Search results for “Cowpens National Battlefield”
Park Big Hole National Battlefield After spending the summer fleeing U.S. Army troops, a band of Nez Perce Indians set up camp in Montana's Big Hole Valley, unaware that nearby troops would soon intercept them. On August 9, 1877, the quiet dawn was pierced by the sound of U.S. Army gunfire and the screams of women and children, many of whom died instantly in their tipis. Between 60 and 90 Nez Perce men, women and children were killed during a 36-hour battle. Today the battlefield is part of the Nez Perce National Historical Park, which consists of 38 sites that preserve the culture and the history of the Nez Perce. The Nez Perce consider the Big Hole National Battlefield a sacred burial ground, and many tribal members travel here to honor those who perished in the conflict.
Park River Raisin National Battlefield Park River Raisin is the site of the devastating January 1813 Battles of Frenchtown that occurred during the War of 1812. The killing and ransom of unprotected American prisoners galvanized America. The resulting polemical rally cry “Remember the Raisin” spurred America’s successful re-taking of the Northwest Territories.
Park Petersburg National Battlefield In the summer of 1864, Petersburg, Virginia, became the setting for the longest siege in American warfare. When Civil War General Ulysses S. Grant failed to capture the Confederate capital of Richmond that spring, he decided to cut off Lee's supply lines by surrounding Petersburg, 25 miles to the south. Petersburg was an important supply center to the Confederate capital, and the siege led to the collapse of the Confederate government. General Robert E. Lee retreated, culminating in the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox Court House.
Park Washita Battlefield National Historic Site Washita Battlefield National Historic Site preserves the site where Lt. Colonel George Custer launched a surprise attack on the Cheyenne tribe of Chief Black Kettle, forcing the Indians to move onto reservations.
Park Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument This site commemorates the June 25, 1876 battle between the U.S. Army's seventh cavalry, guided by Crow and Arikara scouts, and several bands of Lakota Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapaho. The park includes battlefields, a cemetery, and trails to hike along with history.
Resource 2019 National Park Heritage Awards NPCA awarded the 2019 National Park Heritage Award to members of Congress who were sponsors or original cosponsors of bills within the John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act and voted in favor of final passage.
Report NPCA 2018 Annual Report A Nation's Parks: A Nation's Story
Resource The Art and Science of Camera Trapping The rise of camera trapping has allowed a growing number of volunteers to make significant contributions to academic research. Here’s a look at the practice, how these devices are used, and ways to get your own glimpses at wildlife “selfies” and help with ongoing research.
Blog Post The 10 National Park Sites with More Than 5 Million Recreational Visitors in 2017 National parks continued to serve as popular tourist destinations in 2017, with dozens of sites seeing all-time highs in numbers of recreational visits. Here are the 10 most-visited places in the National Park System.
Magazine Article Lessons in Motion Homeschooling on the road isn’t always easy, but enthusiasts say the big wide world — including national parks — is the best classroom.
Blog Post Fixing Our Heritage Veterans from around the country flew to Washington, D.C., this week to defend our national parks and address their $11.3 billion maintenance backlog
Magazine Article Total Eclipse of the Parks Two years of planning for two minutes of wonder in the Great Smokies.
Magazine Article The Forgotten March The 1932 veterans’ protest in Washington had a lasting impact on America but disappeared in the dustbin of history. The Park Service is working to change that.
Blog Post Historic 'Parks Package' Passes Congress An FAQ with details on today's enormous bipartisan win for national parks.
Press Release Senate Appropriations Bill Modestly Enhances Funding For National Parks in Advance of Park's Centennial Statement by Craig Obey, Senior Vice President for Government Affairs
Magazine Article Living Monuments Ian Shive traveled to the corners of the sea to document the watery wonders of the nation’s marine monuments.
Blog Post National Parks' Birthday: Time to Renew a National Commitment Americans cherish national parks and want to see them adequately funded and protected for the future. As we look to the November election, the upcoming National Park Service centennial offers a unique opportunity for our next president and Congress.
Blog Post The Top Six Ways to Discover New Places in the National Park System Enjoy history, culture, natural beauty, and scientific exploration at our national parks this vacation season. National parks not only protect some of America’s most iconic treasures, but they also tell diverse stories and teach valuable lessons about our shared heritage.
Blog Post Congress: Time to Stop Bickering and Keep Our National Parks Open One beloved national park is already closing facilities in reaction to budget cuts.
Magazine Article The Ranger Project The stargazers, climbers, paddlers, teachers, naturalists, historians, scientists, rescuers, protectors and dreamers of the National Park Service.
Blog Post Why Don’t States Run National Parks? Do we need a National Park Service? Why don't states control national park lands and resources? Here are 5 critical reasons.
Press Release President’s Budget Threat to National Parks If enacted, would be biggest cut to National Park Service since World War II.
Blog Post Who Counts? A Closer Look at Parks’ Record Visitation Numbers Every year, the Park Service releases its official statistics on visitation at national park sites around the country. How does the agency come up with these numbers? With vehicle multipliers, regression formulas, and other unusual procedures, the answer is anything but simple.
Magazine Article On the Right Track? Gettysburg National Military Park could soon include a historic train station.
Blog Post No Trophy Homes in Our National Parks Support the Fund that Improves and Protects Public Land
Blog Post Q&A: Do Visitors Really Need to Be Shut Out of National Parks During the Government Shutdown? As we enter week two of the government shutdown, closed signs and barricades at national parks have become powerful symbols of the fiscal standoff’s impact on people around the country.
Blog Post The Power of Parks National parks are forever. Everything else sure changes, though.
Press Release House Appropriations Bill Minimizes Cuts For National Parks but Fails to Meet Their Funding Needs Statement by Craig Obey, Senior Vice President for Government Affairs
Press Release Made in America: New Report Finds National Parks at a Tipping Point Leading Into Super Committee Deadline National Parks Group Urges the Need for Wise Investments to Support Jobs and Communities Nationwide
Press Release National Park Champions Honored on Capitol Hill NPCA's National Park Heritage Award recognizes bipartisan group of Senators and Representatives.
Blog Post Masks Required at National Parks: What to Know Before You Go Staff and visitors must now wear masks in federal buildings and facilities, as well as at outdoor attractions where distancing isn't possible.
Blog Post 5 Facts You Might Not Know About Harriet Tubman She is a revered American hero — but there’s more to Harriet Tubman’s story than what we learn in school.
Blog Post Journey Through Hallowed Ground Commemorates Our National History The Journey Through Hallowed Ground National Heritage Area is a 180-mile long, 75-mile wide swath of land stretching from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Blog Post Trivia Challenge: The Only WWII Land Battle Fought in North America Next year will be the 75th anniversary of the only land battle fought in North America during World War II. That battle, one of the war’s deadliest, took place at what is now a national park site. Can you guess which park?
Blog Post 5 Ways to Celebrate Veterans Day — Free — at a National Park Why not take the next fee-free day throughout the National Park System to learn more about America's military history?
Blog Post Finding Our Common Humanity in Our Cities, Parks and Communities Our national parks reflect our struggles and victories as Americans so we can learn from the past and build a better future.
Blog Post Remembering a Historic Siege in a Rugged Volcanic Landscape NPCA’s traveling park lover ventures into the northern California desert to Lava Beds National Monument and discovers a history of Indian wars and a picturesque landscape of lava tubes far off the beaten path
Press Release Report: Endangered Species Act is a Win-Win for National Parks and Imperiled Species Amid ongoing political attacks on the Endangered Species Act, a new report explores the mutual and far-reaching benefits of the law to threatened and endangered fish, plants and wildlife as well as national parks.