Search results for “Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site”
Park New Orleans Jazz National Historical Park An entire park site devoted to jazz, right in the heart of the French Quarter, where even the park rangers serenade you? It’s a dream come true for music lovers who want to learn more about this distinctly American art form fused from the roots of the blues, swing, ragtime, and gospel traditions. Though relatively few national park sites are devoted to the arts, visitors to New Orleans can learn about pivotal figures like Louis Armstrong and Jelly Roll Morton and enjoy live performances and ranger-led educational programs five days a week. The park’s four main sites include a jazz museum and a performing arts center at the Old U.S. Mint building, a National Historic Landmark in the French Quarter.
Park Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Historical Park Harriet Tubman escaped from brutal slave owners in 1849 and risked her life to help bring many more enslaved Americans to freedom via the Underground Railroad; this park a testament to her remarkable legacy of fighting for the equal rights of all people. Its 25,000 acres also encompass beautiful natural areas for wildlife-watching, hiking, biking, and paddling. The park includes large portions of the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge in Dorchester County, Maryland, where Tubman spent much of her early life, as well as the home site of Jacob Jackson, a free black man who helped Tubman in her efforts to free others.
Park Great Sand Dunes National Park & Preserve How can something that is constantly shifting stand up to 750 feet tall? This southwestern park features the largest sand dunes in North America, and the key to their extraordinary height seems to lie in the combination of strong opposing winds and the presence of rivers and creeks, which capture drifting sands and redeposit them back on the dunes. Some of these remarkable hills are formations known as star dunes, molded by complex wind patterns into multi-pronged shapes, which look a bit like starfish from above.
Park Grand Teton National Park This spectacular destination preserves a dramatic stretch of the Teton Range bordering the Snake River. One of the unusual features of these distinctive mountains is the absence of foothills, meaning that there are no smaller mountains blocking the view. The park also features glacier-carved lakes, a historic district of weathered buildings made by 19th century Mormon homesteaders, and an abundance of wildlife large and small, including nearly 1,000 bison that roam the grassy fields in herds.
Park Gateway National Recreation Area Created in 1972, Gateway is located in the outer New York-New Jersey Harbor, protecting more than 26,000 acres of land and offering an array of recreational, cultural and natural experiences. More than 330 species of birds and 71 species of butterflies live within the park or stop over at Gateway during their seasonal migrations. Gateway's buildings, landscapes and archaeological sites offer great examples of America's coastal defenses from the Revolutionary War through the Cold War.
Magazine Article Between a (Kindness) Rock and a Hard Place People leave behind painted rocks to brighten strangers’ days, but in national parks they’re fueling controversy and less-than-civil debate.
Blog Post Standing with the Emotion of History Have you been to the USS Arizona in Hawaii where World War II began in the U.S.? Thank a park ranger for letting us all remember.
Policy Update Position on S. 2800, America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 NPCA submitted the following position to the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works ahead of a markup scheduled for May 2018.
Blog Post A Threat to Justice Everywhere We cannot stay silent in the face of race-based violence in our cities, communities and parks.
Press Release Final Dog Rule Improves Conservation and Recreation at 2nd Most Visited National Park The final rule creates zones for where on-leash, off-leash, and no dogs are allowed, allowing the public to choose the experience they want to enjoy.
Blog Post Force of Nature EmpowHER is inspiring the next generation of outdoor advocates.
Blog Post The DeChristopher Effect After years of work by passionate advocates, a new approach to oil and gas leasing could produce better decisions on energy development and how it affects the air, water, noise, and views at national parks.
Blog Post Funding Discussion Shares Creative Solutions for National Park Funding Woes Make no doubt about it, the National Park Service is strapped for cash. Before grappling with the new federal mandate to cut 5 percent of its entire operating budget, the agency was already suffering from a funding shortfall in the hundreds of millions of dollars, had already taken a 15 percent cut in the last decade, and already has a staggering $12 billion maintenance backlog.
Press Release More than 20,000 People Stand Up for Desert Wildlife, National Parks Comments on DRECP Call for a Cleaner Path towards Renewable Energy Future
Press Release Spreader Canal Project Will Restore Water to Florida Bay & Everglades National Park The South Florida Water Management District breaks ground on the C-111 Spreader Canal
Policy Update Position on H.R. 1865 and H.R. 1158, FY20 Appropriations NPCA submitted the following letter to the Senate prior to an anticipated floor vote on December 19th, 2019.
Magazine Article Fourth Rock from the Sun Can Lassen Volcanic National Park help NASA learn about life on Mars?
Press Release Jackson Hole Airport Decision Extends Lease within Grand Teton National Park Until 2053 Critical that NPS assess significant impacts of an airport within a national park
Press Release National Parks Group Hosts College Students from Great Lakes' States at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore to Restore Wetlands Students gather for workshop on restoring wetlands
Blog Post The Power of Parks National parks are forever. Everything else sure changes, though.
Press Release National Park Climate Change Scientist Honored with Stephen T. Mather Award “I have stood strongly and publicly for scientific integrity to communicate the science of human-caused climate change and solutions for the future." - Dr. Patrick Gonzalez
Blog Post Labor Day Has Its Roots in Chicago's Historic Pullman Neighborhood The stories of Pullman are American stories. They are stories of hard work, immigration, race and class, wealth and poverty, and a struggle for justice.
Press Release New Report Offers Recommendations for Improving Visitor Experience and Regional Support at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore Groups provide roadmap for protecting and enhancing Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore
Magazine Article Hidden Names, Hidden Stories A journey to the depths of Mammoth Cave to record signatures left by Civil War soldiers.
Magazine Article Accidental Hero Crispus Attucks is believed to be the first casualty of the American Revolution, but 250 years later, it’s still difficult to untangle fact from myth.
Press Release President to Designate National Park at Pullman, Marking America's Labor and Civil Rights Movement Statement by Lynn McClure, Midwest Senior Director, NPCA
Press Release Parks Experience Record Visitation While Dealing with Staff Cuts and Growing Maintenance Backlog For years, rampant underfunding coupled with staff cuts and increased visitation has required park staff to do far more with much less.
Blog Post What’s in an Icon? NPCA’s visual personality has evolved dramatically over the last few years, but our logo hasn’t changed significantly in half a century. It was long overdue for an update. After about a year and a half of research, focus-group testing, surveys, and outreach, NPCA finally unveiled a modernized logo yesterday.
Magazine Article A Leap of Faith What will it take to save California’s yellow-legged frog?
Magazine Article Surround Sound The Acoustic Atlas’ trove of recordings includes grizzly cubs purring, ice freezing and thousands of other elusive sounds.
Magazine Article A Shoreline Rescue The National Park Service fights to bring Great Lakes’ piping plovers back from the brink.
Press Release Interior Secretary Jewell Visits the Everglades, Touts Support for Tamiami Trail Restoration Efforts Visit exhibits administration's dedication to restoring and protecting Great Waters
Magazine Article The Wolverine Way Despite a ferocious reputation, the wolverine is far more complex than the legends that surround it. And even in a place as vast and wild as Glacier National Park, its future is uncertain.
Policy Update NPCA position on the potential nomination of William Pendley NPCA, along with partners, submitted the following position to members of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources regarding the nomination of William Pendley to lead the Bureau of Land Management.
Blog Post Wolves on the Rise at Isle Royale Researchers study the effects of 12 new wolves on this remote island park.