Resource Jan 16, 2018

10 Ways to Be a Park Advocate

Want to be an advocate for parks, but don't know where to start?

NPCA’s many programs to protect and enhance our parks succeed because of people like you. Thank you for taking the time to find out how to make a difference for our parks.

Below, you’ll find a compilation of 10 ways to be a park advocate as well as resources to help you speak up and get involved. Whether your interests or talents align with writing, organizing, lending a hand or speaking out, there’s an opportunity for you!

1. Join us

Want to get the latest news and updates about our work? Interested in taking online action to benefit our parks? Join our NPCA email community.

You can unsubscribe at any time.

2. Spread the word

Share our advocacy petitions with your network of friends and family, and take action to protect parks today.

3. Volunteer

Veteran carrying saw at Crater Lake

Thomas Palmer and other veterans from nonprofit The Mission Continues cleared a hiking path in Crater Lake National Park in July 2016.

camera icon Courtesy of The Mission Continues

If a little manual labor is more your style, parks often need extra helping hands. Find a park near you and reach out to the Park Service directly or connect with one of NPCA’s 11 regional offices to explore the options.

Want to plug into an existing event? Bookmark NPCA’s event page and check back for a flurry of spring - fall opportunities.

4. Organize

Take part in a march, organize a rally, pedal for the parks or host your very own service event. Here’s a handy step-by-step guide to get you started.

5. Lead by example

NPCA partners with Subaru of America on an innovative, aspirational zero-landfill initiative to help parks move toward diverting nothing to the landfills. Big goals like these start with simple steps like using reusable water bottles and recycling. Learn more about the problem and find out what you can do.

Fact Sheet

How to Write a Letter to the Editor

Another way to hold your members of Congress publicly accountable on national park issues is to write to your local newspaper. This step-by-step guide explains how.

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6. Write

Share your concern for parks in a letter to the editor or an op-ed. If you feel inspired to act, but have no idea where to begin, check out our how-to guide.

7. Speak up

Want to take your concern for parks straight to Congress? Start here to find your representative or senator and then contact them to express your concerns or support over the phone. Better yet, set up an in-person meeting in their district office.

We’ll also alert our email community when park-related public hearings or meetings take place nearby. These are fantastic opportunities to express your support for park protection.

Lobby Day2014 Dennis Future Leaders Capitol F

NPCA staff and youth leaders lobby on Capitol Hill. Photo © NPCA.

8. Lobby with us

Every year, NPCA takes volunteers to Capitol Hill to advocate for parks through in-person meetings with members of Congress. If this sounds terribly intimidating, you might consider taking part in one of our Civic Voice Workshops. Or, if DIY is more your style, check out this list of quick tips that will make your first (or tenth) lobby experience a success.

9. Vote

Perhaps nothing is as important as exercising your right to vote. Register, get informed about the candidates and then just do it.

10. Donate

As a nonprofit organization, our work depends on supporters like you. Become a member, give a recurring gift or make a one-time donation to further NPCA’s park protection efforts.


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Make a tax-deductible gift today to provide a brighter future for our national parks and the millions of Americans who enjoy them.

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Fearless & Outspoken Read Stories of Advocacy

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