Search results for “Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve”
Report Center for State of the Parks: Great Basin National Park According to an assessment by the Center for State of the Parks, natural resources at the park are in "good" condition, with a score of 81 out of 100. Overall conditions of Great Basin National Park's known cultural resources rated 66 out of a possible 100, indicating "fair" conditions.
Park Anacostia Park Anacostia Park covers more than 1,200 acres on the banks of the Anacostia River in Washington, D.C. The park includes Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens, Kenilworth Marsh, and the Langston Golf Course, with facilities for baseball, picnics, basketball and tennis, as well as a pavilion for roller skating and special events.
Park White House (Presidents Park) President's Park includes the White House, a visitor center, Lafayette Park, and President's Park South, commonly known as the Ellipse, as well as the White House Gardens.
Park War In The Pacific National Historical Park At War in the Pacific National Historical Park, the former battlefields, gun emplacements, trenches, and historic structures all serve as silent reminders of the bloody World War II battles that raged across the Pacific. The park is known for its historic resources, but the verdant jungles, sandy beaches, turquoise waters, and stunning coral reefs also beckon visitors and residents to enjoy Guam.
Park Death Valley National Park A world of extremes, Death Valley is the nation's driest, hottest and lowest place, but also features mountains over 11,000 feet high that experience below-zero weather and snow, as well as colorful badlands, sand dunes and canyons. Its dramatic mountains, valleys and dunes are world renowned for their complex and diverse geology. The park also contains a wealth of well-preserved archaeological sites and petroglyphs.
Park Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park Located on the Kona coast of the southwestern edge of the Big Island of Hawaii, the park (which translated means “Place of Refuge”) celebrates Hawaiian culture and the native people who took shelter here.
Testimony New and Innovative Ideas for the Next Century of Our National Parks Statement of Craig Obey, Senior Vice President for Government Affairs National Parks Conservation Association Before the House Committee on Natural Resources, Federal Land Subcommittee On New and Innovative Ideas for the Next Century of Our National Parks July 23, 2015
Report Center for State of the Parks: Point Reyes National Seashore Reassessment In 2002, the National Parks Conservation Association's Center for State of the Parks assessed the conditions of the natural and cultural resources within Point Reyes National Seashore.
Press Release With Repeal of Clean Power Plan, Administration Prioritizes Polluters over the Health of People and National Parks "Administrator Pruitt continues to put the interests of polluters over the air that we breathe, and denies facts about climate science and the effective actions required to protect the public and our parks.”
Press Release National Parks Group Applauds $16 million Payment Towards the Purchase of Critical lands within Grand Teton to Protect Them from Development Statement by Sharon Mader, Grand Teton Program Manager, National Parks Conservation Association
Press Release New York’s Elected Officials to Congress: Fix Our National Parks, Support Job Creation Analysis demonstrates federal investment in deferred maintenance at parks could create or support 9,847 direct and indirect New York jobs.
Press Release Congressional Hearing Today RE: Government Shutdown and the Closure of National Parks Witnesses to Discuss Shutdown Impacts on the National Park Service & Communities Nationwide
Press Release New Poll of Likely Voters Finds Unity in Public Support for National Parks Strong bipartisan support for park funding
Press Release Parks Group Files Legal Brief Supporting Challenge of Illegal Removal of Clean Water Protections Amicus brief argues new unlawful water regulation will negatively impact health of national parks and surrounding communities.
Blog Post 4 Park Threats That Could Spoil a Budget Deal Congress is running out of time to put together a plan that offers reliable funding to our national parks — without bogging down the legislation with damaging amendments.
Blog Post After Interior Secretary Zinke’s First 100 Days, the Future Looks Grim for National Parks 5 ways the official at the helm of America’s public lands has been charting a troubling course for national parks during the first few months of his tenure.
Press Release Bill Expanding Public-Private Partnerships Victory for National Parks Bipartisan-Supported Centennial Bill Would Help Address National Park Needs and Engage Youth
Press Release Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Jump Start Overdue Maintenance Projects in National Parks Bipartisan legislation from Kilmer, Hurd, Hanabusa, and Reichert would help reduce the more than $11 billion park maintenance backlog.
Press Release National Park Visitation Generated $32 Billion for National Economy in 2015 Boost to Local Economies Underscores Need to Adequately Fund, Maintain Parks
Blog Post Why I’m Speaking Out to Protect the Park I Love Meridian Energy Group is just a few permits away from building a proposed oil refinery 3 miles from the entrance to Theodore Roosevelt’s namesake park, but economic growth in North Dakota does not have to come at the expense of one of America’s most special places.
Press Release With Unanimous Support, Senate Passes the National Park Service Centennial Act Centennial bill will help address national park needs and engage youth
Blog Post Why Science Matters for National Parks National parks have a long history of supporting scientific discovery. Let’s continue to fund the world-class research at our country’s most iconic and inspirational places.
Blog Post Congress Passes Major Bipartisan National Parks and Public Lands Package Today’s sweeping victory represents significant expansions and enhancements to America’s national parks and public lands.
Blog Post An Insiders’ Guide to Yellowstone National Park Yellowstone: It’s one of the most remarkable and revered travel destinations in the world and the place that defined the very concept of public land conservation. Get a taste of why this park and the larger ecosystem that surrounds it are so special — and how to plan an extraordinary trip.
Press Release Government Shutdown and Additional Funding Cuts Threaten National Parks, Visitors and Local Communities Nationwide Federal government shutdown threatens to close national parks across the country impacting local economies as well as family vacation and school trips
Press Release Administration Takes Science Out of Park Management “DO 100” Policy Brought Better Science, Climate Concerns to Park Planning
Blog Post From a Top-Secret Mission to a Public Park A Q&A with Atomic Heritage Foundation founder Cynthia Kelly on her quest to preserve the history of the Manhattan Project as part of America's newest national park.
Blog Post Congress: Time to Stop Bickering and Keep Our National Parks Open One beloved national park is already closing facilities in reaction to budget cuts.
Press Release Made in America: New Report Finds National Parks at a Tipping Point Leading Into Super Committee Deadline National Parks Group Urges the Need for Wise Investments to Support Jobs and Communities Nationwide
Press Release Yellowstone National Park Superintendent Honored with Stephen T. Mather Conservation Award National Parks Conservation Association Award Given at 37th Annual Ranger Rendezvous Conference
Press Release House Advances Interior Funding Bill that Prioritizes National Parks, Wildlife and Local Communities Once again a group of lawmakers is speaking up for the future of our public lands and public health as the House today passed legislation to put our parks back on track.
Press Release Proposed Manhattan Project National Historical Park Would Help U.S. Remember and Learn From History Three sites are proposed for park to interpret and facilitate discussion surrounding the complex stories of the Manhattan Project and the resulting impacts of atomic power and nuclear technology
Press Release President Proposes Large Funding Boost for National Parks President's budget for fiscal year 2017 calls for significant increase in funding for the National Park Service as the agency celebrates its centennial year
Policy Update Background: The Economics of National Parks Not only are America’s national parks some of the most awe-inspiring places in the world, they are also huge economic generators for the local communities that surround them.
Press Release House Moves to Encourage Drilling in National Parks Reversal of drilling rules part of larger attempt by Congress to weaken park protections.
Press Release Parks Experience Record Visitation While Dealing with Staff Cuts and Growing Maintenance Backlog For years, rampant underfunding coupled with staff cuts and increased visitation has required park staff to do far more with much less.
Press Release Trump Proposals Fail National Parks Park repairs come at expense of cuts to budget and environmental protections.
Press Release Administration Raids More Funds from Parks for Independence Day Spectacle Siphoning off desperately needed money from our national parks to pay for a spectacle on our National Mall is both reckless and a breach of the public’s trust.
Infographic Open & Shut? National Park Funding 2014 Infographic: National park funding
Report Center for State of the Parks: Cumberland Island National Seashore According to an assessment by NPCA's Center for State of the Parks, current overall conditions of Cumberland Island's known cultural resources rated a "poor" score of 55 out of 100.
Liz Ackley As Associate Director of Foundation Relations, Liz Ackley writes and manages grants for NPCA’s regional and national programs. Her favorite national park is Yosemite.
Valerie Naylor Valerie Naylor is the former superintendent of Theodore Roosevelt National Park. She currently serves as a consultant to NPCA’s Northern Rockies Region.
Heather Lukacs and Scott Kirkwood Heather Lukacs is a program manager for NPCA’s West Virginia Field Office, and a founding member of the New River Clean Water Alliance; Lukacs has led white-water rafting excursions through the gorge since she was a high school senior. Scott Kirkwood is the editor in chief of National Parks magazine; his first white-water rafting trip was on the New River 20 years ago.
Whitney Tome Whitney Tome joined NPCA in 2014. She focused on enhancing NPCA's diversity and inclusion efforts, and she loves enjoying and visiting national parks.
Staff Nicolas Brulliard Nicolas is a journalist and former geologist who joined NPCA in November 2015. He writes and edits online content for NPCA and serves as senior editor of National Parks magazine.