Greetings from Glacier National Park

On our way to a sibling reunion in Washington state from Ohio, we planned a stop at Glacier NP over Labor Day weekend. We were able to camp in the Apgar campground and planned day hikes along the western edge of the park. On Sunday, we drove up the west side road to the trailhead to Howe Lake.
On the way into the lake, we passed a couple on the way out and they were the only people we saw on that trail. On arriving at the rise before the lake, we saw a whitetail buck swimming across the lake toward us with two wolves in pursuit. The buck came out of the lake and went up the bank about 40 feet and back in the lake. The wolves continued pursuit but could not catch up. Finally the larger, black wolf exited the lake at a beaver lodge about 70 feet from us. The gray wolf continued for another couple of minutes and finally exited with the black wolf. The whitetail buck escaped across the lake.
The wolves were aware of our presence but left and went around to the other side of the lake. The black wolf came to the shore and started howling. It was answered just behind us. That gave us cause for concern. As we watched, five young wolves came down the trail and appeared only about 25 feet from us. One, immediately went around the lake away from us while one stopped and watched us for several seconds before following the other. The other three scampered back up the trail then cautiously came back down. One totally black one went to the lake and got a drink while obviously watching us while the other two followed the first two. The black one finally followed. All the while, the parents were continuing their howling.
We were well aware that this was a once in a lifetime experience and were so grateful that the opportunity was there because of the National Park policy of animal protection in their own habitat with the possibility that people can be in close proximity. Thank you to the National Parks.


Glacier National Park

Glacier National Park preserves more than a million acres of forests, alpine meadows and lakes with habitat for a wide variety of plant and animal life.

State(s): Montana

Established: 1910

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