Search results for “Kobuk Valley National Park”
Report Park on the Edge: Funding Shortfalls at Olympic National Park Olympic National Park, one of the most visited national parks in the country, currently receives only approximately 60% of the funds it needs to adequately serve visitors, maintain roads and trails, and protect internationally recognized natural resources.
Park Voyageurs National Park Voyageurs National Park is an oasis of interconnected waterways, ancient rock and forested lands in the heart of the continent, straddling the Canadian border. Remote and rugged, it preserves the cross-country trade route canoed centuries ago by French fur traders known as voyageurs.
Park Saint-Gaudens National Historical Park Visit the home of one of America’s greatest sculptors and see more than 100 works of Augustus Saint-Gaudens’ art in his studios and gardens, from heroic monuments to expressive portraits to the intricate gold coins he designed, changing the look of American money. Take a guided tour of the grounds, enjoy an outdoor concert or star party, walk the site’s nature trails, or indulge in a sculpture class at this stately New England campus.
Infographic Parks in Peril: Images Use the drop-down menu above to download images of NPCA’s 9 national #ParksInPeril campaign.
Report NPCA 2015 Annual Report We often think of the early stewards of the parks here at National Parks Conservation Association. More than a century ago, they were the heroes who wondered how they could best conserve America’s lands and legacy. They contemplated what could be—and then they made it happen.
Policy Update Position on S. 145, S. 146, S. 329, S. 403, S. 521, S. 610, S. 873, and S. 1483 NPCA submitted the following positions on legislation considered by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources National Parks subcommittee on June 10, 2015.
Blog Post An Important Step for Wildlife at Isle Royale The wolf population at this remote Michigan park has been dwindling for years. A new plan, supported by the island’s eminent researcher, will benefit the animals and the ecology of the island.
Blog Post Improving America’s Water Infrastructure A quick guide to the Water Resources Development Act and why it matters for national parks.
Press Release Veterans & Film in the North Cascades and Beyond National Parks Conservation Association Hosts “Find Your Voice” Event
Press Release Congressional Committee Allows Dangerous Yellowstone and Grand Teton Legislation to Float Through Statement by Stephanie Adams, Yellowstone Program Manager for the National Parks Conservation Association
Magazine Article Lands of Protest A visual history of racial justice demonstrations in America's national parks.
Press Release NPCA Responds to Draft Moab Master Leasing Plan and EIS Statement by David Nimkin, Southwest Senior Regional Director, National Parks Conservation Association
Blog Post Fight Fire with Funding—and More Fire Will wildfires continue to get worse year after year? Funding and good forest management can help protect people and parks.
Blog Post Lone Wolves on Michigan's Isle Royale: An Island Dilemma Should the National Park Service intervene to help Isle Royale's dwindling wolf population?
Press Release Trump Administration Advances Disastrous Pebble Mine Near Bristol Bay This dangerous gamble favors international mining interests over people, parks and Bristol Bay’s salmon run and the billion-dollar Bristol Bay fisheries it sustains.
Press Release Victory! Army Corps Rejects Disastrous Pebble Mine near Alaska’s Bristol Bay “Today’s decision smartly prioritizes the long-term health of people, national parks and wildlife including the world’s largest salmon run, over international mining interests" -- NPCA's Theresa Pierno
Press Release EPA Proposes Long-Overdue Rule To Clean Up the Largest Air Polluter in Nebraska National Parks, Wilderness Areas, and Public Health to Benefit from Lower Emissions from Gerald Gentleman Coal Plant
Press Release Concerns Raised Over Endangered Species Act Removal of Yellowstone Grizzly Bears Final rule released by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service removes the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem grizzly bear from the Endangered Species List. The rule impacts grizzly bears in Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks and the 20 million acre ecosystem.
Magazine Article Friends in High Places EcoFlight offers an aerial view of the national parks, and the threats looming within and beyond their boundaries.
Magazine Article Hot on the Trail So-called supercorals in the National Park of American Samoa may hold clues to saving coral reefs everywhere.
Press Release EPA Abandons Science, Clears Way for Pebble Mine near Alaska’s Bristol Bay "The Trump Administration is putting America last in making it easier for a foreign mining company to endanger the world’s greatest wild salmon fishery and the iconic brown bears of Katmai and Lake Clark National Parks” -- NPCA's Jim Adams.
Magazine Article The Loneliest Land In 1888, writer Mary Hunter Austin began exploring the desert. Her love of the blunt, burned land of little rain led to a book, a career, and an environmental legacy.
Press Release Disastrous Pebble Mine Project Paused The Environmental Protection Agency must now veto the Pebble Mine to protect salmon, national parks and the world’s densest population of brown bears.
Press Release Glacier and Yellowstone Grizzly Bear Connectivity, Conservation Supported by Montana Council Recommendations include restoring connections between Yellowstone and Glacier national park grizzly bears and ensuring communities are better prepared to live with bears.
Magazine Article Like Clockwork Ready or not, the Brood X cicadas are coming — maybe to a park near you.
Policy Update Testimony: Exploring Innovative Solutions to Reduce the Department of the Interior’s Maintenance Backlog Written statement of Steven F. Iobst, Northern Rockies Regional Council Member, National Parks Conservation Association, for the House Committee on Natural Resources.
Magazine Article Drilling Down Fracking adjacent to Theodore Roosevelt National Park is changing the landscape. And a whole lot more.
Magazine Article The Forgotten March The 1932 veterans’ protest in Washington had a lasting impact on America but disappeared in the dustbin of history. The Park Service is working to change that.
Magazine Article Warm With A Chance Of Crowds A study forecasts how climate change could affect national park visitation.
Policy Update Position on Biscayne Marine Reserve Legislation NPCA has taken the following positions on legislation related to a proposed marine reserve in Biscayne National Park.
Policy Update Welcome to the 116th Congress On behalf of all of us who work at the National Parks Conservation Association and our more than 1.3 million members and supporters nationwide, welcome to the 116th Congress.
Magazine Article Winter Wonderland After a 15-year battle to reduce the noise and pollution from snowmobiles, a happy ending in Yellowstone National Park.
Blog Post ‘A Conservationist’s Dream’: Congress Passes Great American Outdoors Act Legislation represents a historic victory for parks and will authorize billions of dollars to fund critical maintenance projects and conserve vulnerable lands.
Blog Post Back Open but Hit Hard One month after the partial government shutdown ended, park partners and local businesses continue to grapple with significant financial losses.
Magazine Article A New View Has the long-troubled relationship between Grand Canyon National Park and local indigenous people entered a more harmonious era?
Staff Chloe Crumley As the Program Coordinator for Texas and Oklahoma, Chloe develops community relationships and programs to educate, engage and empower new and diverse advocates for our national parks.
Park Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore Sleeping Bear Dunes features immense and magnificent sand dunes, as well as beaches, forests and inland lakes along a 35-mile strip of the southeastern shore of Lake Michigan. Off the coast, the park also includes two undeveloped islands, North and South Manitou Islands, which offer a more remote backcountry experience.
Staff America Fitzpatrick America has spent over a decade working in conservation in the West and currently works to protect parks from energy development.
Kate Siber Kate Siber, a freelance writer and correspondent for Outside magazine, is based in Durango, Colorado. Her writing has appeared in National Geographic Traveler and The New York Times. She is also the author of “National Parks of the U.S.A.,” a children’s book.
Park Andersonville National Historic Site Located in southwest Georgia, this 515-acre historic site is a tribute to the prisoner of war experience. Etched on memorials throughout the park is the phrase, "Death Before Dishonor," symbolizing the American resolve to uphold the value of freedom and liberty in the face of adversity. The site consists of Andersonville Prison, the National Prisoner of War Museum and the national cemetery. The museum opened at Andersonville in 1998 and is dedicated to all brave men and women of the United States who have suffered captivity.
Park Tuzigoot National Monument Tuzigoot, which is Apache for "crooked water," is the remnant of a Sinaguan village built between 1125 and 1400. It crowns the summit of a long ridge that rises 120 feet over the Verde Valley. The original pueblo was two stories high in places and had 77 ground-floor rooms.
Resource Mid-Atlantic Regional Victories This document details the various park protection victories of the Mid-Atlantic region.
Resource Proposed Lone Star Coastal NRA Resources View the related maps and documents. Read what others are saying about the project. Learn more about the rich cultural heritage, the outstanding wildlife diversity, and the recreation opportunities of the bays and their gateway communities.
Staff and Government Affairs Christina Hazard Christina Hazard joined NPCA in 2006 and is the Legislative Director of Wildlife and Natural Resources for the Government Affairs team.
Rene Melara Rene Melara is a Clinical Social Worker who has lived in Los Angeles since 2013 and has worked to support youth and families from underserved communities on the Westside.