Search results for “Mississippi National River & Recreation Area”
Press Release New Mexico Delegation Repeats Call for Protection from Oil and Gas Development Around Chaco Culture National Historical Park Senators Heinrich and Udall, along with Representatives Lujan, Haaland, and Torres Small introduce legislation to withdraw lands considered for oil and gas development near New Mexico park
Press Release Trump Administration Finalizes New Rule That Weakens the Endangered Species Act New rule paves way for extractive industries to destroy habitat of imperiled species
Magazine Article Pines in Peril Grand Teton’s lodgepole forests are exquisitely adapted to wildfire — but can they survive a changing climate?
Blog Post 10 Parks for Every Tree Lover’s List National parks are home to some of the country’s rarest and most remarkable trees. In many cases, these spectacular plants have stood watch over centuries of history. Here are just 10 places that are sure to wow tree lovers everywhere.
Spotlight An Insider's Guide to Gettysburg & Beyond Whether you’re interested in the Civil War or just looking for a scenic drive through vibrant downtowns and bucolic countryside, Gettysburg and its surroundings will immerse you in American history.
Press Release Parks Group Joins Conservation Community, Files Lawsuit after President Trump Illegally Axed Bears Ears National Monument President’s abuse of authority strips protections from a priceless cultural and natural heritage that belongs to all Americans.
Magazine Article The Movement A composer’s ascent of Longs Peak, and the sonata it inspired.
Blog Post Author Shares His Love for the Darkest Skies and Most Brilliant Stars Paul Bogard has a great gig traveling around the world to ponder the darkness of night skies and the corresponding brilliance of millions of stars.
Press Release Conservation Groups File Motions to Defend Ventura County Wildlife Connectivity The first-of-their-kind ordinances will help safeguard local wildlife in California
Blog Post A Galaxy Not So Far Away After All Two national parks in California literally portrayed a galaxy far, far away in the original 1977 Star Wars film and the 1983 sequel, Return of the Jedi.
Blog Post Emotional and Financial Toll of Government Shutdown Hits Home for National Park Service Personnel More than 21,000 Park Service staff have been furloughed indefinitely, and the park rangers who still have jobs are taking heat for doing their jobs.
Press Release Judge Allows Conservation Groups to Defend Ventura County Wildlife Safeguards from Legal Challenge The First-Of-Their-Kind Ordinances Help Protect Local Wildlife But Have Been Challenged by Industry Groups
Press Release Parks Group Files Brief in Support of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Through our amicus brief, we urge the courts to hold the government accountable for putting our public lands, including our national parks, in harm’s way.
Blog Post The 5 Best Things That Happened for Parks This Summer ICYMI: Even amid a global pandemic and months of bad news, advocates won huge victories for our national parks and the people who love them.
Blog Post Significantly Steamy Parks The National Park Service has designated the thermal features such as geysers and fumaroles at 16 national park sites as "significant," a label that affords them more stringent protections. Only one of these parks lies east of the Rockies.
Press Release Great American Outdoors Act Draws Widespread Support from Diverse Groups Across the Nation Hundreds of National, State and Local Organizations Write Congressional Leaders in Support of the Great American Outdoors Act
Blog Post Do Brook Trout Have a Future in Shenandoah? One of Virginia's most popular national parks is a haven for native fish, but warming waters could prove devastating for this keystone species.
Blog Post Positioning Pullman: What’s Next for Chicago’s New National Monument? Pullman National Monument is a must-see treasure of Chicago’s South Side. The formerly independent industrial town, now a landmark Chicago neighborhood, was entrusted last February to the National Park Service via a presidential proclamation.
Blog Post Does This Outfit Match My Canoe? Can a city girl survive a four-day wilderness adventure paddling through some of the Everglades' most remote waters? One young woman leaves her makeup bag behind and gives it her best try.
Magazine Article Final Words A former Yellowstone ranger raced to finish a book about two threats — one that endangers national parks and another that ultimately took his own life.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 5859, the Trillion Trees Act NPCA, along with partners, submitted the following position to members of the House Committee on Natural Resources ahead of a hearing scheduled for February 26, 2020.
Press Release Trump’s Repeal of Clean Water Rule Means Dirtier Water For People and National Parks The proposed rule will take us back five decades in our effort to clean up our waterways.
Press Release Trump Administration Action Puts National Parks at Risk, Moves to Derail Clean Water Protections Today, in a devastating blow to national parks and communities that depend on clean water, the Trump Administration calls for the repeal of the Clean Water Rule.
Press Release Health and Environmental Groups Sue EPA Over Its Delay of Clean Air Protections for Millions EPA’s action puts people’s health and lives at risk.
Press Release Lawsuit Challenges Trump Plan to Frack, Drill 1 Million Acres of California Public Lands, Minerals NPCA is fighting a fracking plan that could allow drilling near Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, which already suffer from some of the worst air quality in the country.
Magazine Article The Meaning of the Chug For years, abandoned Cuban refugee boats were considered trash. Now the Park Service and others are preserving the chugs and their stories.
Blog Post Want to Be a Park Scientist? Counting birds. Looking for dragonfly larvae. Analyzing coyote scat? National park visitors can help the places they love by taking part in meaningful science around the country.
Press Release Trump Administration Dismantles Clean Water Rule Days After Gutting National Environmental Policy Act, Putting Park Waters Further at Risk The administration’s rollback of clean water protections is a devasting blow to our national parks and surrounding communities.
Policy Update Position to EPA on Air Quality Standards Proposed Rule NPCA, along with partners, sent the following letter to EPA Administrator Wheeler regarding the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for Particualte Matter proposed rule.
Magazine Article In the Heart of Darkness In 1989, teenager Rachel Cox got lost in Wind Cave. Decades later, she found inspiration and comfort there.