Search results for “Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve”
Park Black Canyon Of The Gunnison National Park This park protects a 12-mile stretch of the Gunnison River as it flows through an exceptionally deep and narrow gorge. The steep canyon walls keep out much of the sunlight, giving it a dark appearance and inspiring the "Black Canyon" name. Visitors can enjoy trout fishing and challenging paddling conditions on the river; rock climbers can also choose from 145 remote and challenging climbs throughout the park.
Park Badlands National Park This park's sharply textured rock formations share a 244,000-acre landscape with the largest protected mixed-grass prairie in the United States.
Fact Sheet Support National Park Funding in FY16 Next year’s 100th anniversary of the National Park System provides an exciting and historic opportunity to ensure our national parks have the resources they need to thrive in their second century and beyond. The centennial should catalyze a revitalized commitment to protect America’s most special places, as we saw with a renewed investment on the System’s 50th anniversary. The National Park Service is entrusted with these treasured sites, but it is Congress that is entrusted with making sure they will last.
Press Release National Parks Group Asks Pennsylvania Court to Protect Upper Delaware National Scenic and Recreational River Friend of the Court brief filed in support of the Upper Delaware Council’s lawsuit to prevent the expansion of a quarry in Lakawaxen Township
Blog Post The Park at the Heart of World Pride New York City’s Stonewall National Monument commemorates 50 years of history this week as NPCA and our supporters continue to explore preserving important sites in LGBTQ history.
Press Release Coalition of Public Health, Environmental and Conservation Groups Speak Up to Protect National Park Waterways Dismantling the Stream Protection Rule threatens clean water protections and puts communities at risk
Blog Post How National Parks Led Me to My U.S. Citizenship Public lands belong to all of us. Sometimes, they help us realize that we belong to them, too.
Blog Post Can Pullman's Planned Community Become Chicago's First National Park? Picture this: Big city expressways and a network of train tracks lined with industry, businesses, city buildings, and schools—for miles. Then, out of the landscape rises a giant clock tower. This is your first glimpse of the Historic Pullman District on Chicago’s South Side.
Press Release National Parks Group Advocates Preserving Bear and Wolf Populations to Alaska Board of Game Testified with backing of letters from nearly 1,700 NPCA supporters in Alaska and throughout the northwestern United States
Press Release Parks Group Stands Up for National Monuments NPCA joins more than 450 groups in support of Antiquities Act
Blog Post Park Allies Target an Unwelcome Guest at Petrified Forest: Tumbleweed I love living in Arizona. The natural landscapes have always been among my favorite places to explore, with its many climates and ecosystems, including the desert, forests, mountains, and canyons. Yet, the native flora and fauna in my state face a serious threat: invasive species.
Press Release Park group welcomes Interior report on oil and gas program Report acknowledges significant flaws in existing oil and gas program and proposes sensible reforms
Press Release Parks Group Champions Alabama Black Belt National Heritage Area The Alabama Black Belt National Heritage Area would protect stories of our nation's diverse heritage, from pre-colonial Native American cities to early American rural life to the American Civil Rights Movement and beyond.
Press Release New Climate Guidance Benefits National Parks, Yet Comes Under Fire in Congress NPCA supports final guidance, which affirms that climate change is and must be a core consideration of any environmental review process
Press Release Parks Group Responds to Management Plans that Threaten Grand Staircase-Escalante and Future of All National Monuments Plan Undermines Standards for National Monument Protections, Ignores Public Opposition and Ongoing Litigation Over Reduced Boundaries
Press Release Management Plans for Bears Ears, Grand Staircase Opens Door for Destructive Development Near Surrounding National Park Sites Through these proposed plans, the administration is choosing the most damaging options of the alternatives presented.
Blog Post Prevent Wolf Hunting in Wyoming’s National Parks Losing these important predators would have a ripple effect on the entire ecosystem.
Press Release Administration Launches Latest Attack on Endangered National Park Wildlife The rule essentially hands the keys to critical habitat protection for America’s threatened and endangered species over to industry.
Press Release Parks Group Condemns Violent Assault on US Capitol The rioters did not win. President Trump did not win. In fact, our commitment to our democracy is even more resolute.
Magazine Article Your Park Stories These lands are your lands; these tales are your tales.
Blog Post View a 'Ring of Fire' from National Parks This Sunday Annular eclipse to brighten night-sky viewing in the West this weekend
Blog Post Restoring Land to Protect Joshua Tree National Park What are the ingredients for a successful restoration event?
Blog Post New National Park Site Showcases Women's Fight for Right to Vote The Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality National Monument preserves decades of passionate work in the struggle for suffrage and gender equality. Here's a peek at some of this colorful history.
Blog Post Could Space Exploration Harm National Parks? Two proposed new spaceport sites are alarmingly close to national seashores in Florida and Georgia. If approved, rocket launches from these sites could cause serious harm to protected lands.
Blog Post The National Park Site That Was Almost Blown Up It was an explosion that created Sunset Crater in northern Arizona. Another proposed explosion almost led to its demise.
Blog Post The Country’s Smallest National Park Site A memorial in downtown Philadelphia preserves epic tales of war and freedom in just 0.02 acres of space.
Blog Post The Poacher and the Bootleg Lady Thanks to a recent purchase by the National Park Service, we can all remember the colorful story of an unusual couple from the early days of Glacier National Park.
Magazine Article Shifting Tides Once nearly extinct, sea otters have staged a remarkable comeback, but some coastal parks still struggle to retain these curious, sensitive mammals.
Blog Post Energy Development on Public Lands: The Next Four Years On the eastern side of Glacier National Park, rugged peaks give way to high plains where the Glacier border meets Blackfeet tribal lands. On these lands next door to Glacier, oil and gas companies are in the early stages of exploration.
Park Birmingham Civil Rights National Monument In the 1960s, Birmingham, Alabama, was one of the most segregated places in the United States. In 1963, civil rights leaders Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. organized nonviolent protests in the city to take a stand against race-based injustice. Day after day, hundreds of marchers took to the streets, including hundreds of school-aged youth. These nonviolent protesters suffered brutal mistreatment at the hands of police and other city officials, gaining national attention and eventually winning major concessions in the fight for equal rights.
Fact Sheet Getting to Jamaica Bay Download directions
Blog Post A Record-Setting Tsunami The largest wave ever recorded crashed down in 1958 on the coast of what is now a national park. The wave, a tsunami triggered by a powerful earthquake, killed two people and caused tremendous damage. Do you know where this massive natural disaster occurred?
Magazine Article Over/Under On the outskirts of Glacier National Park, dozens of new wildlife crossings allow animals to traverse areas that once posed serious risks to human and critter alike. And it’s just the beginning.
Press Release US Groups Applaud Alberta Decision to Protect Crown of the Continent Conservation groups commend decision by Alberta government to protect Castle Wildland just north of Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park.
Magazine Article Snowed In Surviving a winter in Glacier National Park takes a strong marriage—and 25 pounds of coffee.
Park Arlington House, The Robert E. Lee Memorial Arlington House, located on a high hill within Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia, is one of many national park sites along the George Washington Memorial Parkway. Built by George Washington Parke Custis between 1802 and 1818 to serve as a memorial to his step-grandfather, George Washington, the house is now associated more with the man who married into the family and lived there for 30 years — Civil War General Robert E. Lee.
Letter Best Available Retrofit Technology at the Cholla Power Plant On behalf of National Parks Conservation Association and Sierra Club, Earthjustice respectfully submits the following comments regarding the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality’s (ADEQ) proposed Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) “reassessment” for the Cholla Power Plant.
Letter Opposition to Legislative Proposals at Cape Hatteras, Yellowstone, and Grand Teton NPCA urges Members of the House to Oppose H.R. 2954 when it comes to the House floor tomorrow. Specifically, NPCA opposes provisions to remove protections at Cape Hatteras National Seashore (Title V) and Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks (Title VII).
Staff Melissa Abdo, Ph.D. As Regional Director overseeing national park & preserve protection efforts from Louisiana and Florida to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, Melissa leads NPCA's work across the Sun Coast.
Staff Dan Bailey Dan manages NPCA’s conservation campaigns focusing on Yellowstone National Park and the surrounding Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE).
Staff Mary O'Connor As Senior Vice President of Development, Mary leads NPCA's strategic vision to grow and achieve our mission of protecting and advocating for national parks, connecting our work to audiences and empowering individuals to reach their own philanthropic goals.
Rona Kobell RONA KOBELL is a science editor and writer at Maryland Sea Grant. A former reporter for both the Baltimore Sun and the Chesapeake Bay Journal, her work has appeared in many national publications. She also teaches journalism at the University of Maryland.
Park Big Hole National Battlefield After spending the summer fleeing U.S. Army troops, a band of Nez Perce Indians set up camp in Montana's Big Hole Valley, unaware that nearby troops would soon intercept them. On August 9, 1877, the quiet dawn was pierced by the sound of U.S. Army gunfire and the screams of women and children, many of whom died instantly in their tipis. Between 60 and 90 Nez Perce men, women and children were killed during a 36-hour battle. Today the battlefield is part of the Nez Perce National Historical Park, which consists of 38 sites that preserve the culture and the history of the Nez Perce. The Nez Perce consider the Big Hole National Battlefield a sacred burial ground, and many tribal members travel here to honor those who perished in the conflict.
Report Virginians for Healthy Air Newsletter Virginians for Healthy Air is a network of Virginia businesses, civic groups, and nonprofit organizations that share the vision of healthy air for the Commonwealth and for Virginia’s national parks, including Shenandoah.
Matt Brass MATT BRASS resides in Knoxville, Tennessee, with his wife, Larisa, and their seven children. He works as a creative director for an ad agency specializing in sustainability and the environment.