Priceless places,
priceless memories.

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  • Greetings from Glacier National Park

    After unusually early snowfall in September 2014 and a night at Many Glacier Hotel, I hiked in this stunning scenery with a friend from the UK, whilst two friends from Montana did a road tour. It was beyond skies....snow...clear, clean air. I have been to Yellowstone several times and…

  • Greetings from Point Reyes National Seashore

    On a recent visit to Point Reyes National Seashore with my family, we walked down to the Point Reyes lighthouse. It was a crisp winter day, but perfectly clear. The hike down was fairly easy and felt invigorating. While I had seen photographs of the lighthouse, I was truly amazed…

  • Greetings from Glacier National Park

    September 11, 2014: Early morning after early snow at Many Glacier Hotel, Glacier National Park, Montana. Unbelievably Magical Morning! (With friends from United Kingdom & Montana).

  • Greetings from Zion National Park

    In 2015 my son and I visited Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon National Park. This trip had been in our hearts for 4 years. We immediately fell in love with the Southwest, especially Zion. What a truly special place. We hiked most of the trails in the park, including…

  • Greetings from Acadia National Park

    Went to this park for one of my last family vacations with my parents before I graduated college. It was so foggy we couldn't see anything, but we had the times of our lives. Dad and I went on a 3 mile hike up to a summit and mom and…

  • Greetings from Acadia National Park

    Our family has been going to Acadia National Park since the mid 70's. One of our favorite hikes is to Balance Rock, now we take the hike with our extended family. This is a special place for our family!

  • Greetings from Arches National Park

    This was my first visit to Arches, and certainly will not be the last. This particular photo was taken at a point where an old mobile home sat many years ago, inhabited by a seasonal park ranger who was a bit of a recluse, but spoke to millions. An environmentalist…

  • Greetings from Yellowstone National Park

    The outdoors first welcomed me when I went to Yellowstone in 1951. I worked there during the summers while I was in college for three years. Immediately I loved it there. Lake Lodge before beautiful Lake Yellowstone was my home. My duties sent me to the hotel laundry. The boys…



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