Letter Emily Douce Oct 16, 2018

NPCA Letter on National Capital Region Fees for Demonstrations

NPCA Letter on National Capital Region Fees for Demonstrations (84.9 KB)

The National Park Service has proposed a variety of changes for special events and demonstrations in and around Washington, D.C., such as modifying and establishing restricted areas at memorials, establishing a maximum permit length of 30 days, and expanding the number of areas where a permit isn’t necessary for demonstrations. The most controversial change is floating the idea of recovering some of the costs for demonstrated events.

NPCA understands the financial impact special events and demonstrations have on public areas in the park sites in and around Washington, D.C. However, NPCA does not support recovering costs for demonstrations (they currently recover costs for special events) as it could impede people’s access to assemble and use their First Amendment rights. Rather than placing the financial burden directly on the public using these places for demonstrations, the administration must ask Congress to increase annual appropriations and specifically request an allocation from Congress to directly recover the costs of staffing and restoring areas following demonstrations.

To read the full letter, please click the green button above.

About the author

  • Emily Douce Director of Budget & Appropriations, Government Affairs

    As the Director of Budget & Appropriations for the Government Affairs team, Emily Douce researches and advocates for additional funding for the national parks, both through appropriations and supplementary sources.

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