Search results for “Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park”
Park Kings Mountain National Military Park The Battle of Kings Mountain took place on October 7, 1780 and is often referred to as the turning point of the American Revolution. Victory at this battle raised Patriot morale and inspired the Americans to continue the struggle against the British, even after suffering disheartening defeats earlier that year. The fighting lasted only an hour but forced General Charles Cornwallis, the British commander in charge of the Southern Campaign of the war, to retreat and hold a defensive position. This allowed Patriot forces to reorganize and develop a new offensive, leading to a decisive win at the Battle of Cowpens in 1781, and, eventually, the final triumph of General George Washington’s forces over Cornwallis at Yorktown in October of that year. Kings Mountain National Military Park honors the men who died fighting for America's independence.
NPCA at Work Keep Massive Industrial Data Centers Away from our National Parks New development could compromise the environmental integrity of Manassas National Battlefield and Prince William Forest Park in Virginia
Report Center for State of the Parks: Bryce Canyon National Park Current overall conditions of Bryce Canyon’s known natural resources rated a “good” score of 81 out of 100. Overall conditions of the park’s known cultural resources rated 39 out of a possible 100, indicating “poor” conditions.
Report Center for State of the Parks: Canyonlands National Park Current overall conditions of Canyonlands’ known natural resources rated a “fair” score of 75 out of 100.
Press Release NPCA Celebrates Park Victory Decades in the Making House Passes Historic Bill to Fix our National Parks and Protect More Public Lands
Press Release Administration’s Aggressive Environmental Rollbacks Are Putting National Parks in Peril The impacts of the administration’s actions to the health of our national parks and communities, the air we breathe, and the water we drink could be irreparable.
Press Release House Bill Provides Robust Investment in National Park Roads, Bridges and Transportation Systems Roadways and transportation systems are integral to the national park experience, providing safe access to hundreds of millions of visitors from around the world each year.
Blog Post What We Stand to Lose at Glacier National Park Climate change is affecting more than just the glaciers: perspectives from a 50-year park veteran.
Blog Post 10 Owls to Look (and Listen) for in National Parks Owls make their homes in many national parks around the country, though they can be tricky to spot. Here are a few profiles of these elusive birds, which have been both revered and feared throughout human history.
Press Release Former National Park Superintendents Call for Waterton-Glacier Expansion, Watershed Protections As Congress considers lands bill, veteran park leadership makes conservation appeal
Park Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie National Historical Park On April 12, 1861, Captain George S. James fired the first Confederate shot at Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina, leading to a siege, a Union retreat and the start of the Civil War. Exhibits at Fort Sumter help explain the tensions that led South Carolina to be the first state to secede the union. Visitors can also see the flag Major General Robert Anderson raised there in 1865 to reunite the nation.
Park First State National Historical Park This urban oasis along the Brandywine River in Delaware tells much of early American history, from the Native American Lenape tribe that lived in the river valley to the Wyeth family of artists who still paint its beautiful landscapes. The largest battle of the Revolutionary War, the Battle of the Brandywine, was fought here, and the birth of industry was literally propelled by the Brandywine River’s steady flow. Even the paper used to print the Declaration of Independence was made on the Brandywine River. The monument also commemorates the legacy and perseverance of early Dutch, Swedish and English settlements, a vital aspect of the state’s rich history.
Policy Update Testimony: S. 3172, Restore Our Parks Act Statement of Kristen Brengel, NPCA Vice-President for Government, before the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks on July 11, 2018.
Blog Post Headed to a Park with Your Camera? Read These Tips! Bringing your camera on a park trip? Before you pack your bags, read these tips to add interest and variety to your photographs. Thousands of people capture the same iconic landscapes and monuments over and over again in their travel pictures—here’s how to make your shots stand out.
Press Release Momentum Builds as House Passes Critical Funding for National Park Roads, Bridges and Transportation Systems House bill prioritizes clean water, wildlife protection and resilient infrastructure as parks and communities combat a changing climate
Press Release President’s Budget Threat to National Parks If enacted, would be biggest cut to National Park Service since World War II.
Blog Post Congress: Time to Stop Bickering and Keep Our National Parks Open One beloved national park is already closing facilities in reaction to budget cuts.
Press Release House Advances Interior Funding Bill that Prioritizes National Parks, Wildlife and Local Communities Once again a group of lawmakers is speaking up for the future of our public lands and public health as the House today passed legislation to put our parks back on track.
Press Release Proposed Manhattan Project National Historical Park Would Help U.S. Remember and Learn From History Three sites are proposed for park to interpret and facilitate discussion surrounding the complex stories of the Manhattan Project and the resulting impacts of atomic power and nuclear technology
Press Release Parks Experience Record Visitation While Dealing with Staff Cuts and Growing Maintenance Backlog For years, rampant underfunding coupled with staff cuts and increased visitation has required park staff to do far more with much less.
Press Release New National Park Service Report on Climate Change Statement by Mark Wenzler, Senior Vice President of Conservation Programs for the National Parks Conservation Association
Press Release Carlsbad Caverns National Park the Latest Target of Rushed Oil and Gas Leasing Process The BLM's minuscule 10-day public scoping comment period for the nearly 200 parcel proposal comprising nearly 89,000 acres, some of which are about a mile from Carlsbad Caverns National Park, closes tonight.
Blog Post 100 Amazing Things You Can Only Find in National Parks These 100 things are just a few of the remarkable finds worth celebrating as we mark the National Park Service's 100th birthday.
Blog Post Meet 9 Endangered National Park Animals In honor of the 9th annual Endangered Species Day, meet 9 endangered animals that make their homes in national parks.
Press Release EPA Finalizes Guidance that Encourages States to Ignore Air Rules Protecting National Parks Changes to Regional Haze Rule Guidance Could Set Our National Parks and Wilderness Areas Back Decades
Blog Post If Americans Overwhelmingly Love Our National Parks, Why Isn’t Congress Fully Funding Them? If lawmakers continue chipping away at the National Park Service budget and offering only short-term funding solutions, we will continue to see cutbacks, closures, crumbling infrastructure, and disrepair in these places we love—the very places that should represent the best we have to offer as a nation.
Blog Post How Can Congress Fund More Park Projects for the Next Century? Here’s One Way The Centennial Challenge will leverage funding from a variety of sources to improve the experience for national park visitors.
Press Release Administration Proposes Massive Park Fee Increase High fees, short comment period shortchange parks, visitors.
Press Release National Park Champions Honored on Capitol Hill NPCA's National Park Heritage Award recognizes bipartisan group of Senators and Representatives.
Press Release Badger-Two Medicine Area Too Special to Drill: National Parks Group Agrees with Federal Historic Preservation Panel Statement by Michael Jamison, Glacier Program Manager for the National Parks Conservation Association
Blog Post 10 Hidden Gems in the National Park System Want to explore a few remarkable places off the beaten path? These 10 NPCA picks offer great ways to escape the crowds while enjoying unique, underappreciated natural and cultural treasures around the country.
Press Release National Parks Conservation Association Praises Approval of Wrangell-St. Elias Nabesna Road Plan Statement by Jim Stratton, Senior Regional Director for Alaska, National Parks Conservation Association
Press Release Gift for Wild Lands: Interior Retires Remaining Oil and Gas Leases Near Glacier National Park The U.S. Department of Interior protected Montana’s natural and cultural heritage by negotiating the removal of all remaining oil and gas leases in the Badger-Two Medicine roadless area, adjacent to Glacier National Park.
Blog Post Hunting in the National Park System? Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill known as the Sportsmen’s Heritage Act which, if passed in the Senate in its current form, could allow hunting in units of the National Park System that currently do not permit it. NPCA strongly opposes this provision of the bill.
Blog Post Taking Parks to the Air, with the Help of Some Hams How amateur radio enthusiasts are celebrating the National Park Service centennial by transmitting their adventures around the globe
Press Release Sens. Warner, Portman Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Address National Park Service Maintenance Backlog NPS has a $12 billion backlog in deferred and overdue maintenance – half is critical transportation infrastructure
Report Center for State of the Parks: California Desert This report outlines the results of a rigorous examination of natural and cultural resources in Joshua Tree National Park, Death Valley National Park, and Mojave National Preserve.
NPCA at Work Protect Gates of the Arctic National Park & Preserve A proposed 211-mile industrial mining access road would disrupt caribou migration, the subsistence lifestyles of rural Alaskans, and the integrity of Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve.
Report Center for State of the Parks: Missouri National Recreational River NPCA’s Center for State of the Parks resource assessment of the Missouri National Recreational River indicates that cultural and natural resources in the park are in poor condition, overall, with scores of 51 and 59 out of a possible 100, respectively.
NPCA at Work Don't Pave Mid-Atlantic Parks An expensive highway-widening project would irreversibly harm more than a hundred acres of parklands, putting taxpayers at risk without solving the region's traffic problems.
NPCA at Work Congress Fails the Public: Why NPCA Will Continue to Defend Clean, Safe National Park Waters In February 2017, Congress voted to dismantle the Stream Protection Rule, which would have safeguarded streams from pollution created by mountaintop removal and surface coal mining.
Park Glen Canyon National Recreation Area The 1.2 million-acre park spans the scenic desert landscape from bottom of Canyonlands National Park to the tip of Grand Canyon National Park, including buttes, cliffs, canyons, and mesas. The park also contains the Glen Canyon Dam, which was completed in 1963, creating Lake Powell and changing the surrounding environment dramatically. Visitors can kayak the Colorado River which flows through the canyon, hike or mountain bike along the Orange Cliffs and Burr Trail, or take scenic drives along the back roads.
Staff Dennis Arguelles Dennis, Los Angeles Program Manager, works on park protection and expansion efforts as well as engaging diverse and underserved communities not traditionally connected to the national parks.
Ren and Helen Davis REN AND HELEN DAVIS are the authors of numerous books including Our Mark on This Land: A Guide to the Legacy of the Civilian Conservation Corps in America’s Parks and Atlanta’s Oakland Cemetery: An Illustrated History and Guide. This essay was adapted from their new book, Landscapes for the People: George Alexander Grant, First Chief Photographer of the National Park Service, published by University of Georgia Press.
Erin Mezgar Erin Mezgar serves as the Associate Director of the Trustees for the Parks program.
NPCA at Work Maglev Train Is More Harm than Good A proposed high-speed train from Baltimore to Washington would harm a national park, a national wildlife refuge, the Chesapeake Bay and numerous nearby communities — and charge expensive ticket prices to save commuters 14 minutes of travel time.
Staff Mark Rose As Program Manager for the Pacific Region’s Sierra Nevada office, Mark provides support for NPCA’s conservation efforts in Yosemite, Sequoia, and Kings Canyon National Parks, as well as in the surrounding Central Valley and Sierra Foothill Communities.
Vanessa Mazal Vanessa is the Colorado Senior Program Manager for the Southwest Regional Office and can often be found traipsing through the diverse and beautiful parks of this state.
Park Minuteman Missile National Historic Site Minuteman Missile National Historic Site is the first park site devoted entirely to the story of the Cold War. This site was once part of an enormous nuclear missile field that at its height included 150 Minuteman II missiles and 15 launch control centers that covered over 13,500 square miles of southwestern South Dakota.
Report The Alaska Citizen's Guide to Natural Gas Permitting This Guide highlights opportunities where citizens can influence agency decisions that affect the impacts and conditions of natural gas development. It encourages Alaskans to take an active role in preserving our public lands and to better ensure a well-informed, site-specific and historically-aware use of natural resources.