Priceless places,
priceless memories.

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  • Greetings from Sequoia National Park

    Visited this park while I was on detachment to El Centro with the United States Navy. We all had a great time seeing all the ludicrously large trees and the beautiful views of the surrounding countryside!

  • Greetings from Big Bend National Park

    In the 70's I circled most parks in the central regions of the US best trip ever. Actually never been to Big Bend yet is on my list. However after what Rick Scott governor of Florida did to the funding (took 4 mill away) did, and now trying to open…

  • Greetings from Zion National Park

    My family visited the Zion National Park for the first time. For our daughters it was an opportunity to see what nature is like. We leave in a big city and they do not get to see much nature and wide open spaces. We also went to the Grand Canyon…

  • Greetings from Mount Rainier National Park

    Pedaling from the Midwest, I had just cycled over the summit of White Pass in the Cascades in lower Washington when I rounded a turn and Mt. Rainer in the far distance appeared before my eyes, more beautiful than any painting or photo could possibly capture. Others around me in…

  • Greetings from Crater Lake National Park

    We arrived at Crater Lake at dusk. What we originally thought was dense fog was actually one of the many wildfires ravaging the Pacific Northwest at the time. Smoke tendrils had crept over the rim, and settled above the water in the crater. We didn't end up seeing down to…

  • Greetings from Big Cypress National Preserve

    In December of 2011 I was honored to serve an artist residency at Big Cypress National Preserve. Spending two weeks experiencing the park from a new perspective, painting in oil and pastel, listening to and observing the birds, slough slogging and canoeing was an experience of a life time. Interpretations…

  • Greetings from Mount Rainier National Park

    One of my most peaceful activities is to sit in mother nature's theater. From this vantage in Glacier View Wilderness Mt. Rainier is truly magnificent.

  • Greetings from Yellowstone National Park

    What a surprise as we were walking along a trail by one of the rivers that runs through Yellowstone, when I looked across the water and saw this guy. Magnificent!

  • Greetings from Yellowstone National Park

    We visited Yellowstone for four days in September, 2015. Even though it rained all four days, Yellowstone was still breathtaking. We can't wait to go back and see it in sun light!

  • Greetings from Yellowstone National Park

    We've been to many of our National Parks and have totally enjoyed them all, but there is just something about Yellowstone that is really special to me and this picture shows one of the reasons.



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