Search results for “Saguaro National Park”
Video Find Your Voice: Yellowstone National Park On the borders of Yellowstone National Park decades worth of barriers to pronghorn migration are opening one day at a time thanks to the hard work of volunteers and willing private landowners. Together we can make a difference for national parks and wildlife.
Fact Sheet Forward, Not Backward Climate change is the greatest threat facing our national parks and people across the world. But the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is taking strident measures to strip the U.S. of necessary rules to curb climate pollution.
Report $11.6 Billion and Counting When Can Parks Expect Repair Funding?
Policy Update Position on Deferred Maintenance Needs and Potential Solutions NPCA submitted the following position to members of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources ahead of a hearing scheduled for June 18, 2019.
Policy Update Testimony: Impacts of the Partial Federal Government Shutdown NPCA submitted the following statement to members of the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee ahead of a hearing scheduled for January 15, 2019.
Policy Update Testimony: Fiscal Year 2017 Interior Appropriations Written statement submitted by John Garder to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies on March 23, 2016.
Policy Update Position on FY20 Interior Appropriations NPCA sent the following position to leaders of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees ahead of negotiations on final FY20 funding bills.
Magazine Article Resurfacing The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is considering taking manatees off the endangered species list. But is it too soon?
Policy Update Position on H.R. 2406, the SHARE Act NPCA submitted the following position on H.R. 2406, the Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act and proposed amendments prior to consideration of the bill on the House floor.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 6147, Interior Appropriations & Amendments NPCA submitted the following positions to the House of Representatives ahead of anticipated floor debate and votes.
Policy Update Position on S. 2012, the Energy Policy Modernization Act NPCA submitted the following positions on several potential amendments to and provisions in S. 2012, Energy Policy Modernization Act, ahead of consideration on the Senate floor.
Press Release Great American Outdoors Act Draws Widespread Support from Diverse Groups Across the Nation Hundreds of National, State and Local Organizations Write Congressional Leaders in Support of the Great American Outdoors Act
Policy Update Position on H.R. 2584 & H.R. 5210 NPCA submitted the following positions to the House Committee on Natural Resources Federal Lands Subcommittee ahead of a hearing scheduled for March 20, 2018.
Blog Post How Congress Can Preserve Thousands of Acres of America’s Heritage For over 50 years, the Land and Water Conservation Fund has preserved nationally significant lands across the country from development. Congress recently voted to permanently authorize this program — but it still needs dependable funding.
Magazine Article The Movement A composer’s ascent of Longs Peak, and the sonata it inspired.
Magazine Article Cosmic Vibes Abound Gram Parsons and his musical legacy at Joshua Tree
Policy Update Position on FY16 Omnibus Appropriations Bill NPCA urges the Senate and House of Representatives to consider a few significant concerns about the Interior and Environment portion of the FY16 omnibus appropriations bill.
Magazine Article Some Like It Very Hot A growing number of extreme tourists are heading to Death Valley to experience one of the hottest places on Earth at the hottest time of year.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 1865 and H.R. 1158, FY20 Appropriations NPCA submitted the following letter to the Senate prior to an anticipated floor vote on December 19th, 2019.
Press Release Statement Regarding Arlington Memorial Bridge Closure Inspectors found area of corrosion on Arlington Memorial Bridge.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 266, the FY19 Interior, Environment and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill NPCA submitted the following position to members of the House of Representatives ahead of anticipated floor votes.
Policy Update Position on Amendments to S.1, the Keystone XL Pipeline Act NPCA submitted the following positions regarding amendments to S.1, the Keystone XL Pipeline Act, to the Senate in January 2015.
Magazine Article Where the Wild Things Were Denali paleontologists brave blizzards and bears to find fossils that could challenge what we know about dinosaurs.
Magazine Article Reflections on a Man in his Wilderness Remembering Richard Proenneke.
Magazine Article Saving Goliath Can a tiny beetle rescue Shenandoah’s mighty hemlocks?
Magazine Article Fire on the Mountain A dozen family members gathered in Glacier for a vacation and birthday celebration. Then the perfect storm of fire approached.
Press Release Colorado Air Quality Regulator Reverses Decision to Retire Coal Plants Early Air Quality Control Commission sides with corporate polluters over decision to force the early retirement of three coal plants
Magazine Article Sand & Castles Death Valley comes to life in the middle of a California winter.
Blog Post An Auspicious Return Have pronghorn reclaimed Death Valley?
Magazine Article A Whale’s Last Song After a renowned humpback whale was killed by a cruise ship, her carefully preserved remains were transformed into one of the biggest whale-skeleton exhibits in the country.
Press Release New Policy Opens the Door to Wolf Hunting in Grand Teton, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway Rule Provides Poor Protection for Wyoming Wolves just Removed from the Endangered Species List
Magazine Article Gasping For Air Is air pollution pushing the Rockies to a point of no return?
Magazine Article Fighting for the Grizzly NPCA and others have worked for decades to protect Yellowstone’s grizzlies. Is the long-term recovery of the iconic species now in jeopardy?
Video Reflecting on the Past As NPCA celebrates our 99th birthday this month, we've been looking back at the role we've played in preserving some of America's most important places.
Report A Healthy Advantage The Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV) Active Plan is a blueprint for a 428-mile trail network that will link the rich natural, cultural and historical resources of the Lower Rio Grande Valley.