Search results for “Minidoka National Historic Site”
Park Salem Maritime National Historic Site Salem Maritime National Historic Site consists of 12 historic structures, including the replica of a 1797 trade ship, and the half-mile-long Derby Wharf, which hosted hundreds of ships during the height of the East India trade in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The site also brings to life the early colonial trade and the time of the American Revolution, when American privateers would dock their ships in this bustling port.
Park Springfield Armory National Historic Site At Springfield Armory National Historic Site, you can tour the largest collection of shoulder arms outside Britain, and see how these weapons were made at the armory that supplied the U.S. military for 174 years.
Park Ninety Six National Historic Site Originally a geographical term, traders out of Charleston, South Carolina thought that this stopping place was 96 miles from the Cherokee town of Keowee in the Blue Ridge Foothills. The first land battle of the Revolutionary War fought south of New England took place at Ninety Six in 1775.
Park Shiloh National Military Park Shiloh National Military Site is a stark reminder of the terrible cost of war. A total of 23,746 men were wounded, captured, or killed during the two-day Civil War battle of Shiloh in April 1862—more than were lost during the Revolutionary War, The War of 1812, and the Mexican-American war combined. At the time, it was the worst battle in U.S. history. Yet eight costlier battles were yet to come in the war. The park encompasses the 5,000-acre battlefield, as well as 21 acres surrounding a railroad junction in Corinth, Mississippi, the site of a later siege. A 12.9-mile driving tour highlights 20 key sites; visitors can also watch films about the conflicts and explore exhibits about the implements of war.
Park Russell Cave National Monument Russell Cave National Monument marks the site of a cave that sheltered native people for 10,000 years. See spear points and pottery excavated from the cave and hike a nature trail up Montague Mountain.
Blog Post Can Pullman's Planned Community Become Chicago's First National Park? Picture this: Big city expressways and a network of train tracks lined with industry, businesses, city buildings, and schools—for miles. Then, out of the landscape rises a giant clock tower. This is your first glimpse of the Historic Pullman District on Chicago’s South Side.
Press Release President’s Budget Calls for Historic and Necessary Funding Increases to National Parks, Air and Water "Today's historic budget plan from the Biden administration comes as a welcome and much needed change for our national parks, their staff and all who love and care for these treasured places." - Theresa Pierno, NPCA's President and CEO
Blog Post 5 Reasons the EPA’s New ‘Roadmap’ Could Harm Parks Rolling back clean air protections would be bad for human health and the environment.
Policy Update Testimony: Border Wall Issues Forum Written testimony of Christina Hazard, NPCA Associate Director for Government Affairs, before the House Committee on Natural Resources at the Border Wall Issues Forum on January 15, 2019.
Blog Post Emotional and Financial Toll of Government Shutdown Hits Home for National Park Service Personnel More than 21,000 Park Service staff have been furloughed indefinitely, and the park rangers who still have jobs are taking heat for doing their jobs.
Blog Post Restoring Resiliency at Dyke Marsh A year ago, Superstorm Sandy slammed the East Coast, demonstrating once again the power of nature. It left behind $65 billion in damage affecting 24 states and 70 national parks.
Press Release NPCA Responds to Draft Moab Master Leasing Plan and EIS Statement by David Nimkin, Southwest Senior Regional Director, National Parks Conservation Association
Press Release Paterson Great Falls National Historic Park in New Jersey Makes #397 Statement by NPCA Senior Northeast Regional Director Alexander Brash
Blog Post The Rarest Sea Turtle in the World Last month, staff at Cape Hatteras National Seashore in North Carolina found three nests belonging to the rarest sea turtle species in the world — an animal not commonly found in the state.
Blog Post Mojave Is a Magical Place. Let’s Protect My Former Home Say no to Soda Mountain Solar! A former Mojave superintendent shares her memories and opposition to this dangerous project.
Blog Post 5 Ways to Pitch in to Help the Places You Love Find Your Voice to help protect and enjoy our national parks in time for their centennial and beyond.
Press Release Zinke Proposes Reductions for Some of America’s Public Lands Based on a news interview that Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke conducted today, he is recommending that several national monuments be reduced in size.
Press Release There Will be Bird Deaths: California Energy Commission Announces Preliminary Approval for Solar Tower Near Joshua Tree National Park Proposed decision to approve construction is dangerous to wildlife and park landscapes
Policy Update Threats to America's National Parks from Oil and Gas and What Congress Can Do About It NPCA released the following report that details the numerous threats that our park lands face from oil and & gas development and further outlines the various federal protections that can be established to ensure these public lands can be enjoyed for generations to come.
Blog Post Dreaming of Spring? 9 Great Spots to See Wildflowers Soon, national parks in some of the warmest regions of the country will begin blooming with a new season’s worth of wildflowers. What better way to shake off the winter doldrums than watching the landscape come alive with color at a national park?
Magazine Article Shifting Tides Once nearly extinct, sea otters have staged a remarkable comeback, but some coastal parks still struggle to retain these curious, sensitive mammals.
Press Release Yellowstone® Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey Launches Program Supporting America’s National Parks Brand partnership with National Parks Conservation Association to help preserve and protect our parks.
Policy Update Testimony: Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act Written testimony by Joan Frankevich for the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing on December 3, 2015
Magazine Article Getting the Lead Out Lead bullets still threaten the California condor, an icon at Pinnacles and Grand Canyon.
Magazine Article Between a Bog and a Hard Place Biologists in Washington State are calculating the best way to save crucial habitat for the Cascades frog.
Blog Post Hope in the Wake of Tragedy When Sandy crashed ashore just a few months ago, it ravaged the cities, towns, and shorelines of New York and New Jersey and caused unprecedented damage to the region’s national parks.
Blog Post The Quietest Place in the Contiguous United States According to a specialized researcher who has been analyzing sound recordings for more than three decades, one park contains the “quietest square inch” in the Lower 48.
Magazine Article Arching Forward The Park Service embraces a new vision for the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial in St. Louis.
Blog Post Protecting the Wilderness at Drakes Estero Americans are captivated by wilderness; it comes in all shapes and sizes, from the forested Olympic National Park to the river of grass in the Everglades. Thanks to U.S. Secretary Ken Salazar, Americans can now experience the majestic beauty of the first marine wilderness area on the West Coast: Drakes Estero, in Point Reyes National Seashore.
Press Release EPA Finalizes Rules to Reduce Methane Pollution The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized rules to reduce methane pollution. The rules will help protect air in our national parks and curb climate change.
Blog Post Call Me Ranger … National Park Ranger With the recent release of Skyfall, the new James Bond adventure, I’m reminded of how my love of the secret agent’s adventures and my passion for national parks led to writing a Bond-style thriller, set in Yellowstone National Park.
Blog Post A National Park That Feels Like the Moon Tomorrow is the 50-year anniversary of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin’s historic moon walk. Just one month after this “giant leap for mankind,” Apollo astronauts hoping to follow in Armstrong and Aldrin’s footsteps visited a U.S. national park to train for future moon walks.
Blog Post Putting National Parks into the Debate National parks matter to an overwhelming majority of Americans. They should matter to our political candidates, too.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 1049, H.R. 2748, H.R. 2795, H.R. 4348, and H.R. 5179 NPCA submitted the following positions to members of the House Natural Resources Committee ahead of a legislative markup scheduled for January 29, 2020.
Blog Post From Montana to Qinghai In July 2011, I received an unexpected email from someone named Lisong Ni. I’m glad I did.