Greetings from Lassen Volcanic National Park

Lassen is one of my favorite places. On my last trip, with a friend, we hiked through light rain and hail to get the Devil’s Kitchen. This geothermic wonder was well work the trip! An amazing reminder that our earth is still active, changing and growing. I have only been twice, will return again. There is so much more I want to see. Amazing volcanic landscape, beautiful spring wildflowers, spectacular waterfalls, Lassen has it all.


Lassen Volcanic National Park

Tucked away in far northeastern California, Lassen offers sweeping grandeur and hydrothermal marvels in an uncrowded, contemplative atmosphere. The park is home to more than 40 volcanoes, bubbling mudpots, steaming fumaroles, stunning mountain views and vast, naturally dark skies. The park's namesake peak is the one of the largest plug dome volcanoes in the world — a type of volcano that grows in size from layers of its own lava building on top of each other over time.

State(s): California

Established: 1916

“There is nothing quite as moving as visiting one of these special places. I plan to someday visit them all. ”

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