Search results for “Minidoka National Historic Site”
Park Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site Sacagawea, the Indian guide, joined the Lewis and Clark expedition from her home in the Knife River Indian Villages. This historic site celebrates the culture and tradition of the Northern Plains Indians.
Park Harpers Ferry National Historical Park As a vital early American town, Harpers Ferry has been the site of a number of historical events. It was a point of supply for Meriwether Lewis’s Corps of Discovery, the site of John Brown’s abolitionist raid in 1859, a key Civil War battlefield, and the meeting place for the Niagara Movement, a 1906 gathering of civil rights leaders. Its position at the confluence of the Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers not only set the stage for such historic events but also makes the park a haven for rare native plants.
Park Morristown National Historical Park This park preserves the winter camp site where George Washington stationed his troops during the Revolutionary War in 1779-1780. During these difficult months, the Continental Army became a symbol of patriotism and sacrifice; living in drafty wooden huts, these underfed and undersupplied men survived what was then the coldest winter on record, growing through countless hardships into a disciplined military force. Under Washington’s command, these troops eventually won the country's independence from the British.
Park Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park This park presents a thorough portrait of the strong-willed Texan who served in both houses of Congress before leading the country as president. This park encompasses the Hill Country home site that has been in the Johnson family since the 1860s as well as the ranch where the president is buried. Learn about President Johnson’s controversial role in escalating the Vietnam War and his celebrated “Great Society” legislation which expanded civil rights protections, national health care, and environmental laws. See his childhood bed, his clothes, his collection of rare automobiles, the one-room school he attended, and a wealth of other historic items.
Park Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument The discovery of 30 complete skeletons of Hagerman Horses made Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument one of the world's most important sites for fossils from before the last Ice Age.
Magazine Article Seeing Green Decades of conservation efforts pay off for the endangered green sea turtle.
Press Release National Parks Group Supports Environmental Impact Study to Identify Harmful Impacts Caused by Hydraulic Fracturing We must ensure natural gas development does not come at the expense of our national parks and the health of park visitors
Press Release After a Decade, Court Ruling Finally Opens Door for Biden Administration to Halt Alton Coal Mine Expansion Utah Federal District Court rules in favor of NEPA filing to protect climate and land
Press Release Summit Sets Course for Protecting America's National Parks, Connecting to People Historic gathering of leading national park champions shapes outline for supporting National Park Service's mission for 2016 centennial and the century to follow
Press Release President Biden Restores Bears Ears, Grand Staircase-Escalante and Northeast Canyons & Seamounts National Monuments "It is an honor to share this victorious day with Tribal leaders and so many other partners who worked for decades to protect these monuments, then fought fearlessly to restore them" -- Theresa Pierno
Blog Post Meet the Three People Least Impressed with the Grand Canyon Not everyone is amazed by the grandeur of the Grand Canyon—but these three unimpressed girls made one NPCA staffer love the park even more.
Press Release EPA Urged to Protect Parks from Coal Plant Haze Groups Urge Agency to Finalize Rule that Protects Southwest National Parks and Wilderness Areas from Preventable Coal Plant Haze
Magazine Article The Soundtrack NPCA teams up with The National Parks—the band—to share some music and raise money for park protection.
Press Release Time is Now to Link President's Energy Strategy with Strong Protections for National Parks Administration's Proposals on Right Track, But Need to Finalize Necessary Protections
Press Release Momentum Builds as House Passes Critical Funding for National Park Roads, Bridges and Transportation Systems House bill prioritizes clean water, wildlife protection and resilient infrastructure as parks and communities combat a changing climate
Blog Post VIDEO: Behind the Scenes of “Death Valley Dreamlapse” Filmmaker captures swirling, starry images of the park's famously dark night skies.
Press Release State Denies Industrial Hog Facility’s Permit, Protecting Buffalo National River Watershed We are pleased with the state’s decision to put federally protected waters and local economies above private industry.
Press Release Obama's Sandy Recovery Bill Requests Needed Funding Relief for Storm-Ravaged National Parks Statement by National Parks Conservation Association President Tom Kiernan
Policy Update Position on HR 5780, Utah Public Lands Initiative NPCA submitted the following position to members of the House Committee on Natural Resources, Subcommittee on Federal Lands, ahead of a hearing on September 14, 2016.
Press Release David Vela Nominated for Director of the National Park Service If confirmed, Vela would bring nearly three decades of public service expertise to the position.
Blog Post National Parks Deserve to Be Protected from Oil and Gas Development Theodore Roosevelt was our greatest conservation president. President Roosevelt’s boundless vision and determination resulted in a system of national parks that is the envy of the world, and has been called “America’s Best Idea.” Ironically, his namesake national park, which includes his North Dakota homestead, is currently facing a threat that could permanently degrade a patch of land that was supposed to be protected in perpetuity.
Press Release National Parks Conservation Association Says President's Budget Falls Short of Meeting National Park Needs Investing in national parks benefits local economies, the American people, and our nation's future
Press Release Government Shutdown Closes National Parks Nationwide Hurts Local Economies, Planned Family Vacations & America's National Heritage
Blog Post Protecting Our Underwater Wonders Earlier this month, my husband and I escaped the endless East Coast winter and traveled to California with NPCA partners and colleagues to celebrate the wilderness at Point Reyes National Seashore.
Magazine Article Golden Spike Redux The role that Chinese immigrants played in building the Transcontinental Railroad has long been buried. 150 years after the completion of the tracks, that’s finally changing.
Magazine Article The Distant Rumble of White Thunder A family’s year-long quest to explore America’s most endangered parks brings them to Glacier Bay, Alaska.
Blog Post A Year of Victories We Can All Be Proud Of 2019 was NPCA's centennial year, and we are grateful for the thousands of advocates who stood with us throughout the year to win major park victories and care for the places we love.
Magazine Article Dress Rehearsal An emergency at the Grand Canyon provides plenty of lessons for Park Service staff and other federal agencies.
Magazine Article A Billion-Dollar Driveway A life-long resident of Alaska worries a road would destroy the wilderness he knows and loves.
Magazine Article Angling for Cash Glen Canyon National Recreation Area tries a novel approach to control brown trout.
Blog Post Commercial Beef Cattle in America’s National Parks: Are You Serious? Cattle grazing is not compatible with responsible public land management practices in most cases. Yet new legislation could double the length of time commercial ranchers can graze their animals.
Blog Post Grand Teton Gets $16 Million to Preserve Threatened State Lands—Just in the Nick of Time Late last month, NPCA helped secure a significant down-to-the-wire victory for Grand Teton National Park. After years of pressure from NPCA, the federal government allotted $8 million toward a total of $16 million to purchase 86 acres along the Snake River from the state of Wyoming and incorporate these lands into the national park.
Press Release Trump Administration Advances Seismic Testing, Threatening Wildlife at 33 Coastal National Parks The Trump administration is ignoring threats to whales, dolphins and other marine life to further its ongoing quest for energy dominance.
Magazine Article At Rest in Yellowstone A husband scatters his wife’s ashes in five wild landscapes they knew and loved, bringing the journey to an end in the Lamar Valley.
Blog Post Can Volunteers Build a Bigger Thicket? Dedicated Texans will put on their work gloves this winter to help a tree we’ve been loving to death