Search results for “Mount Rainier National Park”
Blog Post What’s in an Icon? NPCA’s visual personality has evolved dramatically over the last few years, but our logo hasn’t changed significantly in half a century. It was long overdue for an update. After about a year and a half of research, focus-group testing, surveys, and outreach, NPCA finally unveiled a modernized logo yesterday.
Magazine Article The Long Way The 4,600-mile North Country Trail has been painstakingly constructed by a devoted group of supporters over four decades. It’s only two-thirds done and largely unknown, but step by step that is changing.
Magazine Article Slip Sliding Away? Hydraulic fracturing could endanger the American eel and harm the longest undammed river on the Eastern Seaboard.
Press Release Judge Allows Conservation Groups to Defend Ventura County Wildlife Safeguards from Legal Challenge The First-Of-Their-Kind Ordinances Help Protect Local Wildlife But Have Been Challenged by Industry Groups
Blog Post What’s Floating in the Mississippi? The Mississippi River is an icon of our nation that conjures up images from the pages of Mark Twain. Yet at the same time, the river has been a target for industrial waste that basically choked the life out of the river. Now, forty years after passage of the Clean Water Act, it is time to find out just how healthy our mighty Mississippi is today.
Blog Post Taking Care of America's Best Idea "If you were forced to find savings in your personal budget, you would not make cuts across the board. You would not tell your bank that you are reducing your mortgage payment, you would not stop packing lunch for your children, nor would you let your roof continue to leak. You would be more strategic."
Blog Post 7 Facts About the Trump Administration’s Illegal Attack on National Monuments President Trump issued two proclamations to remove federal protections from roughly 2 million acres in Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments — the largest reduction of public lands protections in U.S. history.
Magazine Article The Mysteries of the Panama Hotel What treasures did Japanese-Americans abandon when they left for internment camps?
Magazine Article Claiming the Rock The 19-month occupation of Alcatraz Island, from 1969 to 1971, marked a turning point in American Indian activism.
Blog Post Better Than Fiction Imagine you’re 27 years old. You’re a talented military strategist and an accomplished soldier. In fact, you have dueled the strongest and bravest of your enemies—and won—repeatedly. You’ve been captured as a prisoner of war and sold as a slave. You’ve been a mercenary and a pirate. You’ve won yourself a coat of arms and the distinction of being a gentleman.
Blog Post From the Gold Rush to the COVID Pandemic: A History of Anti-Asian Violence Last week’s mass-shootings in Atlanta were shocking and tragic — yet this kind of horror is not new. The 1871 massacre of 19 Chinese Americans in Los Angeles reminds us that anti-Asian violence is deeply rooted in American culture.
Blog Post The Rarest Sea Turtle in the World Last month, staff at Cape Hatteras National Seashore in North Carolina found three nests belonging to the rarest sea turtle species in the world — an animal not commonly found in the state.
Blog Post Why Aren’t More Women Outdoors? How one enthusiast is getting more women out of the city and onto the trails.
Blog Post O Say, Can You See the Star-Spangled Banner National Historic Trail? A new trail in Baltimore leads visitors through an iconic period in American history.
Magazine Article The Lost Village The Japanese invaded this Alaskan island during WWII and sent the residents to Japan. Half died there; none ever returned home.
Magazine Article Seeing the Light The discovery of a rare blind catfish in Texas could have far-ranging implications for water and land use.
Magazine Article Back to the Land What on Earth does farming have to do with the Chesapeake Bay? As it turns out, everything.
Press Release Conservation Groups File Motions to Defend Ventura County Wildlife Connectivity The first-of-their-kind ordinances will help safeguard local wildlife in California
Blog Post Where the Wild Things Were A trip to Las Vegas can bring out the wild animal in many of us—but visitors to the southern Nevada desert may not realize the kinds of actual wild animals that roamed the area long before the flashing lights and clanking slot machines took up residence on the Strip. A mere 30 minutes north of all the glittery casino action, a 23,000-acre swath of the desert known as Tule Springs could become one of our next new national monuments—and you might call this remarkable place “where the wild things were.”
Blog Post 6 Reasons to Act Today for Clean Air in Arizona It’s no secret that reducing air pollution creates a host of benefits for human health and the environment. But what does it mean in real terms when a coal plant cleans up its act and spews fewer particulates into the air?
Blog Post New NPS Video: Spend Three Minutes in the Wilderness "In wildness is the preservation of the world," said Henry David Thoreau. Yet relatively little of the world is designated as wildness--at least here in the United States.
Blog Post Living Wild in the Wake of Captain John Smith A new water trail in the Chesapeake Bay watershed connects urban residents to a wild landscape and a fascinating history of exploration.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 2647, the Resilient Federal Forests Act NPCA submitted the following position on H.R. 2647, the Resilient Federal Forests Act, when the bill was considered on the House floor on July 9, 2015.
Blog Post Think Pink Early spring in Washington, D.C., is the time that thousands of locals and tourists come together to celebrate the city's famous cherry blossoms.
Policy Update Review of Trump Administration's Infrastructure Legislative Outline NPCA analysis of the Trump Administration's infrastructure legislative proposal, as reported by the Washington Post, found the outline aims to accelerate infrastructure projects, at the cost of clean water, clear air, expertise of federal agency staff, judicial review, longstanding bedrock environmental laws such as the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
Blog Post Governor McDonnell: Please Don't Build Houses on a Historic Civil War Site "Freedom's Fortress" is an important part of Virginia's history and no place for a subdivision.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 1772, the Delaware River Basin Conservation Act NPCA supports H.R. 1772, the Delaware River Basin Conservation Act of 2015 (DRBCA), which was heard by the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water, Power, and Oceans on July 23, 2015.
Blog Post The Spike That Connected the Country In 1869, engineers connected two railway lines in northwestern Utah, completing the world’s first transcontinental railroad.
Magazine Article A Pool for the People The ruins of Sutro Baths recall life in turn-of-the-century San Francisco.
Magazine Article A Raw Deal Marine wilderness is at stake in the ecological heart of Point Reyes National Seashore.