Search results for “Missouri National Recreational River”
Park Little River Canyon National Preserve This site on the southern edge of the Cumberland Plateau preserves the rugged forested landscape and diverse wildlife of the Little River Canyon. The park offers hiking, camping, picnicking, kayaking, horseriding, birdwatching and more along the verdant banks of this picturesque river.
Park Ocmulgee Mounds National Historical Park This site brings together the history of many cultures that have lived alongside the Ocmulgee River in Georgia since ancient times, featuring a trove of archaeological artifacts on display at the visitor center, a thousand-year-old earthen lodge, and seven burial and ceremonial mounds to explore. The river corridor itself offers hiking, boating, and bird-watching opportunities, and the park hosts a spectacular Native American festival each September, showcasing hundreds of dancers, singers, musicians, storytellers and artists from more than a dozen different Native American nations.
Report Center for State of the Parks: Tennessee's Civil War National Parks In recognition of the important historical events that Fort Donelson National Battlefield, Shiloh National Military Park, Stones River National Battlefield, and Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park commemorate and interpret, the National Parks Conservation Association’s Center for State of the Parks conducted assessments to determine the current conditions of the parks’ cultural and natural resources.
Staff Steven Goodman As our Volgenau Wildlife Fellow, Steve ably lead our wildlife connectivity field research in the Pigeon River Gorge from 2018-2021 and we’re so happy to have him now on the Southeast team permanently.
Park Tonto National Monument This area was once home to the prehistoric Salado people, named in the early 20th century after the life-giving Rio Salado, or Salt River. The Tonto National Monument protects the ruins of two cliff dwellings that are nearly 700 years old. The park also shares artifacts and stories from this region of the Sonoran desert overlooking the Tonto Basin in southeastern Arizona.
Park Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park is home to one of the country's most spectacular waterfalls — a 260-foot-wide, 77-foot drop that rushes through the Passaic River Gorge and is recognized as a National Natural Landmark. These astounding falls made Paterson the ideal site for one of America's earliest industrial parks — a thriving manufacturing district developed in part by founding father Alexander Hamilton and run for decades on the area's abundant hydropower.
Park Monocacy National Battlefield This site preserves the Civil War engagement near Monocacy River in July 1864 known as “The Battle That Saved Washington.” On that day, Union troops met with advancing Confederate soldiers on their way to Fort Stevens in Washington, D.C.; although Union forces were outmanned, they were able to delay the Confederates, allowing reinforcements to arrive to defend Washington. President Lincoln watched some of the fighting from the ramparts at Fort Stevens, making him the only sitting president to come under direct fire during a hostile action.
Blog Post 9 Romantic Park Trips for You and Your Valentine Whether you want to live it up near the city lights or get away from it all under the starlight, national parks provide a wealth of amorous adventures for you and your Valentine.
Blog Post Commercial Beef Cattle in America’s National Parks: Are You Serious? Cattle grazing is not compatible with responsible public land management practices in most cases. Yet new legislation could double the length of time commercial ranchers can graze their animals.
Press Release America's Great Waters Coalition Urges Senate to Reject Cuts to Clean Water Programs A national coalition of conservation organizations, America’s Great Waters Coalition, today urges the U.S. Senate to reject cuts to clean water programs in a U.S. House-passed Continuing Resolution that will significantly reduce protections for America’s Great Waters.
Policy Update Position on S. 2839, S. 1662, S. 1696, S. 2412, S. 2548, S. 2627, S. 2805, S. 2807, S. 2954, S. 3020, S. 3027, S. 3028, S. 211, S. 1623, S. 1690 and S. 1824 NPCA submitted the following positions on bills being considered by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee National Parks subcommittee during a hearing on June 15, 2016.
Blog Post Working Like a Dog: See How Pups Help Park Rangers in These 12 Unusual Jobs From sniffing out turtle eggs to keeping mountain goats out of parking lots, four-legged rangers carry out many duties that help preserve national park resources and make sure visitors have a pleasant and safe park experience.
Policy Update Position on S. 400, S. 1160, S. 1335, S. 1446, S. 1472, S. 1602, S. 1645, S. 1646, S. 1956, S. 2102 & S. 2225 NPCA submitted the following positions to the Senate Energy and Natural Resources National Parks Subcommittee ahead of a hearing scheduled for February 14, 2018.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 4644, H.R. 5727 & H.R. 6784 NPCA submitted the following positions to members of the House Natural Resources Committee ahead of a markup scheduled for September 26, 2018.
Blog Post Supporting the Regional Parks that 'Pay Huge Dividends' Ask someone to explain what a National Heritage Area (NHA) is, exactly, and you’re likely to get a long pause. At least, that’s what happened to me when I asked Annie Harris to fill me in. “It’s always hard to come up with some simple words,” she admits with a laugh.
Blog Post Walking to Protect Glacier's Water Pauline Matt dreamed that the water was dying and that she had the power to stop it. Her dream was not far from the truth, with fracking arriving on the Blackfeet Indian Nation and adjacent to Glacier National Park in Montana. Instead of allowing the dream to paralyze her, she kept herself moving—literally—by organizing the six-day, 80-mile Chief Mountain Water Walk to help focus the eyes of the nation on this corner of Montana.
Press Release Agreement to Close Entergy's Polluting Power Plants is Finalized “Today’s decision is a win for clean air and our environment." - Stephanie Kodish, NPCA's Clean Air & Climate Programs Director & Counsel
Blog Post Counting Caves Mammoth Cave National Park may boast the world’s longest cave system, but one national park site includes hundreds more caves within its boundaries. Learn about the site with the most known caves in the National Park System.
Magazine Article Landscapes for the People Photographer George Grant has never been widely known, but his skillfully crafted work helped popularize the idea that the national parks belong to everyday Americans.
Magazine Article A People’s Historian Talking about the past and the future with the Park Service’s new chief historian.
Blog Post VIDEO: New Park Service Series Explores White-Nose Syndrome and the Threat to Bats Educational campaign aims to enlist more humans in efforts to prevent widespread bat mortality.
Policy Update Position on S.941, Yellowstone Gateway Protection Act NPCA submitted the following position to members of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on Public Lands, Forests and Mining ahead of a hearing scheduled for July 26, 2017.
Melanie McDowell Melanie joined NPCA in March 2015 and is the Outreach and Engagement Manager for the Mid-Atlantic Region. She runs outreach and engagement programming to empower diverse national park advocates throughout the region.
Report Texas Pride This report profiles the 13 national park sites here in Texas, visited annually by nearly 5.5 million people. They are the pride of our state and economic boons to local communities, with national park tourism providing nearly 5,000 jobs and $308 million annually for state and local economies.
Blog Post Alaska Officials Use Pandemic to Transfer Funds for Mining Road The misappropriation of $35 million in state funding to help small and medium-sized businesses could instead support construction of a 211-mile road through the wildest national park landscape in America.
Magazine Article Picture This Design students reimagine the park experience for the 21st century.
Policy Update Position on S. 1160, S. 1335, S. 1446 & S. 1602 NPCA submitted the following positions to the Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources ahead of a markup scheduled for March 8, 2018.
Press Release Groups Sue to Stop Oil and Gas Exploration in Florida’s Big Cypress National Preserve Seismic Testing Threatens Endangered Florida Panther and Water Resources
Policy Update Position on Nomination of Daniel Jorjani NPCA, along with partners, submitted the following position to members of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources ahead of a hearing scheduled for May 2, 2019.
Policy Update Position on Funding the Border Wall NPCA submitted the following position to the Senate ahead of votes scheduled for February 15, 2018.
Press Release Park Service Paves Way for Oil, Gas Drilling in Big Cypress National Preserve Plans Would Disrupt 70,000 Acres of Fragile Wetlands, Forest
Magazine Article A Land Divided How would a border wall affect national parks?
Magazine Article Welcome to the Family! Three new parks joined the system this fall.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 801, H.R. 2888 & H.R. 4266 NPCA submitted the following positions to the House Committee on Natural Resources Subcommittee on Federal Lands ahead of a hearing scheduled for November 15, 2017.
Blog Post New "FracTracker" Tool Can Help Safeguard National Parks Concerned visitors are helping to document oil and gas development on the border of Theodore Roosevelt National Park through an innovative crowdsourcing campaign.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 4760 & H.R. 6136 NPCA submitted the following position to members of the House of Representatives ahead of floor votes expected on June 21, 2018.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 1289, S. 718, S. 1622, S. 1696, S. 1930, S. 1943, S. 1993, S. 2177, S. 2309, S. 2412, S. 2548, S. 2805, S. 2839, S. 2954, S. 3020,S. 3027, S. 3028, H.R. 2880, S. 1923, S. 1690 NPCA submitted the following positions on legislation being considered by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee during a markup on July 12, 2016.
Blog Post Unsportsmanlike Conduct The state of Alaska should not allow objectionable bear-hunting methods like baiting, snaring, and spotlighting in our northernmost national parks.
Policy Update Position on S.508, S. 1863, S. 2340, S. 2827, S. 2924, S. 3121, and S. 3119 NPCA submitted the following positions to members of the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks ahead of a legislative hearing scheduled for March 4th, 2020.
Report Dominion’s Proposed Transmission Towers - Issues and Alternatives This report finds that the basis for the proposed project is flawed and there is time to determine – and implement – better ways of supplying reliable electricity to the area.
Report Park on the Edge: Funding Shortfalls at Olympic National Park Olympic National Park, one of the most visited national parks in the country, currently receives only approximately 60% of the funds it needs to adequately serve visitors, maintain roads and trails, and protect internationally recognized natural resources.
Staff Emily Jones Emily’s work as Southeast Regional Director revolves around building momentum within local communities and garnering congressional support to ensure our national parks become a national priority.
Ani Kame’enui Ani Kame’enui is the Deputy Vice President for the Government Affairs team and responsible for managing NPCA's policy portfolio across a range of park issues. She comes to NPCA with a background in geology, water resources engineering, and a love for natural resource science and policy.
Machiko Yasuda Machiko Yasuda grew up in Palos Verdes with a view of the San Gabriel Mountains — but it would be decades later until she hiked, rock climbed and even cross-country skied there.
Fact Sheet A National Park for Stonewall: FAQs The Stonewall legacy is a part of the push for human rights and civil rights in the United States.