Priceless places,
priceless memories.

National parks represent the best of America. Why do you care about protecting and preserving them? Tell us why parks matter to you!

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  • Greetings from Yosemite National Park

    On top of (half) the world! This group of misfit city slickers trusted me to cheerlead them up one of the most demanding and incredible hikes in all of the National Parks, Half Dome, in a single day's effort. It was grueling, rewarding, inspiring, and now we all have timeless…

  • Greetings from Big South Fork National River & Recreation Area

    In 2016 I was awarded an artist residency at Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area. I painted on location for two weeks at the park. I was hosted by wonderful staff and rangers. The landscape was unlike any I had painted before at other National Park Artist-in-Residence programs. The Canyon was…

  • Greetings from Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument

    We have made a commitment to take our granddaughters to all 417 of the the National Park Units (as of the Jan 2017 list) during their middle school years. We are into year 2 and we are over 200! This week we traveled to Maine to explore one of the…

  • Greetings from Sequoia National Park

    It all began with an arduous backpacking trip through Yellowstone when I was 18. I thought I my heart would burst from exhaustion! We were eaten alive by mozzies and had to stay in our tent for almost an entire day, due to torrential rains and hail. Then to experience…

  • Greetings from Zion National Park

    A beautiful drive from Las Vegas to Zion. Just a day trip so we did not have to time to hike. But the drive through the park was breathtakingly beautiful.

  • Greetings from Grand Teton National Park

    Morning Ride By Tonya McQuade, July 19, 2017 As I climbed on to the saddle, I felt my heart flutter With eager anticipation. A morning ride on horseback Through the Grand Tetons Was definitely something I had been looking forward to, And now, on this beautiful Sunny day, the morning…

  • Greetings from Rocky Mountain National Park

    Our trip to Rocky Mountain National Park, a trip our family will never forget: the beautiful snow capped peaks in early June, the snow filled trails, the roads carved through 12-foot snow banks, the thick snowy tundra, the clear mountain air, cold mountain springs, the icy lakes, the moose, black…

  • Greetings from Acadia National Park

    Acadia National Park was the first park I ever visited. I saw trails that were carved for horse and buggies. I saw amazing views of the mountains and sea. I visited Everglades National Park and was amazed at how diverse things were. I visited Yosemite National Park and I remember…



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