Search results for “National Mall and Memorial Parks”
Park World War I Memorial This monument honors all veterans throughout the country that served in World War I. Before being designated as its own individual unit of the National Park System, this park was previously dedicated to General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, who served as General of the Armies in World War I and known as "Pershing Park." The memorial in the heart of downtown D.C.'s Washington Mall features a statue of General Pershing, walls and benches describing his achievements in World War I, a fountain, a pond (which serves as an ice rink in the winter), and flower beds.
Park World War II Memorial This memorial on the National Mall stands across the reflecting pool from the Lincoln Memorial, honoring all who served under the U.S. flag at home and abroad during World War II and inviting visitors to ponder the scope of the war that cost 405,399 American lives. Around an oval pool studded with fountains rise 56 granite columns adorned with bronze wreaths and the names of every state, district and territory that sent its sons and daughters to war. Two towers celebrate the Allied victories in the Atlantic and Pacific. Each of the 4,048 gold stars on the memorial wall represents 100 lives lost in the fight for freedom.
Magazine Article No English? No Problem. As the number of international visitors to national parks rises, the Park Service is speaking up — in multiple languages.
Blog Post 50 Years Later: Reflecting on the Significance of Earth Day The first Earth Day launched her career as an environmental historian and her path as an activist. Now, even as the pandemic keeps her at home, she commemorates the lasting significance of the Earth Day movement.
Blog Post The 9 Best Things We Saw Online During the Government Shutdown The federal government shutdown was an agonizing time for people around the country, including the thousands of Park Service staff, contractors, business owners, and tourists who love and depend on our national parks. If something positive came out of all this, it was that park closures reminded so many of us how much we truly value these wonderful places.
Magazine Article Back to the Land What on Earth does farming have to do with the Chesapeake Bay? As it turns out, everything.
Press Release Park Advocates Celebrate New National Park Commemorating Women's Equality Belmont-Paul Women's Equality National Monument will tell the story of the women’s suffrage movement and the fight for equal rights
Magazine Article A Thousand Miles in a Hundred Days Photographer Carlton Ward, Jr., leads a team of explorers on an ambitious, self-propelled journey through the Everglades and beyond.
Blog Post NPCA Staff Get on Their Bikes to Help the Climate Seven years ago, when I first started working at NPCA, I never would have imagined I would be taking part in a five-day, 325-mile bike ride with my coworkers—which is why I am excited to announce that NPCA will have a seven-person staff team participate in the NYC to DC Climate Ride September 21-25—and yes, I’ll be part of it! We will be riding to bring awareness to our national park work and how climate change, sustainability, and bike advocacy overlap.
Blog Post Trivia Challenge: The Most Celebrated People in the Park System Q: National parks don’t just preserve spectacular landscapes and wildlife. They also honor the people who have changed history and influenced American culture, from the Wright brothers to Harriet Tubman to Eugene O’Neill. Two noteworthy people have more national park sites named after them than anyone else, with four sites each. Can you name these two celebrated historic figures?
Blog Post Remembering the Little-Known Battle at One of the Best-Preserved Civil War Parks One hundred and fifty years ago today, in the normally quiet and peaceful countryside just east of Pea Ridge, Arkansas, the largest Civil War battle west of the Mississippi River started.
Magazine Article Gone But Not Forgotten Fossil Cycad National Monument was removed from the Park Service in 1957, but the story doesn’t end there.
Blog Post Pushing the Limits “There is nothing like pushing your physical limits to help you remember you're alive and capable of pushing,” my coworker and teammate Elizabeth Jordan reflected.
Press Release Victory for Grand Canyon: Forest Service Rejects Project That Would Spell Disaster Agency denies Stilo Development Group’s plan to build road, infrastructure through Kaibab National Forest.
Blog Post Lessons from the Wildlife Brigade Our job was simple: hike to Marion Lake in Granite Canyon. Tack on a few more details, like a novice backpacker, an unknown wilderness, a leaky can of tuna, and a problem bear, and things get a little more complicated.
Blog Post Free Entrance to All National Parks on Monday, Martin Luther King, Jr., Day Commemorate the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., at a national park—free—on January 21.
Blog Post A Winning Combination for the Grand Canyon Here's how your letters of support helped to stop one of the most serious threats to this iconic park since it was designated nearly 100 years ago.
Press Release Hundreds of People Voice Support for New National Park Commemorating Women's Equality Today’s public meeting part of ongoing process to establish new national park site
Magazine Article Symphony in Bronze Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site celebrates the sculptor who gave form to some of our nation’s memories.
Magazine Article A Park-Loving Justice? Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland has a soft spot for national parks.
Magazine Article Arching Forward The Park Service embraces a new vision for the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial in St. Louis.
Press Release Paving Paradise: Massive Development Proposal Advances at the Doorstep to Joshua Tree 5,000 acre housing development proposal threatens Joshua Tree National Park plant and wildlife, cultural sites and dark night skies
Magazine Article Mission Outdoors Sierra Club program provides healing and camaraderie for war veterans.
Magazine Article Park Ink This niche community is obsessed with national parks, and these folks have the stamps to prove it.
Magazine Article Creative Access Some visitors with disabilities are venturing farther into parks with the help of specialized backpacks, family and friends.
Blog Post Where the Rainbow Flag Began This highly visible symbol of pride arose from an idea of hope and power more than 40 years ago at a site that could be worthy of national recognition.
Press Release Parks Group Condemns Violent Assault on US Capitol The rioters did not win. President Trump did not win. In fact, our commitment to our democracy is even more resolute.
Blog Post Kids Need Nature: Here’s a Free Way to Get Them Outdoors Young people benefit from time in nature, but it is up to adults to help get them outside. A new free pass for fourth graders can help
Blog Post 7 Facts About Bats in Honor of National Bat Week October 24 through 31 is a special time to celebrate the small but mighty mammals among us: bats! Here are a few facts about these important yet misunderstood creatures and their history in our national parks
Magazine Article Man of Letters A third-generation stone carver, Nicholas Benson has left enduring marks on some of the park system’s most iconic monuments.
Magazine Article Welcome to the Family! Three new parks joined the system this fall.
Magazine Article Early Birds & Night Owls Could a trio of devoted birders break a Washington, D.C., bird-watching record set in 1989?