Search results for “Lake Clark National Park & Preserve”
Park Grand Teton National Park This spectacular destination preserves a dramatic stretch of the Teton Range bordering the Snake River. One of the unusual features of these distinctive mountains is the absence of foothills, meaning that there are no smaller mountains blocking the view. The park also features glacier-carved lakes, a historic district of weathered buildings made by 19th century Mormon homesteaders, and an abundance of wildlife large and small, including nearly 1,000 bison that roam the grassy fields in herds.
Park Great Sand Dunes National Park & Preserve How can something that is constantly shifting stand up to 750 feet tall? This southwestern park features the largest sand dunes in North America, and the key to their extraordinary height seems to lie in the combination of strong opposing winds and the presence of rivers and creeks, which capture drifting sands and redeposit them back on the dunes. Some of these remarkable hills are formations known as star dunes, molded by complex wind patterns into multi-pronged shapes, which look a bit like starfish from above.
Park Gettysburg National Military Park The 1863 battle in this small farming community resulted in more than 50,000 casualties over three days, making it the deadliest engagement of the American Civil War. This battle is now referred to as the “High Water Mark of the Confederacy” — the last meaningful offensive the South would conduct against northern forces. The visitor center at Gettysburg features one of the largest collections of Civil War artifacts in the country.
Report Center for State of the Parks: Florida Bay This report focuses on the condition of resources in the 444,790-acre (180,000-hectare) Florida Bay portion of Everglades National Park.
Blog Post A New Resource in the Fight to Defend the Boundary Waters: Kids Teen advocate launches a new initiative to motivate youth to protect wild places, including the watershed that includes Voyageurs National Park.
Magazine Article Water, Smoke, Spirit, Forest, Ghost, Land, Sky A photographic essay on Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
Blog Post Dreaming of Spring? 9 Great Spots to See Wildflowers Soon, national parks in some of the warmest regions of the country will begin blooming with a new season’s worth of wildflowers. What better way to shake off the winter doldrums than watching the landscape come alive with color at a national park?
Blog Post The 9 Best Things We Saw Online During the Government Shutdown The federal government shutdown was an agonizing time for people around the country, including the thousands of Park Service staff, contractors, business owners, and tourists who love and depend on our national parks. If something positive came out of all this, it was that park closures reminded so many of us how much we truly value these wonderful places.
Magazine Article Then and Now Out with unchecked looting and feeding the bears. In with prescribed fire and zero waste. What a difference 100 years has made for the National Park Service.
Blog Post Plan a Desert Getaway to Natural Bridges As parks go, Natural Bridges has some serious bragging rights: It’s Utah’s first national park site, the first International Dark-Sky Park in the world, and one of the very darkest places for stargazing in the country. Designated in 1908 by President Theodore Roosevelt, this is the only place where you can find three natural bridges in such close proximity, including the second-largest natural bridge in the world.
Magazine Article Lessons in Motion Homeschooling on the road isn’t always easy, but enthusiasts say the big wide world — including national parks — is the best classroom.
Blog Post The 10 Best Places to See Fall Foliage Each autumn, nature puts on an artistic display as hardwood trees from oaks to aspen change color. The following national parks offer some of the best fall color in the United States. These recommendations are adapted from National Geographic’s Ten Best of Everything National Parks and used by permission.
Policy Update Position on S. 2395, S. 3505, S. 3435, S. 3571, S. 3609, S. 3961, H.R. 5005 & H.R. 6687 NPCA submitted the following positions to members of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resource National Parks Subcommittee ahead of a hearing scheduled for December 12, 2018.
Press Release Florida Congressional Delegation Spearheads Anti-Coral Reef and Fisheries Protection Legislation Bill Would Have Far Reaching Implications, Jeopardizing Coastal National Parks Across the Country
Magazine Article A Tale of Two Rivers A unique division of the National Park Service is connecting residents to trails and waterways where they live, from Atlanta’s Chattahoochee River to the Los Angeles River.
Magazine Article Revolution Revisited The quest to create a national park site about the Black Panther Party.
Blog Post Making Waves: A Q&A with NPCA’s New President and CEO Theresa Pierno Theresa Pierno just took the helm as NPCA's president and CEO—the first woman to serve in this role in the organization’s 96-year history. Learn more about her distinguished environmental career, her accomplishments since joining NPCA, and her passions and priorities for national parks on the verge of their second century.
Policy Update Position on S. 55, S. 99, S. 213, S. 287, S. 363, S. 392, S. 502, S. 617, S. 644, S. 729, H.R. 88, H.R. 267, H.R. 494, H.R. 538, H.R. 558, S. 401, S. 627, S. 713, S. 731 NPCA submitted the following positions on legislation being considered by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee during a business meeting on March 30, 2017.
Blog Post Seeing Stars A former national park ranger shares how staff and partners at Timpanogos Cave are bringing the dark-sky experience to thousands of people in the most populous part of Utah.
Press Release New Poll Shows Overwhelming Support for Protecting Areas Within Maine Woods Zogby poll finds Maine voters support partnerships for preserving areas for parks and timber land
Press Release President Obama Designates Three National Monuments in the California Desert Protecting spectacular and unique desert lands, President Obama designated three new national monuments today: Mojave Trails, Sand to Snow, and our country's 410th national park site, Castle Mountains National Monument.
Spotlight Chris Liu’s Story Conservationist Chris Liu looks to the future – his own and for national parks in the Pacific Northwest.
Magazine Article Songs of the Wild Celebrating national parks with new music in the great outdoors.
Press Release BLM Spares Some Lands near Dinosaur National Monument from Development Oil, gas development on nearby lands could still impact national park.
Press Release Pullman National Monument Plans for Future on Display During Metra Train Tour To celebrate Pullman National Monument’s official designation and the National Park Conservation Association’s 100th anniversary, visitors received a one of a kind tour by train.
Blog Post Responsible Solar Power Location, location, location. These simple but wise words apply to homebuyers and business owners alike. They also apply to energy developers—some places just are not suitable for industrial-scale projects, including lands adjacent to our national parks.
Blog Post A Glimpse into a Dark Part of America’s History A traveling park lover takes his mom into a windy desert landscape to try to imagine what life was like behind the barbed wire fences of a war relocation center more than 70 years ago.
Magazine Article Rallying Cry A small army of preservationists is fighting to add Mill Springs Battlefield to the National Park System.
Magazine Article Sea Change Everglades National Park hopes to alter the tide of climate change and, perhaps, the future of park planning.
Blog Post Beautiful Nature, an Hour from Chicago We often talk about “connecting with nature” and how important it is for urban residents to have access to green space. It improves our physical health, reduces our stress, and even improves our mood to have a world-class park near home.
Press Release Leasing Our Legacy: Lands Near Hovenweep National Monument Sold to Oil and Gas Bidders In its latest step towards 'energy dominance' at the sacrifice of national parks and other public lands, the Trump Administration advanced more than 30,000 acres of oil and gas leases in Southeast Utah today.
Magazine Article A Rising Star Could the Lone Star Coastal National Recreation Area become the country’s next park unit?
Press Release Wyoming Hunting Proposal Threatens Yellowstone and Grand Teton Grizzly Bears Proposal threatens grizzly bears that make their homes in Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks and travel inside and outside of park borders.
Press Release Bipartisan Wildlife Corridors Conservation Act of 2019 Introduced Following UN Report on Global Biodiversity Crisis Bipartisan House and Senate legislation could benefit wildlife that travel beyond park boundaries, such as Los Angeles mountain lions in Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area.
Fact Sheet Turkey Point Expansion Turkey Point Power Plant is located directly along the shores of Biscayne National Park, one of America’s largest marine national parks.
Fact Sheet Valles Caldera National Preserve The Valles Caldera National Preserve’s unmatched combination of geological wonders and superb recreational values make it worthy of inclusion in our National Park System, with interpretation by America’s elite storytellers—our national park rangers.
Infographic Bison Infographic NPCA is working to ensure that the nation's oldest herd of bison in America's first national park have the habitat they need to thrive.
Fact Sheet Analysis of the Grow America Act The Obama Administration recently reissued its proposal to reauthorize federal surface transportation programs (GROW AMERICA Act). Unfortunately, it takes away guaranteed funding that has been provided historically to fix the deteriorating roads, bridges and other transportation systems within our national parks.
Staff David Lamfrom David, the Vice President of Regional Programs, uses his passion and knowledge of our natural, cultural and historical resources to inspire others to learn about and protect our national parks.
Caroline McLaughlin As Associate Director for the Sun Coast region, Caroline focuses her efforts on protecting the stunning marine resources of this unique park.
Staff Nwadiogo Quartey-Ngwube Nwadiogo uses digital tools to cultivate, engage and empower park advocates to create the environments they deserve.
Park Jewel Cave National Monument Explorers have mapped more than 192 miles of twisting underground passageways in this cave system and continue to explore more of it each year with no end in sight, making it the third-largest cave in the world. Discover fragile formations of crystal, rock and gypsum during the popular ranger-led tours below ground. Above ground, a series of short trails offer pleasant walks through the park's pine forest, canyons and fields of wildflowers.
Park Gateway National Recreation Area Created in 1972, Gateway is located in the outer New York-New Jersey Harbor, protecting more than 26,000 acres of land and offering an array of recreational, cultural and natural experiences. More than 330 species of birds and 71 species of butterflies live within the park or stop over at Gateway during their seasonal migrations. Gateway's buildings, landscapes and archaeological sites offer great examples of America's coastal defenses from the Revolutionary War through the Cold War.
Tasfia Nayem Tasfia Nayem is Senior Climate Policy Advisor at the New York City Mayor’s Office. In this role, she works on NYC’s Green New Deal and long-term strategic plan to confront the climate crisis and achieve equity.
Staff and Media Personnel Alison Zemanski Heis Alison Heis joined the organization in 2010 and oversees media outreach and communications for the East Coast, Midwest, and NPCA's national water initiatives. She leads communication outreach focused on strengthening NPCA’s brand through corporate partnerships and our emerging celebrity engagement efforts.