Search results for “Petrified Forest National Park”
Park Everglades National Park One of the largest wetlands in the world, this iconic "River of Grass" protects 1.5 million acres of subtropical wilderness in South Florida.
Report The State of America’s National Parks The goal of the Center for Park Research’s decade-long effort has been to understand the condition of natural and cultural resources in our national parks and—based on the threats and successes identified—recommend strategies to expand National Park Service successes and improve park health. This publication presents the results of these efforts.
Fact Sheet Support Funding for National Parks Damaged by Hurricane Sandy Hurricane Sandy destroyed communities from the Mid-Atlantic through the Northeastern states, hurting families and businesses. The vast impact of the storm also includes unprecedented damage to many areas of the National Park System. Absorbing these costs would have major budgetary consequences for an already overstretched and underfunded National Park System.
Report Preservation Maintenance in the National Parks Have you ever heard someone mention the National Park Service’s maintenance backlog and just wanted to tune it out, thinking “ugh, it’s enormous and there’s never going to be a way to deal with it?”
Blog Post What Park Should You Visit Next? Take Our Quiz With more than 400 sites in the National Park System, picking a destination can be challenging. Answer 8 simple questions and we’ll help point you in the right direction.
Blog Post Gorgeous New Book Explores National Parks in Art If you've ever gone to a national park and been moved to pick up a paintbrush, sketch pad, or set of pastels, you're far from alone. These inspirational places have motivated countless artists throughout the years, resulting in everything from paintings and photographs to dance performances and classical music.
Blog Post The Country’s Oldest Trail-Running Race Is a Grueling Trip Through Beautiful Parks The Dipsea Race began as a bet between friends 115 years ago and now passes through two national park sites on its strenuous 7.5-mile route. The history and rules of this longstanding contest are as quirky as the scenery is beautiful.
Press Release Zinke Must Use Florida Trip to Call for Relief Funding for National Parks His visit comes at a critical time as the administration prepares their proposal to Congress to provide needed funding relief to devastated communities.
Blog Post Commercial Beef Cattle in America’s National Parks: Are You Serious? Cattle grazing is not compatible with responsible public land management practices in most cases. Yet new legislation could double the length of time commercial ranchers can graze their animals.
Blog Post 10 Hidden Gems in the National Park System Want to explore a few remarkable places off the beaten path? These 10 NPCA picks offer great ways to escape the crowds while enjoying unique, underappreciated natural and cultural treasures around the country.
Press Release Interior Targets Alaska Park Bear Cubs and Wolf Pups with Final Hunting Plan “Amid the global pandemic, the Trump administration is declaring open season on bears and wolves through its sport hunting rule on national parklands in Alaska" -- NPCA President and CEO Theresa Pierno
Report Winners of the National Park Heritage Award, 2011 List of 34 members of the House of Representatives currently serving in Congress that will receive recognition for their votes on seven national park creation or expansion-related votes in the 111th Congress (2009-2010).
Report Center for State of the Parks: Muir Woods National Monument Current overall conditions of the known natural resources at Muir Woods National Monument rated a “good” score of 81 out of a possible 100. Overall conditions of the park’s known cultural resources rated 67 out of a possible 100, indicating “fair” conditions.
Blog Post Which National Park Beach Should You Visit Next? Sunny or cool? Wild or urban? Oceanfront or lakeside? The National Park System offers so many exceptional beach vacations. Take our quiz to get a great option for your next place to bask in the sun and sand.
Blog Post What Park Should You Visit When It's Safe to Travel Again? Stay home during the COVID-19 pandemic to keep yourself safe ... but keep dreaming of park adventures and take time to plan ahead for your next trip.
Press Release NPCA Supports Nomination of Tommy Beaudreau for Department of the Interior Deputy Secretary and Shannon Estenoz for Assistant Secretary of Fish, Wildlife and Parks Now, more than ever, we need strong leaders like Tommy Beaudreau and Shannon Estenoz to speak up for our treasured landscapes and the irreplaceable wildlife they protect.
Blog Post 2017 in Review: The Trump Administration’s 10 Worst Actions for Parks It's been a brutal year for public lands.
Press Release Finalized Moab Energy Plan Protects National Parks New Administration Should Embrace Process Promoting Local Input on Federal Lands Leasing
Press Release Fighting for Commonsense Protections for Washington’s National Parks Washington State Pollution Control Hearing Board decision to allow expansion of oil refinery in Puget Sound appealed
Press Release Moab Master Leasing Plan Alternatives Could Provide Critical Protections for Arches and Canyonlands National Parks Statement by NPCA Southwest Senior Regional Director David Nimkin
Press Release EPA Approves Weak Texas Haze Plan, Promoting More Air Pollution for our Communities and National Parks The agency charged with protecting public health and our environment continues to go to great lengths to weaken our nation’s clean air laws.
Press Release State’s Plan for Water Storage Fails to Consider Best Options for Sending Water South to Everglades National Park More land is needed to store and treat more water.
Press Release Florida Legislature Moves to Restore Everglades National Park, Florida’s Estuaries Senate Bill 10 will improve health of larger ecosystem impacted by polluted waters.
Blog Post If These Parks Could Talk 150 years ago, Grant’s Overland Campaign changed the course of the Civil War. See where it happened this spring.
Policy Update The Undoing Of Our Public Lands and National Parks Since the Trump administration began in January 2017, a series of actions taken at the presidential and departmental level have undermined, degraded and outright attacked the laws that protect our public lands and the agencies that manage them.
Policy Update Testimony: S. 2257, National Park Service Centennial Act Written testimony by Theresa Pierno for the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources hearing on December 8, 2015.
Press Release Sens. Warner, Portman Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Address National Park Service Maintenance Backlog NPS has a $12 billion backlog in deferred and overdue maintenance – half is critical transportation infrastructure
Press Release President's Budget Proposes Needed Investment in National Parks, Preparing Them for Historic Centennial in 2016 Statement by NPCA Chief Operating Officer Theresa Pierno
Press Release National Parks Boast a $34 Billion Boom as Budget Cuts Loom Record visitation pumps billions into national, local economies in 2016.
Press Release National Park Groups Warn of Water Pipeline's Threats to Health, Habitat, and Heritage Bureau of Land Management's Final Environmental Impact Statement for Nevada Water Pipeline Released Today
Blog Post A National Park Made for Life Lists No matter what experiences you like to “collect,” Channel Islands has it all — including glimpses of the rare island scrub-jay
Press Release Conservation Groups Call on Interior Secretary to Protect Clean Air in Rocky Mountain National Park Groups Take Aim at Hazy Skies, Inadequate State Rules; Call for Better Pollution Controls for Coal-Burning Power Plants
Press Release Public Gets More Time to Protest National Park Fee Hike Administration extends public comment period by one month.
Press Release Alternative Spring Break Brings Passionate Students to Cuyahoga Valley National Park Students spend break working on projects for Cuyahoga Valley trail and habitat restoration
Press Release More Action Needed to Hold Polluters Accountable; Toxic Chemicals Continue to Spill into Waterways at Indiana Dunes National Park Lack of enforcement opens the door for future illegal discharges, resulting in more beach closures and potential harm to visitor health and wildlife at Indiana Dunes.
Policy Update Position on Addressing National Park Infrastructure Needs NPCA submitted the following position to members of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works ahead of hearings scheduled for the week on May 15, 2017.
Eric K. Olson Eric Olson serves as the Regional Director of Development for the Mid-Atlantic Region. In this role Eric engages National Parks Conservation Association's most generous supporters in our advocacy and activities to protect our national parks.
Staff and Government Affairs Emily Douce As the Director of Budget & Appropriations for the Government Affairs team, Emily Douce researches and advocates for additional funding for the national parks, both through appropriations and supplementary sources.
Staff Tracy Kramer Tracy is proud to work for NPCA because “What’s good for our national parks is good for the people, the land, our shared history and most importantly – our shared future. Leaving our national treasures unimpaired for future generations is important work and I’m excited to be a part of it."
Staff Sarah Lundstrum Sarah joined NPCA in 2012 as the Glacier Field Representative in Whitefish, Montana. Her work is focused in and around Glacier National Park with an emphasis on community organizing throughout the Crown of the Continent.
Park Fossil Butte National Monument You will find some of the world's best preserved fossils at the 50 million year old Green River Lake beds of Fossil Butte National Monument in Wyoming. If you want to get hands on, you can visit a fossil research quarry and assist park staff as they collect fossils.
Park Fire Island National Seashore This 32-mile stretch of barrier island offers beaches and historic buildings, dunes and maritime forests, and a dynamic coastal landscape with hiking, boating, camping and wildlife-watching opportunities.
Park Alibates Flint Quarries National Monument This park's remote mineral deposits are a unique trove like nowhere else in the world. Native Americans have quarried the flint in this region of the Texas Panhandle since the Ice Age for its superior durability.
Park Delaware National Scenic River The Delaware is the largest free-flowing river in the country. Visitors can boat, fish, hike, visit cultural sites and explore the gorges, bluffs, forests and wetlands of this geologically diverse waterway.
Teresa Turk Teresa worked out of Arkansas on issues related to the Buffalo National River.