Greetings from Voyageurs National Park

As an annual camper to Voyageurs Nat'l Park I have seen the wear on this magnificant piece of America. When we camp we try to leave our campsite in better shape than when we arrived. It is important to preserve the natural beauty of this park for others to enjoy for many years to come. Seeing animals in their natural habitat and knowing that we did not harm them nor help them by feeding them or destroying their domain is a great feeling. Enjoy your parks but keep them natural!


Voyageurs National Park

Voyageurs National Park is an oasis of interconnected waterways, ancient rock and forested lands in the heart of the continent, straddling the Canadian border. Remote and rugged, it preserves the cross-country trade route canoed centuries ago by French fur traders known as voyageurs.

State(s): Minnesota

Established: 1975

“I want to help preserve the park and try to add more Rangers to help keep the parks the way they are meant to be enjoyed.”

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