Report Jul 1, 2018

Midwest Regional Office Field Reports

NPCA's Midwest Regional Office produces a newsletter twice a year. These field reports provide timely updates and perspectives on issues of interest in the more than 50 diverse national park sites throughout the region.

In the summer 2018 Midwest Region Field Report we highlight:

  • The wildlife victory at Isle Royale National Park.
  • Our work to hold US Steel accountable for polluting Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore.
  • How the Administration backed off from the $70 fee hike at parks.
  • Some nuts and bolts of the Winter Wolf-Moose study at Isle Royale.
  • Our visit to Ozark National Scenic Riverways and ties to our clean air work.
  • Our work with SCA to restore habitat at Indiana Dunes and connect them to advocacy.

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