- NPCA Region: Northern Rockies
- Phone: 406.579.2196
Betsy Buffington, a longtime conservation partner and ally, is regional director of the Northern Rockies Regional Office, overseeing our work in Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota and Idaho.
Betsy is a veteran community organizer with a long history helping organizations and leaders develop their strategic and political power to protect the natural and cultural resources they care about. Over the last 30 years she has lived and worked in Idaho, Wyoming and Montana, working on issues such as wolf reintroduction, protection of Idaho’s high deserts, creation of the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument and winter use in Yellowstone and Grand Teton. She has worked at the Sierra Club, The Wilderness Society, and most recently, Conservation Lands Foundation, where she created and led an integrated training and mentoring program for grassroots leaders and more than 60 small non-profits working to protect and expand the National Conservation Lands.
Having worked with NPCA’s Washington, DC, staff for decades, she is thrilled to become part of the dynamic and creative team that so effectively and passionately defends our national parks.
Betsy lives in Bozeman, Montana, and spends as much time as she can outside exploring the Northern Rockies and beyond.