Search results for “National Park of American Samoa”
Park Olympic National Park Exploring Olympic’s dynamic landscape is like visiting three parks in one. The high mountains offer snow, glaciers, wilderness and — if you time it right — acres of wildflowers. The lush, verdant Hoh Rainforest is unlike anything else in the Lower 48, and home to Roosevelt elk, black bears and other charismatic wildlife. And the park’s stunning coast offers some of the country's wildest and most spectacular beaches, dotted with tide pools and sea stacks. Visitors can now see where park staff recently removed two large dams, letting the Elwha River flow freely again for the first time in more than 100 years.
Park Morristown National Historical Park This park preserves the winter camp site where George Washington stationed his troops during the Revolutionary War in 1779-1780. During these difficult months, the Continental Army became a symbol of patriotism and sacrifice; living in drafty wooden huts, these underfed and undersupplied men survived what was then the coldest winter on record, growing through countless hardships into a disciplined military force. Under Washington’s command, these troops eventually won the country's independence from the British.
Report Solar Energy, National Parks, and Landscape Protection in the Desert Southwest Solar energy is one of our country’s most promising industries for reducing America’s current reliance on coal-fired power plants that contribute to unhealthy air quality in communities across the country, as well as our national parks.
Park Padre Island National Seashore Travelers might not picture stunning beaches and undisturbed lagoons, marshlands, and coastal prairies when they think of Texas, but Padre Island National Seashore preserves the largest undeveloped barrier island in the world with a range of unspoiled natural features. The varied types of geography at the park make it an ideal stopover for a range of migratory birds on the Central Flyway seeking food and shelter, and the American Bird Conservancy has designated the park a Globally Important Bird Area. An estimated 380 different types of birds inhabit Padre Island over the course of a year—nearly half the total number of bird species in the entire country.
Park Mississippi National River & Recreation Area This national river and recreation area follows one of America's largest and most historic rivers for 72 miles through Minnesota, curving through the heart of Minneapolis-St. Paul and wandering south toward the border of Wisconsin where it meets with the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway. The Mississippi River is home to seven national parks, but this park is the only one that was specifically created to share the history and science of the river itself. This urban oasis has a bit of everything, from canoeing and bird-watching opportunities to military relics and historic buildings, just a stone’s throw from two major metropolitan areas.
Resource Visitor Management Position Statement NPCA supports a variety of management strategies at overcrowded parks to help protect natural and cultural resources and improve the visitor experience.
Park Rio Grande Wild & Scenic River This “wild and scenic” section of the famous Rio Grande is a 196-mile stretch of the river that travels east from the Mexican border into Texas and winds through some of the more remote vistas in the Chihuahuan Desert and into Big Bend National Park. Boaters looking for a southwestern adventure can plan a float trip on this picturesque waterway to see its rugged canyons with 100-million-year-old rock walls and a diverse array of wildlife. Note that different sections of the river have varying difficulty levels, and traveling through the remote Lower Canyons area requires an access fee and release form.
Video Reflecting on the Past As NPCA celebrates our 99th birthday this month, we've been looking back at the role we've played in preserving some of America's most important places.
Blog Post 5 Myths and 5 Facts About Dominion’s Ill-Conceived Transmission Line Plan at Historic Jamestown Why we need the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to deny Dominion’s permit and protect 400 years of history
Magazine Article Maiden Voyage Do archaeological sites in the Channel Islands reveal a coastal migration into the Americas?
Policy Update Position on H.R. 1373, H.R. 2181 & H.R. 3405 NPCA submitted the following positions to members of the House Committee on Natural Resources ahead of a markup scheduled for July 17, 2019.
Blog Post ‘Home Means Nevada’ 16 photographs that capture the intrigue of the Silver State and its public lands
Policy Update NPCA position on H.R. 160, H.R. 2074, and H.R. 3222 NPCA shared the following positions ahead of a legislative markup held by the U.S. House Natural Resources Committee scheduled for October 13th, 2021.
Magazine Article What’s in a Howl? Researchers in Yellowstone are hoping to uncover the meaning behind the haunting sounds of wolves.
Blog Post How a Group of Silent Women Won a Battle with President Wilson a Century Ago The first organization to picket the White House launched a hard-fought campaign to win a major victory for women’s rights.
Policy Update Position on S. 614, Grizzly Bear State Management Act NPCA submitted the following position to members of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works ahead of a hearing scheduled for September 9, 2020.
Magazine Article Getting the Lead Out Lead bullets still threaten the California condor, an icon at Pinnacles and Grand Canyon.
Press Release Permanent Uranium Ban for the Grand Canyon Introduced in the Senate Senate legislation would permanently ban new uranium mining on nearly one million acres within and near the Grand Canyon.
Magazine Article At Rest in Yellowstone A husband scatters his wife’s ashes in five wild landscapes they knew and loved, bringing the journey to an end in the Lamar Valley.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 3905, Minnesota’s Economic Rights in the Superior National Forest Act NPCA submitted the following position to members of the House Natural Resources Committee ahead of a markup scheduled for November 7-8, 2017.
Policy Update Position on 2016 Energy Legislation NPCA submitted the following position to members of the House of Representatives designated as conferees on energy legislation.
Policy Update Testimony: Agency Spending Restrictions During a Shutdown Written statement of John Garder, NPCA Senior Director of Budget & Appropriations, for the hearing "The Power of the Purse: A Review of Agency Spending Restrictions During a Shutdown" in the House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies scheduled for February 6, 2019.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 2, INVEST in America Act NPCA submitted the following positions to members of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure ahead of a markup scheduled for June 16, 2020.
Policy Update Testimony: Impacts of the Partial Federal Government Shutdown NPCA submitted the following statement to members of the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee ahead of a hearing scheduled for January 15, 2019.
Policy Update Position on Emmer Discussion Draft NPCA submitted the following position to the House Committee on Natural Resources Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources on ahead of a hearing scheduled for July 27, 2017.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 2406, the SHARE Act NPCA submitted the following position on H.R. 2406, the Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act and proposed amendments prior to consideration of the bill on the House floor.
Policy Update Position on FY16 Omnibus Appropriations Bill NPCA urges the Senate and House of Representatives to consider a few significant concerns about the Interior and Environment portion of the FY16 omnibus appropriations bill.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 266, the FY19 Interior, Environment and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill NPCA submitted the following position to members of the House of Representatives ahead of anticipated floor votes.
Policy Update Position on Amendments to S.1, the Keystone XL Pipeline Act NPCA submitted the following positions regarding amendments to S.1, the Keystone XL Pipeline Act, to the Senate in January 2015.
Magazine Article Sand & Castles Death Valley comes to life in the middle of a California winter.
Magazine Article Fire on the Mountain A dozen family members gathered in Glacier for a vacation and birthday celebration. Then the perfect storm of fire approached.
Blog Post Yosemite in Autumn: An Insider’s View Millions of people visit Yosemite each year. What makes for a truly exceptional trip? One NPCA staffer finds out.
Policy Update Position on S. 500, S. 1081 & Amendments NPCA submitted the following positions to members of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources ahead of a hearing scheduled for November 19, 2019.
Policy Update Position on Amendments to H.R. 3055, FY20 Appropriations Minibus NPCA submitted the following positions to the Senate ahead of anticipated floor votes the week on October 28, 2019.
Press Release Polling Shows 80% Support for Restoring North Cascades Grizzly Bears Polling data compliments a new partnership of conservation, business and other groups that support the return of a missing Northwest icon.
Press Release Administration Rolls Back Methane Waste Protections Weakened methane waste rule puts public health, lands at risk.
Blog Post Bridge over Troubled Water Restoring America’s Everglades to solve Florida’s water crisis
Press Release Conservation Advocates Challenge EPA's Texas Haze Plan in Court Groups challenge EPA’s Regional Haze Pollution Cleanup Plan in Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Report A Healthy Advantage The Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV) Active Plan is a blueprint for a 428-mile trail network that will link the rich natural, cultural and historical resources of the Lower Rio Grande Valley.
Resource NPCA Internship Information Read more about NPCA's internship program.