Search results for “Petrified Forest National Park”
Report Center for State of the Parks: San Antonio Missions National Historical Park Recognizing San Antonio Missions National Historical Park’s significance to our shared national heritage, NPCA’s Center for State of the Parks endeavored to determine the conditions of the cultural resources protected within the park.
Report Center for State of the Parks: Vicksburg National Military Park In recognition of the importance of Vicksburg National Military Park's resources, NPCA's Center for State of the Parks completed an assessment to determine the conditions of those resources.
Report Center for State of the Parks: Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park Current overall conditions of the known natural resources in Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park rated a score of 60 out of 100. Overall conditions of the park’s known cultural resources rated 65 out of a possible 100, indicating “fair” conditions.
Report Center for State of the Parks: Virgin Islands National Park Recognizing the significance of the natural and cultural resources found within Virgin Islands National Park and Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument, NPCA’s Center for State of the Parks assessed the current conditions of these resources.
Park Kalaupapa National Historical Park This isolated peninsula on the north coast of the island of Molokai is surrounded by sea and high cliffs—and not easy to get to. Visitors must pre-arrange access, then hike a steep three-and-a-half-mile trail to get to the entrance, beyond which there are no dining or shopping facilities. The reward for all of this advance preparation, however, is an ecological paradise with natural beauty as well as a fascinating history. Kalaupapa was once an isolated colony for Native Hawaiians suffering from Hansen’s disease, also known as leprosy; in addition to lush, rare flora and fauna, the park preserves many archaeological features dating back to ancient times and historic buildings and relics from its once-exiled residents.
Park Hopewell Culture National Historical Park At Hopewell Culture National Historical Park, walk along geometric walls that surround earthen mounds where scientists uncovered priceless artifacts.
Park Fort Washington Park More than 180 years old, Fort Washington was built on a high bluff above the Potomac River to defend Washington, DC.
NPCA at Work Noisy Helicopter Training and National Parks Don't Mix Noisy helicopters and landing zones do not belong next door to our national parks, especially one with grizzly habitat and treasured wilderness. The Army has alternatives for training--and they use them now--but there is only one North Cascades National Park.
NPCA at Work Fragile Treasures Threatened in Chaco Culture National Historical Park The growing demand for oil and gas in northwestern New Mexico has the potential to impact the cultural and natural resources of Chaco Culture National Historical Park--including the quality of its world-renowned night skies. Flaring of natural gas and an increase in intensive artificial lighting from construction activities, vehicle traffic and operation of support facilities can all affect the quality of the night skies both at the park’s higher elevations and inside the historic canyon.
Press Release Extending Turkey Point Nuclear Operations Jeopardizes Health of Biscayne National Park Environmental analysis must address health, water and climate concerns for Biscayne and Everglades national parks, nearby communities and endangered and threatened wildlife.
Press Release National Parks Group Honors South East Utah Superintendent with Stephen T. Mather Award Award given to individuals who have shown steadfast leadership and persistent dedication to our national parks
Press Release National Parks Group Launches Visual Protest on Yellowstone Grizzly Hunt As a visual protest to Wyoming's grizzly hunt proposal, the grizzly bears have vanished from NPCA's logo for National Park Week.
Blog Post One Year Later: 5 Major Issues for National Parks in 2018 On the one-year anniversary of President Trump’s inauguration, NPCA is looking ahead at key fights to protect America’s national parks in 2018.
Press Release Desert Landscape Plan Fails to Fully Protect Desert National Parks NPCA finds only one of the three issues of particular concern to desert national parks is satisfactorily addressed
Press Release NPCA Applauds Senate Passage of Key National Park Bills that Tell More of America's Stories Senate package includes significant national park bills
Blog Post How National Parks Led Me to My U.S. Citizenship Public lands belong to all of us. Sometimes, they help us realize that we belong to them, too.
Press Release Parks Group Champions Alabama Black Belt National Heritage Area The Alabama Black Belt National Heritage Area would protect stories of our nation's diverse heritage, from pre-colonial Native American cities to early American rural life to the American Civil Rights Movement and beyond.
Press Release Former National Park Superintendents Call for Waterton-Glacier Expansion, Watershed Protections As Congress considers lands bill, veteran park leadership makes conservation appeal
Press Release National Parks Group Raises Concern Over the Future of Grizzly Bear Management in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem A proposed rule released by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service could remove the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem grizzly bear from the Endangered Species List. The rule impacts grizzly bears in Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks and the 20 million acre ecosystem.
Blog Post The Garage Door Opener That Almost Thwarted Joshua Tree National Park In 1994, the California Desert Protection Act designated millions of acres as national park and wilderness lands — but one faulty garage door opener nearly derailed the entire process.
Fact Sheet Park Friends of the Colorado River NPCA's Colorado River Program, launched in 2011, harnesses the iconic power of national parks, their broad public and political support, their capacity to engage and educate, as well as protect and improve the health of the land and water within which national parks reside.
Press Release Lawsuit Challenges Park Service's Destructive Hunting Practices on National Parklands Lawsuit challenges rules by Interior and National Park Service that allow hunting practices like baiting brown bears and killing wolves during the denning season.
Blog Post The National Park Site That Was Almost Blown Up It was an explosion that created Sunset Crater in northern Arizona. Another proposed explosion almost led to its demise.
Press Release Puget Sound Oil Refinery Permitted to Harm National Park Air Quality The refinery expansion will go ahead without stringent pollutant controls to protect Washington's parks
Press Release Parks Group Files Opposition Brief in Lawsuit Over Illegally-Permitted Dominion Transmission Line at Historic Jamestown Dominion Energy has played loose and fast with the courts and prioritized irresponsible development over historic Jamestown and nearby national parks.
Blog Post How Is the Partial Government Shutdown Affecting National Parks? The longest government shutdown in U.S. history furloughed hundreds of thousands of federal employees, including National Park Service personnel, and left many of America’s public lands ungated and largely unsupervised.
Policy Update Testimony: S. 3172, Restore Our Parks Act Statement of Kristen Brengel, NPCA Vice-President for Government, before the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks on July 11, 2018.
Press Release National Parks Group Applauds Congressional Passage of Huna Tlingit Traditional Gull Egg Use Act Statement by Jim Stratton, Deputy Vice President of Regional Operations for the National Parks Conservation Association
Press Release Southern Utah National Parks Threatened by BLM Oil and Gas Lease Sale New oil and gas lease sales threaten Arches and Canyonlands National Parks as well as Hovenweep National Monument and its surrounding cultural landscape.
Magazine Article A National Park Is Born White Sands National Monument becomes the country’s 62nd national park. What will change?
Press Release President's Budget Calls for Historic Investment in National Parks in Advance of 2016 Centennial President's Budget Calls for Historic Investment in National Parks in Advance of 2016 Centennial
Press Release Momentum Builds as House Passes Critical Funding for National Park Roads, Bridges and Transportation Systems House bill prioritizes clean water, wildlife protection and resilient infrastructure as parks and communities combat a changing climate
Blog Post How Is the Government Shutdown Affecting National Parks? The looming threat of a government shutdown is now a reality. Here's what it means for our national parks.
Press Release National Parks Group Applauds $16 million Payment Towards the Purchase of Critical lands within Grand Teton to Protect Them from Development Statement by Sharon Mader, Grand Teton Program Manager, National Parks Conservation Association
Press Release Lawsuit Filed Against EPA for its Failure to Protect Alaska Water, Wildlife and Parks Lawsuit charges EPA with failing to protect Alaska fisheries, wildlife, national parks, jobs, communities, and ways of life from the proposed Pebble mine.
Press Release With Repeal of Clean Power Plan, Administration Prioritizes Polluters over the Health of People and National Parks "Administrator Pruitt continues to put the interests of polluters over the air that we breathe, and denies facts about climate science and the effective actions required to protect the public and our parks.”
Press Release New York’s Elected Officials to Congress: Fix Our National Parks, Support Job Creation Analysis demonstrates federal investment in deferred maintenance at parks could create or support 9,847 direct and indirect New York jobs.
Press Release Congressional Hearing Today RE: Government Shutdown and the Closure of National Parks Witnesses to Discuss Shutdown Impacts on the National Park Service & Communities Nationwide
Press Release President’s Budget Proposal Damaging to National Parks as They Continue to Recover from Government Shutdown If enacted, the President's budget would jeopardize the protection, maintenance and operation of our more than 400 national parks across the country.
Press Release New Poll of Likely Voters Finds Unity in Public Support for National Parks Strong bipartisan support for park funding
NPCA at Work Yellowstone Pronghorn Project: Saving Pronghorn at Yellowstone National Park By modifying miles of fencing, NPCA volunteers have worked for years to help Yellowstone pronghorn migrate safely and survive.
Park Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area Once touted as a scenic wonder of the world, the Delaware Water Gap is a mile-long stretch of the Middle Delaware River that slices through two mountains. The park includes the river and 67,000 pristine forested acres where visitors can enjoy hiking, camping, fishing and water sports in one of the cleanest rivers in the country.
Staff Diane Gerrish Diane Gerrish serves as the Regional Director of Development for the Midwest. Diane connects National Parks Conservation Association's most generous Midwest-based supporters with our advocacy and activities to protect our national parks.
NPCA at Work Don't Drill Near Dinosaur The Bureau of Land Management is considering offering oil and gas leases within 5 miles of Dinosaur National Monument, but drilling has no place at the doorstep of this Southwestern park and its world-class fossils.
Staff Lynn McClure Lynn came to NPCA in 2007 to launch the Midwest office in Chicago. As the Regional Director, she leads protection of more than 50 national parks in NPCA’s largest region.
NPCA at Work Protect America's Coral Reefs from Irresponsible Development Developers are looking to construct two different marinas in Coral Bay on St. John, US Virgin Islands, which is surrounded by the lands and waters of Virgin Islands National Park and Coral Reef National Monument.
Park George Washington Carver National Monument Explore George Washington Carver’s home and farm from which he revolutionized 19th Century farming and sustainable agriculture. The park also features his “Secret Garden” which shows his love for the natural world.
Morgan Dodd Morgan Dodd has spent more than 35 years building positive relationships and critical financial support for non-profit organizations in higher education, the arts and conservation.
Seth Shteir Seth joined NPCA’s California Desert Field Office as a Program Manager in 2014.
John Beljean John joined NPCA in July 2015 as the Field Representative out of Mid-Atlantic's Delaware River Field Office.