Search results for “Mississippi National River & Recreation Area”
Park Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve This wilderness preserve near the Arctic Circle protects the place where two pristine rivers meet in Alaska’s interior. The entire Charley River basin is contained within the park, as well as about 130 miles of the Yukon, one of the longest and wildest rivers in North America. The geology exposed by these rivers is some of the oldest in the world, dating back 600 million years to the Precambrian Era.
NPCA at Work Proposed Lone Star Coastal National Recreation Area The Lone Star Coastal National Recreation Area would include sites spanning four coastal counties: Matagorda, Brazoria, Galveston, and Jefferson. This region boasts natural areas, outdoor recreation opportunities, and historical sites. The proposed area would be built around a core of existing sites through coordinated management by public, private, and nonprofit landowners.
Bill Text San Gabriel National Recreation Area Act San Gabriel National Recreation Area Act 2014
Park Hohokam Pima National Monument The "Monument" is located on the Gila River Indian Reservation and is under tribal ownership. The Gila River Indian Community has decided not to open the extremely sensitive area to the public.
Fact Sheet Catch of the Day at Jamaica Bay Fishing opportunities in the Jamaica Bay area.
Park Natchez Trace National Scenic Trail The Natchez Trace National Scenic Trail is four separate trails in both Mississippi and Tennessee that totals about 65 miles. The current trails include portions of the original Old Natchez Trace, a traditional Native American footpath also used by European explorers for both transit and trade.
Park Anacostia Park Anacostia Park covers more than 1,200 acres on the banks of the Anacostia River in Washington, D.C. The park includes Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens, Kenilworth Marsh, and the Langston Golf Course, with facilities for baseball, picnics, basketball and tennis, as well as a pavilion for roller skating and special events.
Park Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail The Potomac Heritage National Scenic will eventually extend 830 miles from Pittsburgh and the Allegheny Highlands to the mouth of the Potomac River. Many locally managed sections are open now.
Fact Sheet Support for the Chesapeake "Clean Water Blueprint" In April 2014, NPCA and others filed an amicus curiae, or "friend of the court," brief in support of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the "Clean Water Blueprint" for the Chesapeake. An appeal filed in October 2013 threatens progress to improve water quality in the Chesapeake, and limits the ability of the EPA, states, and stakeholders in every region to work together collaboratively to reduce polluted storm water runoff in streams, lakes, and rivers.
Blog Post Congress: Time to Stop Bickering and Keep Our National Parks Open One beloved national park is already closing facilities in reaction to budget cuts.
Magazine Article 'Harsh is Truth' In this divisive political era, is it possible for the Park Service to support contemporary art that grapples with hot-button issues from immigration to climate change? At these parks, the answer is yes.
Blog Post The Lost History of Los Pobladores We have a new opportunity to preserve the little-known stories of Los Angeles’ Black founders
Press Release Groups Sue to Stop Oil and Gas Exploration in Florida’s Big Cypress National Preserve Seismic Testing Threatens Endangered Florida Panther and Water Resources
Magazine Article At Rest in Yellowstone A husband scatters his wife’s ashes in five wild landscapes they knew and loved, bringing the journey to an end in the Lamar Valley.
Blog Post 10 Scenic National Park Drives These 10 parks offer incredible views of some of America's most beautiful places with plenty of opportunities to get out and explore along the way.
Press Release Coalition Urges Caution in Embracing Governor Beebe Water Testing Proposal for C & H Hog Farms Groups remain steadfast in efforts to revoke hog facility permit
Blog Post Park-Made Beer One national park has an on-site brewery that serves beer made from the park’s own water.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 200, H.R. 1349, H.R. 1350, H.R. 2888, H.R. 4266, and H.R. 4568 NPCA submitted the following positions to the House Natural Resources Committee ahead of a markup scheduled for December 12-13, 2017.
Magazine Article Raisin’ Expectations The country’s newest national park in southeast Michigan details a key battle in the War of 1812.
Magazine Article A High-Flying Recovery A 40-year study follows the once-imperiled peregrine falcons of Alaska.
Blog Post Porter Ranch: A Dangerous Wake-Up Call for People, Parks, and the Climate Two federal agencies are already working to address the problem of methane leaks—why we need to push harder for better regulations.
Blog Post Your Favorite Park Photos and Stories People around the country have shared some of their most poignant and intriguing moments in national parks on NPCA’s recently relaunched MyParkStory site.
Blog Post Preserving More of Our History in Southern California and Beyond 3 ways the federal government can honor Hispanic Heritage Month by including irreplaceable cultural sites in the National Park System
Blog Post Park Staff Ordered to Violate Laws and Stand Aside as People Trashed Parks During Shutdown Rangers describe the despair of watching national parks sustain preventable long-term damage, as well as the terrible effects the historic standoff has had on morale.
Press Release Yellowstone and Grand Teton Paddling Bill Doesn't Hit the High Water Mark Statement by Sharon Mader, Grand Teton Program Manager for the National Parks Conservation Association
Magazine Article Home of the Brave Boston’s national parks lead visitors back in time to our nation’s beginnings.
Blog Post Got Milkweed? Crowdfunding Creates a Butterfly Effect for National Parks An innovative new website helps people help the causes they care about.
Magazine Article The Writing on the Wall Stephen Alvarez travels the globe to photograph ancient rock art. His collection from the American Southwest includes images of Canyonlands, Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante.
Magazine Article Standing Tall At 50, the St. Louis Arch gets a makeover.
Blog Post It’s the Centennial … Now What? Highlights from the work you helped make possible in 2016 — and what’s next
Blog Post 4 Ways to Help Parks — from Wherever You Are The administration continues to wage a series of unrelenting attacks on national parks, despite ongoing public crises.
Magazine Article Crossing Guards New highway overpasses protect key species that move beyond park boundaries.
Blog Post Stuck Indoors? 10 Great Books About National Parks These 10 nonfiction books will deepen your appreciation for pivotal events in American history and the national park sites that commemorate them.
Press Release National Parks Group to Honor Champions on Capitol Hill National Parks Conservation Association Recognizes Bipartisan Senators and Representatives with Heritage Award
Blog Post Teen Ambassadors Paddle Voyageurs National Park and Advise the Park Service Staff from the National Park Service and two of its partner organizations just wrapped up the first year of an innovative new program aimed at getting youth interested in the national parks.
Press Release Agreement to Close Entergy's Polluting Power Plants is Finalized “Today’s decision is a win for clean air and our environment." - Stephanie Kodish, NPCA's Clean Air & Climate Programs Director & Counsel
Blog Post How Colorado Stayed a Massive Rollback in Water Protections and What It Could Mean for the Rest of the Country The Trump administration overturned the Clean Water Rule in June, but legal action — or congressional intervention — could restore these critical protections.
Policy Update NPCA Position on H.R. 803, Protecting America's Wilderness and Public Lands Act NPCA shared the following letter with members of the House of Representives ahead of an anticipated floor vote scheduled for February 26th.
Magazine Article The Aftermath Revisiting Gulf Islands National Seashore two years after the biggest offshore oil disaster ever.
Staff Sergio Moncada Sergio is an environmental planner and project manager with more than a decade of experience in the design, management, monitoring, and evaluation of conservation and sustainability projects.
Fact Sheet Explore Jamaica Bay Plan your own trip to Jamaica Bay with the help of these useful maps and activity guides.
Cortney Worrall Cortney is the Senior Regional Director for the Northeast office, based in New York City.
Lynn Davis Lynn Davis joined NPCA in April 2008 to open and manage a new strategic field office in Nevada. As the Las Vegas Senior Program Manager, she worked on behalf of the interests of several national parks in Nevada and throughout the American Southwest.
Ani Kame’enui Ani Kame’enui is the Deputy Vice President for the Government Affairs team and responsible for managing NPCA's policy portfolio across a range of park issues. She comes to NPCA with a background in geology, water resources engineering, and a love for natural resource science and policy.
Machiko Yasuda Machiko Yasuda grew up in Palos Verdes with a view of the San Gabriel Mountains — but it would be decades later until she hiked, rock climbed and even cross-country skied there.
Letter Best Available Retrofit Technology at the Cholla Power Plant On behalf of National Parks Conservation Association and Sierra Club, Earthjustice respectfully submits the following comments regarding the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality’s (ADEQ) proposed Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) “reassessment” for the Cholla Power Plant.