Search results for “Mesa Verde National Park”
Park Zion National Park Free-flowing rivers cut through multi-hued sedimentary rock to form Zion's deep and spectacular canyons. Park trails lead visitors to dramatic rock formations, hanging gardens, scenic vistas, ancient rock art and natural arches. People have lived in Zion’s landscape for at least 8,000 years, and the park's prehistoric art and artifacts tell the stories of the area’s previous inhabitants. The park also provides habitat for a variety of wildlife and large mammals, hardy desert plants like cholla and juniper, and rare and threatened birds like the peregrine falcon, California condor and Mexican spotted owl.
Park Wind Cave National Park One of the country’s oldest national parks, Wind Cave combines rare mineral wonders underground with beautiful mixed-prairie habitat aboveground. Take a ranger-led tour to explore the unusual formations below the Earth’s surface, including cave walls that look like frost, textured honeycombs and even popcorn. You can also hike through some of the park’s 34,000 acres of wildlife habitat to see prairie dogs, pronghorn, elk and one of the last remaining herds of free-roaming, genetically pure bison in the country.
Park Wolf Trap National Park for The Performing Arts This unique performance space is the only U.S. national park devoted to the performing arts. Managed through a public-private partnership, the arts center hosts a wide variety of entertainment each year, from pop singers to elaborate dance troupes to comedians. It features three separate performance venues — a large amphitheater, a smaller performance space and a Theatre-in-the-Woods especially for children — as well as walking trails and picnic spots to explore before or after the show.
Testimony Impacts of Climate Change on the National Park System Testimony and attached reports on behalf of the National Parks Conservation Association in connection with the hearing by the Subcommittee on National Parks to receive testimony on the current and expected impacts of climate change on units of the National Park System.
Report Climate Change and National Park Wildlife: Risk and Opportunity America’s national parks are showing the signs of climate change. From Yosemite’s forests in California to the Gulf Stream waters of the Florida coast, from the top of the Rocky Mountains to the shores of the Chesapeake Bay, these lands and the incredible diversity of life they support are all feeling the heat.
Report Indiana Dunes Climate Change Workshop National Parks Conservation Association and the National Park Service Climate Change Response Program are collaborating on a project focused on the development and application of sustainable strategies and tools for communicating science-based messages about climate change affecting local communities and the national parks.
Park World War I Memorial This monument honors all veterans throughout the country that served in World War I. Before being designated as its own individual unit of the National Park System, this park was previously dedicated to General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, who served as General of the Armies in World War I and known as "Pershing Park." The memorial in the heart of downtown D.C.'s Washington Mall features a statue of General Pershing, walls and benches describing his achievements in World War I, a fountain, a pond (which serves as an ice rink in the winter), and flower beds.
Resource Laws Waived for Border Wall Construction The Department of Homeland Security is waiving the following laws to build proposed sections of border wall in Arizona and California near national park lands.
Blog Post Restoring Resiliency at Dyke Marsh A year ago, Superstorm Sandy slammed the East Coast, demonstrating once again the power of nature. It left behind $65 billion in damage affecting 24 states and 70 national parks.
Magazine Article Man of Letters A third-generation stone carver, Nicholas Benson has left enduring marks on some of the park system’s most iconic monuments.
Blog Post The Legacy of Fred Korematsu He fought against his forced imprisonment, all the way to the Supreme Court. Today, the National Park Service helps interpret the dark history behind World War II incarceration camps.
Blog Post Fort Donelson: A Big Battle on the War’s Frontier Commemorate the anniversary of a critical Civil War battle at a host of upcoming national park programs.
Blog Post Telling a Supreme Story Only one national park site specifically interprets the history of a Supreme Court case. The enduring importance of this ruling continues to define what equality means in our systems of education.
Blog Post The Complicated History at One of America’s Segregated Schools One student shares her experiences at the Blackwell School in Marfa, Texas, a site many want preserved in the National Park System.
Blog Post Standing with the Emotion of History Have you been to the USS Arizona in Hawaii where World War II began in the U.S.? Thank a park ranger for letting us all remember.
Blog Post A Threat to Justice Everywhere We cannot stay silent in the face of race-based violence in our cities, communities and parks.
Magazine Article Capturing Acadia An artist’s view of Maine’s famous national park.
Policy Update NPCA position on H.R. 149, H.R. 250, and H.R. 4706 NPCA shared the following positions ahead of a legislative hearing held by the U.S. House Natural Resources National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands Subcommittee scheduled for October 14th, 2021.
Magazine Article An Audacious Fight Force-feeding and imprisonment could not stop suffragist Alice Paul’s march forward. A new park site would tell her story.
Blog Post The Administration’s ‘Single Worst Environmental Rollback’ Recent changes to a foundational environmental law governing federal development projects will have far-reaching consequences for people and parks.
Magazine Article A Very Good Dog Goodbye to Happy, a four-legged park volunteer who lived up to his name until the end.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 307, H.R. 1088, H.R. 1179, H.R. 1487, & H.R. 2427 NPCA submitted the following positions to members of the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands ahead of a hearing scheduled for May 22, 2019.
Policy Update NPCA position on S. 511, S. 1284/H.R. 2497, S. 1643, S. 1942, and S. 2490 NPCA shared the following positions ahead of a legislative hearing held by the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks scheduled for October 6th, 2021.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 1049, National Heritage Area Act NPCA submitted the following position to members of the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands ahead of a hearing scheduled for April 30, 2019.
Blog Post Hikes to See Pronghorn Feature Unexpected Guests In conservation, it is easy to get wrapped up in wonky policy debates or overcome by process. Fortunately, my Nature Valley-sponsored “Path of the Pronghorn” hikes each fall are a poignant reminder of the beauty and natural order that exist in Yellowstone National Park and why we work so hard to protect it.
Blog Post What Historic Figure Are You? Celebrate Women's History Month by finding out which groundbreaking woman in the national park world best captures your personality.
Policy Update NPCA position on H.R. 1154, H.R. 1316, H.R. 2359, & H.R. 3222 NPCA sent the following position to members of the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands ahead of a legislative hearing scheduled for June 15th, 2021.
Magazine Article Fish Out of Water Asian carp threaten national parks along the Mississippi River.
Spotlight Robert Mitchell Air pollution knows no bounds, and wild spaces such as Everglades National Park are not the only things at risk. The people of the tri-city area deserve better, too.
Magazine Article Generating Controversy The Navajo Generating Station was supposed to improve the lives of the native people living in its shadow, but its only real legacy is the polluted skies over the American Southwest.
Policy Update Testimony: H.R. 3668 California Minerals, Off-Road Recreation, and Conservation Act Statement of David Lamfrom submitted for the record for the House Natural Resources Committee, Subcommittee on Federal Lands hearing on December 9, 2015.
Policy Update Position on Reauthorization of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act NPCA submitted the following position to members of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.
Magazine Article The Grouse Effect An unlikely coalition is fighting to protect the Gunnison sage-grouse.
Press Release EPA Fails to Protect Clean Air, Exempts Navajo Generating Station Coal Plant from Safeguards Clean Air Advocates Vow Fight After Decision Allowing Controversial Coal Plant to Keep Polluting for Decades
Press Release Administration Rolls Back Methane Waste Protections Weakened methane waste rule puts public health, lands at risk.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 1708, H.R. 2546 & H.R. 2642 NPCA submitted the following positions to members of the House Committee on Natural Resources ahead of a markup scheduled for November 20, 2019.
Policy Update Position on Amendments to H.R. 2822 NPCA submitted the following positions on amendments to the Interior, Environment and Related Agencies Appropriations Act being considered by the House of Representatives in July 2015.
Magazine Article Battling History Manuel Chaves was a Civil War hero. He also murdered and enslaved Native Americans. How should we remember him?
Video Time for the Grizzly? Now is the time to restore the North Cascades grizzly bear! The North Cascades Ecosystem is the only remaining grizzly bear population on the West Coast of the contiguous United States. Although grizzlies have lived in the North Cascades for thousands of years, biologists estimate that fewer than 10 remain today, making it the most at-risk bear population in North America.