Search results for “Petrified Forest National Park”
Video Youthworks in the Parks An innovative partnership is connecting urban youth with public lands
Resource Magazine Submission Guidelines for Writers and Photographers National Parks is an award-winning, quarterly magazine known for high-quality photography and writing. The magazine is published by the National Parks Conservation Association, a nonprofit group dedicated to the protection and enhancement of the National Park System.
Infographic Yellowstone Pronghorn Project: Restoring Ancient Paths Fences have long been a barrier for Yellowstone pronghorn antelope, as they migrate to crucial winter habitat beyond park borders. Despite being the fastest land mammal in the Western Hemisphere, pronghorn are not built to jump. Fences in their historic migration pathways caused the pronghorn population in Yellowstone to plummet. By 2004, park biologists estimated that fewer than 200 remained in the northern herd. The small herd was extremely susceptible to disease and severe weather threatening the long-term survival of this population.
Resource Texas Young Leaders Advocacy Council NPCA’s Texas Regional Office created the Texas Young Leaders Advocacy Council (YLAC) as part of NPCA’s strategic effort to engage young people with varying backgrounds, community connections and experiences to develop their voice, and speak up for our parks and expand our core of young advocates and volunteers.
Resource Sustaining Indiana Beaches The scenic beaches of Indiana Dunes are disappearing. In order to sustain this critical asset to Indiana’s economy and quality of life, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers must conduct a federal damage mitigation feasibility study.
Magazine Article Saving the Panther The Florida panther was going to die out. Then conservationists dreamed up a daring rescue operation.
Magazine Article Unusual Suspects What triggered the fall of Organ Pipe’s acuña cactus?
Magazine Article John Brown’s Soul John Brown hoped to end slavery when he raided a federal armory at Harpers Ferry in 1859. His plan failed, but he still changed the course of history.
Press Release At Annual Conference, Everglades Coalition Offers Solutions to Address Florida’s Water Crisis Coalition’s roadmap provides four-year guide for funding needs and timely Everglades restoration projects to complete
Blog Post A Rare Look at Rose Atoll New IMAX film 'Hidden Pacific' documents remote underwater wonders, including 'one of the last pristine wildernesses on Earth,' and shows the importance of protecting our wild marine national monuments.
Press Release Groups Urge Secretary Zinke to Include Public in Public Land Policies Concern that without any public input, Interior will undo smart land management guidance that took years to develop.
Press Release Permanent Uranium Ban for the Grand Canyon Introduced in the Senate Senate legislation would permanently ban new uranium mining on nearly one million acres within and near the Grand Canyon.
Blog Post Paradise Lost As we continue to learn of the human toll and horrific damage caused by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, NPCA’s executive vice president offers her shock and sadness over one of the places hardest hit — and her deep concern for everyone affected.
Magazine Article The Long Haul They came, they saw, they collected 1,812 pounds of trash over 4,840 miles of hiking trails.
Blog Post Florida Ups the Ante in Everglades Restoration with $90 Million Funding Surprise Disastrous flooding in South Florida is making the news again as water from Lake Okeechobee overflows and is released through the St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee estuaries. Unfortunately, this is something that we see all too often in the region—the water that should naturally flow south from Lake Okeechobee is trapped by man-made barriers and confined to canals after heavy rains. This massive influx of highly polluted freshwater is destroying coastal estuaries and endangering public health, Florida’s economy, and the Everglades.
Policy Update Request for Information on Monument Review Process NPCA sent the following letter to Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke requesting more information on the monument review process.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 3480 and H.R. 4202 NPCA submitted the following positions on legislation being considered by the House Committee on Natural Resources Federal Lands Subcommittee during a hearing on May 24, 2016.
Blog Post Capturing the Essence of the Everglades How does Mac Stone photograph such gorgeous images of the Everglades? We got tips, stories, and more in our new Q&A.
Magazine Article Lessons in the Tallgrass A teacher guides high-school students into the wilderness and learns a few valuable lessons herself.
Press Release Everglades Coalition and Allies Offers Plans to Protect Everglades Costal Communities at Annual Conference This year’s 29th annual Everglades Coalition Conference, held January 9-11, 2014, will share its vision and priorities for continuing strong support for Everglades restoration efforts in 2014.
Magazine Article A Ladder to the Top Thirty years ago, Vern Tejas overcame extreme cold and other dangers to become the first person to survive a winter solo ascent of Denali.
Blog Post Photographing the World's Rarest Fish One researcher gives us a glimpse behind his underwater camera
Blog Post Does This Outfit Match My Canoe? Can a city girl survive a four-day wilderness adventure paddling through some of the Everglades' most remote waters? One young woman leaves her makeup bag behind and gives it her best try.
Press Release Navajo Nation Tribal Council Should Vote No to Escalade Proposal We Have Opportunity to Protect Grand Canyon from Incompatible Development
Magazine Article Swimming with Dinosaurs Atlantic sturgeon are making a surprising comeback in the Chesapeake Bay.
Magazine Article A Billion-Dollar Driveway A life-long resident of Alaska worries a road would destroy the wilderness he knows and loves.
Blog Post The Land Beyond Hate One woman's journey to uncover her history and other missing stories of the American landscape
Blog Post Major Victory for Clean Air Will Help Reduce Dangerous Levels of Soot Health groups, environmentalists, and state governments won a major victory for clean air last month when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed tighter regulations on one of the most dangerous air pollutants we breathe every day: soot.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 959 and H.R. 1289 NPCA submitted the following positions on legislation considered on the floor of the House on September 16, 2015.
Blog Post Exploring the Original Oil Country in Northwestern Pennsylvania This story is part of our series on national heritage areas, the large lived-in landscapes managed through innovative partnerships to tell America’s cultural history.
Magazine Article The Long Way The 4,600-mile North Country Trail has been painstakingly constructed by a devoted group of supporters over four decades. It’s only two-thirds done and largely unknown, but step by step that is changing.
Magazine Article Slip Sliding Away? Hydraulic fracturing could endanger the American eel and harm the longest undammed river on the Eastern Seaboard.
Blog Post Fifty Years Later: Wilderness & Civil Rights in the Same Breath This summer marks the 50-year anniversary of two landmark pieces of legislation—the Civil Rights Act and the Wilderness Act—that are linked more closely than they might seem.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 3480 and H.R. 4202 NPCA submitted the following positions to the House Natural Resources Committee ahead of a markup on June 14 and 15, 2016.
Magazine Article A High-Flying Recovery A 40-year study follows the once-imperiled peregrine falcons of Alaska.