Search results for “White Sands National Park”
Resource A Perfect Pairing for Yellowstone — and All National Parks Limestone Branch, the distillery that has been inspired by Yellowstone since 1872, is partnering with NPCA, with the advocacy group that has been protecting the world's first national park since 1919.
Resource Tens of Thousands of Orphaned Wells Threaten National Parks Orphaned oil wells emit pollution, block wildlife migration, and threaten our climate and parks.
Video Youthworks in the Parks An innovative partnership is connecting urban youth with public lands
Infographic Yellowstone Pronghorn Project: Restoring Ancient Paths Fences have long been a barrier for Yellowstone pronghorn antelope, as they migrate to crucial winter habitat beyond park borders. Despite being the fastest land mammal in the Western Hemisphere, pronghorn are not built to jump. Fences in their historic migration pathways caused the pronghorn population in Yellowstone to plummet. By 2004, park biologists estimated that fewer than 200 remained in the northern herd. The small herd was extremely susceptible to disease and severe weather threatening the long-term survival of this population.
Blog Post Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Last Year He was a visionary leader whose vision didn't always match with those he led; on the 50th anniversary of King's assassination, NPCA's cultural affairs director reflects on the tumult and joy of his final days.
Magazine Article Remembering Stonewall A spark, a movement and now, a monument.
Blog Post Birds—and Birders—Find a Welcome Refuge at Monocacy National Battlefield It’s been nearly 150 years since the clash that transformed some gentle fields in northern Maryland to the hallowed status of Civil War battlefields.
Magazine Article Lost and Found College students make a stunning discovery that benefits Maggie Walker National Historic Site.
Blog Post Unexpected Lessons from a Week in the Woods What can a person learn from a week in the woods? A lot, it turns out. But for me, none of it was quite what I was expecting.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 5859, the Trillion Trees Act NPCA, along with partners, submitted the following position to members of the House Committee on Natural Resources ahead of a hearing scheduled for February 26, 2020.
Magazine Article The Appalachian Trail Blazer Just how far could long-distance hiker Jennifer Pharr Davis push herself?
Blog Post Exactly Where We’re Meant to Be How a weeklong celebration of people who look like me can create a greater sense of belonging for the Latinx community in the outdoors.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 2817, National Historic Preservation Amendments Act NPCA submitted the following position on legislation being considered by the House Natural Resources Committee during a markup on July 12th and 13th.
Blog Post 'How Did They Let This Happen?' On the three-year anniversary of the Gulf oil spill, I hope my students remember the advice I gave them.
Blog Post Think Pink Early spring in Washington, D.C., is the time that thousands of locals and tourists come together to celebrate the city's famous cherry blossoms.
Magazine Article The Mysteries of the Panama Hotel What treasures did Japanese-Americans abandon when they left for internment camps?
Blog Post Don’t Just See the Movie! Honor Lincoln’s memory by helping to preserve more of Gettysburg
Policy Update Position on the American Public Lands and Waters Climate Solution Act NPCA, along with partners, sent the following letter to the House Committee on Natural Resources.
Magazine Article Seeing Green Decades of conservation efforts pay off for the endangered green sea turtle.
Magazine Article Nature’s Night Lights After the sun sets, the bioluminescent show on Tomales Bay begins.
Magazine Article Angel of the Battlefield Clara Barton’s home, just outside of Washington, D.C., tells the story of the Red Cross founder.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 2647, Resilient Federal Forests Act, Substitute Amendment NPCA, along with partners, submitted the following position to members of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry ahead of a business meeting on September 13, 2016.
Magazine Article Etched in Stone The Wall endeavors to list every U.S. service member killed in the Vietnam War. How much does it get wrong?
Blog Post Thousands of Schoolchildren Create Living Flag at Fort McHenry Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine in Baltimore, Maryland, is probably best known for its famous flag, which billowed over the star-shaped ramparts after a fierce British attack during the War of 1812 and inspired Sir Francis Scott Key to write the Star-Spangled Banner.
Policy Update Position on Fire Suppression Funding Solutions NPCA, along with partners, submitted the following position to members of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry and Committee on the Budget.
Magazine Article Subterranean Secrets A Carlsbad Caverns Comic
Blog Post test, test, test This is Linda's test page.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 2936, Resilient Federal Forests Act of 2017 NPCA, along with partners, submitted the following position to the House of Representatives ahead of an expected floor vote the week of October 30, 2017.
Policy Update Letter to CEQ Regarding NEPA Guidance on Consideration of Greenhouse Gas Emissions NPCA signed onto a letter representing the collective views of forty-one organizations representing millions of people. Its members urge the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) to act responsibly and wisely in its interpretation of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) so that future generations may live on this planet in “productive and enjoyable harmony” with the environment as envisioned by Congress when it passed NEPA.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 2, Moving Forward Act NPCA submitted the following positions to members of the House of Representatives prior to an anticipated vote.
Policy Update Comments on Transparency in Science Rulemaking NPCA submitted the following comments to the Environmental Protection Agency on the proposed supplemental rule regarding “transparency” in science
Policy Update Position on Waters of the U.S. Regulations NPCA submitted the following position to members of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works ahead of a hearing scheduled for June 12, 2019.
Policy Update Testimony: Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act Written testimony by Joan Frankevich for the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing on December 3, 2015
Policy Update Position on H.R. 3055 and Amendments NPCA submitted the following positions to the House of Representatives ahead of anticipated floor votes starting June 20, 2019.
Report Sun Coast Regional Office Field Reports These field reports provide timely updates and perspectives on issues of interest to our members and supporters in Florida, Louisiana, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands.