Search results for “Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site”
Park John Fitzgerald Kennedy National Historic Site The building where one of America’s most revered presidents began his life was tiny as well as modest. Eight people shared the home with its small but comfortably furnished rooms and its single bathroom.
Park New Orleans Jazz National Historical Park An entire park site devoted to jazz, right in the heart of the French Quarter, where even the park rangers serenade you? It’s a dream come true for music lovers who want to learn more about this distinctly American art form fused from the roots of the blues, swing, ragtime, and gospel traditions. Though relatively few national park sites are devoted to the arts, visitors to New Orleans can learn about pivotal figures like Louis Armstrong and Jelly Roll Morton and enjoy live performances and ranger-led educational programs five days a week. The park’s four main sites include a jazz museum and a performing arts center at the Old U.S. Mint building, a National Historic Landmark in the French Quarter.
Park Lincoln Memorial National Memorial This famous monument in Washington, D.C., honors the Great Emancipator, 16th U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, with a 19-foot marble statue under a 99-foot-tall structure modeled after the Greek Parthenon. Completed in 1922, this monument is one of the most-visited national park sites in the country, and includes murals, inscriptions from two of Lincoln’s speeches, and fluted Doric columns representing the 36 states in the union at the time of his death.
Park Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Historical Park Harriet Tubman escaped from brutal slave owners in 1849 and risked her life to help bring many more enslaved Americans to freedom via the Underground Railroad; this park a testament to her remarkable legacy of fighting for the equal rights of all people. Its 25,000 acres also encompass beautiful natural areas for wildlife-watching, hiking, biking, and paddling. The park includes large portions of the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge in Dorchester County, Maryland, where Tubman spent much of her early life, as well as the home site of Jacob Jackson, a free black man who helped Tubman in her efforts to free others.
Park Gateway National Recreation Area Created in 1972, Gateway is located in the outer New York-New Jersey Harbor, protecting more than 26,000 acres of land and offering an array of recreational, cultural and natural experiences. More than 330 species of birds and 71 species of butterflies live within the park or stop over at Gateway during their seasonal migrations. Gateway's buildings, landscapes and archaeological sites offer great examples of America's coastal defenses from the Revolutionary War through the Cold War.
Policy Update Position on S.3073, Interior Appropriations & Amendments NPCA submitted the following position to the U.S. Senate ahead of expected floor debate and votes the week of July 23, 2018.
Magazine Article Back to the Land What on Earth does farming have to do with the Chesapeake Bay? As it turns out, everything.
Magazine Article If a Tree Falls, They’ll Hear it An innovative tool calculates the level of noise pollution across the country.
Magazine Article On A Ledge Wolverines may soon be listed as a threatened species.
Blog Post Are You Heading for Eclipse Chaos? Me, Too John Day Fossil Beds National Monument in Oregon — one of the best spots in the country to view the solar eclipse on Monday — is expecting a quarter of its annual visitors in just one day. Should I brave the crowds?
Press Release National Parks Group Echoes Former Interior Secretary's Call to Preserve Public Lands Statement by Tom Kiernan, President, National Parks Conservation Association
Press Release House Natural Resources Chair Introduces Centennial Act Draft Bill Would Establish Fund for Public-Private Partnerships to Fix Up Parks
Magazine Article Creative Access Some visitors with disabilities are venturing farther into parks with the help of specialized backpacks, family and friends.
Press Release New Mexico Park Advocate Awarded Quivira Coalition’s Radical Center Award for Conservation NPCA's Ernie Atencio cited for his many years of conservation work and respected compendium of published writings.
Blog Post See National Parks Through Artists’ Eyes A new book features 85 posters of national parks by contemporary artists and designers.
Blog Post Building (on) Bridges For nearly a century, Anacostia Park in Washington, D.C., has served as a playground for area residents while also preserving a critical shoreline area and protecting the natural scenery and water quality of the Anacostia River. The 1,200 acres of parkland along the river’s banks have seen recent improvements with more opportunities for recreational access, including the Anacostia Riverwalk Trail, a 28-mile shared-use trail that connects 16 communities from the National Mall at the Tidal Basin to Bladensburg, Maryland, as well as the Anacostia Water Trail, a nine-mile scenic stretch of the river for paddlers.
Blog Post Can Volunteers Build a Bigger Thicket? Dedicated Texans will put on their work gloves this winter to help a tree we’ve been loving to death
Blog Post Is Your Representative a Friend of the National Parks? Does anything ever get done in Washington, D.C.? The news constantly portrays Capitol Hill as a deadlocked and rancorous place where good ideas get shot down in a seemingly endless cycle of partisan wrangling.
Magazine Article Call in the Wild Search and rescue, CPR, a hair-raising ambulance ride. All in a day’s work for a paramedic in Yosemite.
Press Release National Parks at a Crossroads: 9 #ParksInPeril National Parks Conservation Association Initiative Calls for Strong Actions by the Obama Administration to Protect Crown Jewels
Policy Update Position on the Clean Power Plan NPCA, along with partners, submitted the following position to the EPA in response to their effort to repeal the Clean Power Plan.
Press Release Badger-Two Medicine: Too Sacred to Drill US Interior Department moves to cancel Solenex lease in the Badger-Two Medicine
Blog Post National Parks Play Vital Role in Restoring Great Lakes The national parks of the Great Lakes provide valuable economic benefits for the region. Now, an important source of federal funding will help protect what makes these places so special.
Blog Post An Important Step for Wildlife at Isle Royale The wolf population at this remote Michigan park has been dwindling for years. A new plan, supported by the island’s eminent researcher, will benefit the animals and the ecology of the island.
Press Release Victory! State Reaches Deal to Remove Industrial Hog Farm from Buffalo National River Watershed Now this treasured landscape will be properly protected for future generations to safely experience and enjoy.
Policy Update Position on Draft Onshore Energy Bills NPCA submitted the following positions to members of the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources ahead of a hearing scheduled for June 6, 2018.
Blog Post NPCA Urges Congress to Avoid Across-the-Board Budget Cuts to National Parks NPCA and other public interest groups concerned about the impact of looming budget cuts to federal programs delivered a letter to Congress and the Obama administration last week urging decision-makers to avert sequestration—the steep mandatory budget cuts that will go into effect this January if lawmakers do not act to prevent them.
Magazine Article A Park-Loving Justice? Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland has a soft spot for national parks.
Press Release San Bernardino County Scorches Country’s Most Harmful Solar Project In a majority vote, the San Bernardino County Supervisors rejected key permits for the industrial-sized Soda Mountain Solar proposal - considered one of the most controversial renewable energy projects in the country.
Press Release Bipartisan Bill Offers Funding Opportunity for National Park Repairs The Restore Our Parks Act includes significant investment in national parks’ $11.6 billion maintenance backlog
Magazine Article Lest We Forget One man's 30-year mission to honor the lives of more than 260 Park Service employees and volunteers who died while working in the parks.
Press Release Parks Group Appeals Judge’s Ruling that Allows Construction of Dominion Transmission Line at Historic Jamestown NPCA continues to fight in court to protect one of our nation’s most historic regions.
Magazine Article A Chance for Freedom During the War of 1812, hundreds of enslaved African Americans gained their freedom on Cumberland Island by joining the ranks of the British occupier. For some, liberation was fleeting.
Magazine Article The Lost Village The Japanese invaded this Alaskan island during WWII and sent the residents to Japan. Half died there; none ever returned home.
Blog Post 50 Years Later: Reflecting on the Significance of Earth Day The first Earth Day launched her career as an environmental historian and her path as an activist. Now, even as the pandemic keeps her at home, she commemorates the lasting significance of the Earth Day movement.