behind and gives it her best try.
Press Release National Park Champions Honored on Capitol Hill NPCA's National Park Heritage Award recognizes bipartisan group of Senators and Representatives.
Press Release Forest Service Begins to Pave Way for Massive Urban Sprawl Next to Grand Canyon Permit would facilitate 2,100 new housing units, malls, and hotels near canyon's edge
Blog Post The Darkest National Parks in the United States Last week, the International Dark-Sky Association named a new dark-sky park — the seventh site in the U.S. National Park System that now holds that honor. This coveted designation recognizes not only excellent stargazing opportunities, but also superior night-sky stewardship through responsible lighting, public education and community outreach.
Press Release Federal Report Touts $30 Billion Direct Economic Impact of National Parks, Underscores Benefit Of Increased Funding National Parks Are Proven Economic Engines; Congress Must End Sequester and Pass Pro-Park Transportation Bill
Press Release New Report Highlights Economic Value and Quality of Life Benefits of Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area NPCA releases report that highlights Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area's major contributions to local communities.
Blog Post Say No to Soda Mountain Solar Why say no to Soda Mountain Solar? NPCA has 6 reasons highlighting what's at stake near Mojave National Preserve.
Press Release As DOI Solar Decision Looms, Community Leaders Call for Permanent Conservation of a Storied Desert Landscape Area of Critical Environmental Concern Designation Sought for Soda Mountains
Press Release National Parks Conservation Association Host West Coast Launch of #FindYourVoice in Los Angeles National Initiative Encourages People to Speak Up for America's Favorite Places