Search results for “Mississippi National River & Recreation Area”
Blog Post No Trash, Just Treasure We’ve been treated to quite a spring here in the California desert. After experiencing the greatest Joshua tree bloom on record this past April, one of our hardest-fought battles finally ended in victory last month—NPCA and our supporters have defeated the Eagle Mountain Landfill proposal once and for all.
Blog Post Trivia Challenge: The Longest Stretch of Undeveloped Barrier Island in the World Q: Barrier islands make up about 10 percent of the world’s coastline, and the United States has the greatest number of them with more than 400. The U.S. also holds the world record for the longest stretch of undeveloped barrier island, which happens to be located in a national park. Can you guess which park?
Blog Post What’s the Buzz? In 1860, one year before Confederate and Union armies collided for the First Battle of Bull Run, the rolling country meadows that one day would become Manassas National Battlefield Park saw an invasion of a very different kind. Swarms of cicadas (genus Magicicada) made their appearance, as they do just once every 17 years, filling the countryside with their noisy song and bumbling flight.
Press Release Everglades National Park Protected by Court Decision to Prevent Expansion of Urban Development Boundary After lengthy appeal process, the state of Florida denies Lowe's Land Use Change to build outside of Urban Development Boundary
Press Release US Groups Applaud Alberta Decision to Protect Crown of the Continent Conservation groups commend decision by Alberta government to protect Castle Wildland just north of Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park.
Press Release Former National Park Superintendents Call for Waterton-Glacier Expansion, Watershed Protections As Congress considers lands bill, veteran park leadership makes conservation appeal
Press Release Parks Group Applauds Passage of Bills to Protect Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore and Glacier National Park Statements by Lynn McClure, NPCA Senior Midwest Regional Director and Michael Jamison, NPCA Glacier Program Manager
Blog Post Q&A: Do Visitors Really Need to Be Shut Out of National Parks During the Government Shutdown? As we enter week two of the government shutdown, closed signs and barricades at national parks have become powerful symbols of the fiscal standoff’s impact on people around the country.
Press Release Senate Bills Jeopardize Clean Water Protections for Parks Statement by Chad Lord, National Parks Conservation Association
Press Release Students Help Restore Wetlands and Improve Great Lakes Water Quality at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore NPCA hosts college student volunteers in third year of restoration work at Great Marsh
Magazine Article The Long Haul They came, they saw, they collected 1,812 pounds of trash over 4,840 miles of hiking trails.
Magazine Article Esther of the Rockies She left the corporate world to homestead in the mountains and became the Park Service's first female nature guide.
Blog Post Yosemite’s Dirty Air Secret Haze and ozone pollution in this beloved California park are having wide-ranging effects on people and the environment.
Blog Post Garden State Trivia Challenge The first U.S. national historical park is in New Jersey. Can you name it?
Magazine Article A Road Less Traveled Students reconnect with African-American history on an 1,800-mile journey along the Underground Railroad.
Blog Post What Does It Take to Run a National Park? Few of us appreciate the monumental task of caring for America’s national parks—each one a unique part of the country with its own specific management challenges and irreplaceable public resources. Shenandoah National Park staff recently decided to shine a light on what it takes to maintain their landmark Virginia park on a day-to-day basis.
Policy Update Testimony: S. 2257, National Park Service Centennial Act Written testimony by Theresa Pierno for the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources hearing on December 8, 2015.
Press Release New Agreement Means Cleaner Air for Rocky Mountain National Park Coal-Fired Craig Plant Unit to Reduce Significant Air Pollution
Spotlight Akiima Price's Story Organizer Akiima Price knows the realities of connecting underserved communities of color to DC’s urban parks.
Press Release Havasupai Tribe, Conservation Coalition Will Defend Grand Canyon from Uranium Industry Appeal Uranium companies appeal ruling that banned new mining claims on 1 million acres near iconic park
Press Release Parks Group Disappointed by Administration's Decision Not to Protect Lands within Big Cypress National Preserve Statement by NPCA Director of Legislative and Government Affairs Kristen Brengel
Press Release University of Washington Student Report Finds 33% Success Rate of Mount St Helens Management Analysis shows little progress on recommendations over past three years
Policy Update Position on H.R. 1373, H.R. 2181 & H.R. 3405 NPCA submitted the following positions to members of the House Committee on Natural Resources ahead of a markup scheduled for July 17, 2019.
Blog Post Vacationing in the Last Frontier Planning your trip to Alaska can be a daunting task, but the effort is well worth it. A trip to the Last Frontier will provide you with a lifetime of memories.
Press Release 9th Circuit Appeals Court Rejects Drakes Bay Oyster Co. En Banc Rehearing Petition Decision Affirms Interior Department's Wilderness Designation for Drakes Estero
Press Release Opportunity Presented to Keep Everglades National Park Fully Protected from Power Lines Decision to acquire Florida Power & Light’s ecologically critical parcel within Everglades National Park could finally put an end to the threat of power lines being built inside park boundaries
Magazine Article The Center Five weeks in the North Cascades with a sketchbook, a camera and a journal.
Press Release Everglades Advocates from Across the State Head to Tallahassee for Everglades Action Day to Discuss Restoration Progress and Funding with Elected Officials Citizens raise awareness following up on Florida's inaugural statewide Everglades Day
Blog Post The Largest Concentration of Glaciers in North America Glaciers around the world are melting due to climate change, but in one U.S. national park, approximately one-quarter of the land is still covered by these slow-moving masses of ice.
Press Release Protections Sought for Endangered Frogs, Snakes at Pacifica's Sharp Park Protections needed for endangered species in habitat adjoining national park properties