Search results for “National Park of American Samoa”
Park Black Canyon Of The Gunnison National Park This park protects a 12-mile stretch of the Gunnison River as it flows through an exceptionally deep and narrow gorge. The steep canyon walls keep out much of the sunlight, giving it a dark appearance and inspiring the "Black Canyon" name. Visitors can enjoy trout fishing and challenging paddling conditions on the river; rock climbers can also choose from 145 remote and challenging climbs throughout the park.
Park Badlands National Park This park's sharply textured rock formations share a 244,000-acre landscape with the largest protected mixed-grass prairie in the United States.
Report Center for State of the Parks: Florida Bay This report focuses on the condition of resources in the 444,790-acre (180,000-hectare) Florida Bay portion of Everglades National Park.
Report Center for State of the Parks: Fort Necessity National Battlefield The current overall condition of cultural resources at Fort Necessity rates a “poor” score of 56 out of 100.
Park Birmingham Civil Rights National Monument In the 1960s, Birmingham, Alabama, was one of the most segregated places in the United States. In 1963, civil rights leaders Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. organized nonviolent protests in the city to take a stand against race-based injustice. Day after day, hundreds of marchers took to the streets, including hundreds of school-aged youth. These nonviolent protesters suffered brutal mistreatment at the hands of police and other city officials, gaining national attention and eventually winning major concessions in the fight for equal rights.
Staff Cal Goodin Cal is passionate about ensuring that our national parks tell the stories of all Americans. Somehow, he's managed to work on three separate LGBTQ history walking tours in New York state. Like many of his Northeast colleagues, he resides in Brooklyn with his cats.
Blog Post Labor Day Has Its Roots in Chicago's Historic Pullman Neighborhood The stories of Pullman are American stories. They are stories of hard work, immigration, race and class, wealth and poverty, and a struggle for justice.
Magazine Article Gentle Giants The national parks’ towering sequoias have thrived for thousands of years. Can they survive climate change?
Policy Update Position on H.R. 820, H.R. 920, H.R. 2497, and H.R. 2626 NPCA submitted the following positions to the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands ahead of a legislative hearing scheduled for April 21st, 2021.
Blog Post Wolves under Fire in Wyoming This month has been a sad one for Wyoming’s wolves. On October 1, the federal government removed wolves from the protection of the Endangered Species Act, allowing the state to permit hunting of these animals, despite glaring deficiencies in Wyoming’s wolf management plan. Even worse, the state included national park lands (namely, the John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway and Grand Teton National Park) in a designated hunting area. Although no wolves will be hunted this year in national parks, the inclusion of park lands within a state hunting zone sets the stage for a future challenge to the Park Service’s authority over wildlife.
Blog Post Biden’s First 100 Days Is the new administration following through on its park promises? Where things stand for 8 of NPCA’s top priorities, plus critical next steps for each.
Magazine Article The Face of Freedom Two potential park units would celebrate Harriet Tubman’s life.
Blog Post The Complicated History at One of America’s Segregated Schools One student shares her experiences at the Blackwell School in Marfa, Texas, a site many want preserved in the National Park System.
Press Release Forgotten Founders: The Hidden African Ancestry of Los Angeles During African American History Month, NPCA is co-sponsoring a new art exhibit, showcasing the diverse and multi-cultural founders of Los Angeles.
Magazine Article Lessons in Motion Homeschooling on the road isn’t always easy, but enthusiasts say the big wide world — including national parks — is the best classroom.
Magazine Article Hire Education The Park Service and Student Conservation Association team up to show Native Alaskan youth some new career options.
Blog Post Prehistoric Sharks Discovered at Mammoth Cave, Among Other Scientific Surprises Paleontologists uncover remarkable findings at three separate park sites, with potential for more new discoveries
Policy Update Position on S. 225, S. 298, S. 327, S. 641, S. 774, S. 1152 & S. 1582 NPCA submitted the following positions to members of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks ahead of a hearing scheduled for June 19, 2019.
Blog Post Capturing America’s Best Places Award-winning conservation photographer Ian Shive shares his passion for national parks, how his craft has changed over time, and what goes into making a great image.
Policy Update Position on S. 400, S. 1160, S. 1335, S. 1446, S. 1472, S. 1602, S. 1645, S. 1646, S. 1956, S. 2102 & S. 2225 NPCA submitted the following positions to the Senate Energy and Natural Resources National Parks Subcommittee ahead of a hearing scheduled for February 14, 2018.
Magazine Article On the Road Take a drive through the national parks of Oregon & California and witness a land of extremes.
Press Release California Desert Conservation and Recreation Act to Complete a Landscape-Level Conservation Legacy California Conservation and Recreation Act (CDCRA) would Mojave National Preserve and Joshua Tree and Death Valley National Parks and designate the Sand to Snow and Mojave Trails as National Monuments
Magazine Article Accidental Hero Crispus Attucks is believed to be the first casualty of the American Revolution, but 250 years later, it’s still difficult to untangle fact from myth.
Press Release Trump Administration Takes Aim at America’s National Monuments with Executive Order This executive order targets the Antiquities Act of 1906, which permits presidents to declare federal lands, already owned by all Americans, as national monuments.
Blog Post 7 Places Worth Saving By protecting the areas surrounding national parks, the U.S. can build resilient landscapes that prevent the worst effects of climate change and species loss.
Magazine Article Songs of the Wild Celebrating national parks with new music in the great outdoors.
Press Release Battlefield Coalition Unveils Findings of Year-long 'Wilderness Gateway Study' Cooperative effort provides framework for balancing preservation, development around national parks
Blog Post New Federal Memo Underscores the Importance of Diverse and Welcoming Public Lands Diversity and inclusion are key to the future success of our national parks
Press Release New Report Urges EPA to Abandon Proposed Air Pollution Rule New policy would obstruct efforts to protect cherished national parks and wildernesses, and their surrounding communities from air pollution
Blog Post Three Endangered Rivers, Countless Memories American Rivers recently released its annual list of America’s Most Endangered Rivers.
Policy Update NPCA position on S. 511, S. 1284/H.R. 2497, S. 1643, S. 1942, and S. 2490 NPCA shared the following positions ahead of a legislative hearing held by the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks scheduled for October 6th, 2021.
Blog Post A Glimpse into a Dark Part of America’s History A traveling park lover takes his mom into a windy desert landscape to try to imagine what life was like behind the barbed wire fences of a war relocation center more than 70 years ago.
Press Release Pullman Community Rallies Around Public-Private Partnerships Plan for Pullman National Monument NPCA and AIA release blueprint for development and growth of Chicago's first national park
Magazine Article In Good Conscience During World War II, thousands of conscientious objectors worked to restore and preserve our national parks and other federal lands.
Spotlight Harriet Tubman's Story How climate change is affecting the legacy of Harriet Tubman, the Underground Railroad and a national park’s landscape on Maryland’s Eastern Shore
Blog Post Telling the Frontier Story with a Community Perspective at Fort Union Fort Union National Monumentin New Mexico is a small unit of the National Park System that tells a big story, much different from the typical soldiers-and-Indians narrative one might expect at a frontier fort.
Fact Sheet Turkey Point Expansion Turkey Point Power Plant is located directly along the shores of Biscayne National Park, one of America’s largest marine national parks.
Jason Stricker Jason is a Senior at Texas State University studying Political Science and minoring in Psychology. An outdoorsman at heart, Jason has been to 15 national parks, is a hunter, amateur astronomer, scuba certified, and slowly working on a pilot's license. If not in nature you can find him reading boring books for class or watching movies while he plays video games.
Caroline McLaughlin As Associate Director for the Sun Coast region, Caroline focuses her efforts on protecting the stunning marine resources of this unique park.
Staff Kristin Gladd In her role as Deputy General Counsel, Kristin manages litigation on behalf of NPCA to support and protect national parks, as well as provides general legal counsel services to the organization.
Infographic Bison Infographic NPCA is working to ensure that the nation's oldest herd of bison in America's first national park have the habitat they need to thrive.
Fact Sheet Analysis of the Grow America Act The Obama Administration recently reissued its proposal to reauthorize federal surface transportation programs (GROW AMERICA Act). Unfortunately, it takes away guaranteed funding that has been provided historically to fix the deteriorating roads, bridges and other transportation systems within our national parks.
Park Big Hole National Battlefield After spending the summer fleeing U.S. Army troops, a band of Nez Perce Indians set up camp in Montana's Big Hole Valley, unaware that nearby troops would soon intercept them. On August 9, 1877, the quiet dawn was pierced by the sound of U.S. Army gunfire and the screams of women and children, many of whom died instantly in their tipis. Between 60 and 90 Nez Perce men, women and children were killed during a 36-hour battle. Today the battlefield is part of the Nez Perce National Historical Park, which consists of 38 sites that preserve the culture and the history of the Nez Perce. The Nez Perce consider the Big Hole National Battlefield a sacred burial ground, and many tribal members travel here to honor those who perished in the conflict.
Staff Christa Cherava Christa joined NPCA as an intern in 2005 to gain exposure to natural resource policy. Today she focuses on water issues and supports the science team.
Park Castle Mountains National Monument From the sweeping vistas atop towering Hart Mountain to the rocky canyons and sandy washes of the valley floor below, Castle Mountains National Monument celebrates the spirit of adventure, inspiration and sense of wonder evoked by the California desert.