Search results for “Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail”
Magazine Article A Grand Teton Winter Experience a simpler, quieter side of Grand Teton National Park.
Press Release Omnibus Budget Boosts Funding for National Parks Makes Critical Investments in National Parks, Extends LWCF
Magazine Article A Whale’s Last Song After a renowned humpback whale was killed by a cruise ship, her carefully preserved remains were transformed into one of the biggest whale-skeleton exhibits in the country.
Press Release Budget Proposal Threatens National Parks Cuts to Interior Department, EPA puts parks, park resources in jeopardy.
Policy Update Position on Amendments to Senate Budget Resolution NPCA submitted the following positions on amendments to the budget resolution under consideration by the Senate in March 2015.
Blog Post State of Arkansas Wastes Taxpayer Money in Flawed Water Monitoring Study The fight to protect the Buffalo National River from an industrial hog farm continues to twist and turn, much like the river itself.
Blog Post Improving America’s Water Infrastructure A quick guide to the Water Resources Development Act and why it matters for national parks.
Blog Post 11 of America’s Best National Park Beaches Need some sun and surf in your travel plans? NPCA staff highlight top beach vacation spots at national parks around the country.
Blog Post One-of-a-Kind Destinations: 11 National Park Curiosities National parks preserve wondrous landscapes, stories, and artifacts—as well as a whole host of weird and exceptional sights. From wacky-looking rocks to giant monuments of steel, here’s a short list of places to explore that are like nowhere else in the world.
Blog Post Alaska: Reflections from a Guest in the Wilderness A visit to Denali National Park uncovers the fascination in all that "folly."
Press Release Disappointing: Supreme Court To Reconsider Park Service Authority Over Waterways in Alaska The Supreme Court agreed to consider a case involving the National Park Service’s ability to regulate hovercraft and other activities on navigable waters within national park boundaries.
Blog Post 9 Civil War Battlefields You Helped Save 150 years ago this month, General Robert E. Lee surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House in Virginia, leading to the end of the Civil War. The conflict cost more than 600,000 American lives and nearly split our nation in two.
Press Release House Passes Funding Package that Threatens Parks’ Environment Bill filled with damaging proposals that weaken air, water and wildlife protections
Press Release America's Great Outdoors Report Provides A Promising Vision for Connecting Americans to Our National Parks New conservation plan helps preserve and connect Americans to our national heritage
Blog Post 5 Summer Tips to Leave No Trace Outdoors Ways to enjoy day trips and vacations while causing minimal harm to the landscape.
Magazine Article On A Ledge Wolverines may soon be listed as a threatened species.
Policy Update Position on S. 1403, S. 1645, S. 1646, S. 2102, H.R. 965 & H.R. 2897 NPCA submitted the following positions to the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources ahead of a Business Meeting scheduled for May 17, 2018.
Magazine Article Mission Outdoors Sierra Club program provides healing and camaraderie for war veterans.
Magazine Article The Beaver That Didn’t Give a Dam Solving the mystery of the ancient Palaeocastor.
Blog Post President Obama Preserves Three Important Sites in America’s History, Honors Civil War Hero Harriet Tubman The Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad, First State, and Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monuments will enhance and diversify our National Park System to more adequately reflect our cultural heritage.
Blog Post Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Last Year He was a visionary leader whose vision didn't always match with those he led; on the 50th anniversary of King's assassination, NPCA's cultural affairs director reflects on the tumult and joy of his final days.
Blog Post 4 Park Threats That Could Spoil a Budget Deal Congress is running out of time to put together a plan that offers reliable funding to our national parks — without bogging down the legislation with damaging amendments.
Magazine Article Between a (Kindness) Rock and a Hard Place People leave behind painted rocks to brighten strangers’ days, but in national parks they’re fueling controversy and less-than-civil debate.
Magazine Article The Lion Catcher Biologist Eric York lived to help wild carnivores, but he didn’t get a chance to finish his life’s work.
Magazine Article The Case of the Shrinking Moose A new study reveals the surprising effects of climate change on this iconic species in Isle Royale National Park.
Policy Update Position on Fiscal Year 2018 Omnibus Appropriations NPCA submitted the following position to congressional leadership and members of the appropriations committees during negotiations regarding FY18 final appropriations.
Blog Post “A Gift of the Whole People” NPCA recently forged a new partnership with the organization I helped found, ioby, as a way to provide a platform for local groups to crowdfund projects in our country’s beloved national parks. It sounds like a cutting-edge idea, and it is—though another cause beat us to the punch by more than a hundred years.
Press Release EPA's Proposed Texas Haze Plan Will Keep Air Across Our National Parks Hazy Proposed EPA Haze Plan fails to require modern pollution controls on Texas Coal plants
Magazine Article The Life Aquatic At New York City’s Harbor School, students use Gateway National Recreation Area’s maritime environment as their classroom—and preparation for life after graduation.
Press Release Senate Committee Passes Transportation Bill to Increase Funding for National Park Roadways “This bipartisan legislation comes at a critical time for our National Park System, as roads, bridges, tunnels and transportation systems are reaching a breaking point at many park sites across the country." - Emily Douce, NPCA's Director of Operations and Park Funding