Search results for “Saguaro National Park”
Magazine Article Branching Out Is there more than one species of Joshua Tree?
Policy Update Position on H.R. 1772, the Delaware River Basin Conservation Act NPCA supports H.R. 1772, the Delaware River Basin Conservation Act of 2015 (DRBCA), which was heard by the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water, Power, and Oceans on July 23, 2015.
Blog Post O Say, Can You See the Star-Spangled Banner National Historic Trail? A new trail in Baltimore leads visitors through an iconic period in American history.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 2647, the Resilient Federal Forests Act NPCA submitted the following position on H.R. 2647, the Resilient Federal Forests Act, when the bill was considered on the House floor on July 9, 2015.
Magazine Article The Appalachian Trail Blazer Just how far could long-distance hiker Jennifer Pharr Davis push herself?
Blog Post Where the Wild Things Were A trip to Las Vegas can bring out the wild animal in many of us—but visitors to the southern Nevada desert may not realize the kinds of actual wild animals that roamed the area long before the flashing lights and clanking slot machines took up residence on the Strip. A mere 30 minutes north of all the glittery casino action, a 23,000-acre swath of the desert known as Tule Springs could become one of our next new national monuments—and you might call this remarkable place “where the wild things were.”
Magazine Article Back to the Land What on Earth does farming have to do with the Chesapeake Bay? As it turns out, everything.
Magazine Article The Lost Village The Japanese invaded this Alaskan island during WWII and sent the residents to Japan. Half died there; none ever returned home.
Blog Post Commemorating the War of 1812 Did you know that the most narrowly declared war in our country’s history was the War of 1812?
Blog Post Three New National Monuments in the California Desert? Senator Dianne Feinstein has proposed three new national monuments in the California desert that would preserve this spectacular region’s natural and cultural legacy for future generations. Urge President Obama to use the Antiquities Act to give these storied landscapes the protection they deserve!
Magazine Article Angel of the Battlefield Clara Barton’s home, just outside of Washington, D.C., tells the story of the Red Cross founder.
Magazine Article Promised Land After the Civil War, more than 26,000 African Americans left the South to homestead the Great Plains, carving out farms, free lives and community on the prairie.
Blog Post A Monumental Mockery Why is Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke looking to abolish protections for some of our most beloved public lands?
Magazine Article Flight Tracking At Governors Island National Monument, biologists are discovering how birds navigate through New York City’s skyscrapers.
Blog Post Protecting Our Rivers and Streams Where We Live Take a moment to think about all the places you have lived, not by apartment or job or city, but by the closest river, stream, lake, or sea. It takes me just a few moments to trace back my life in relation to water.
Blog Post Fishing to Revitalize River Communities The Upper Delaware River in Pennsylvania and New York is one of the best wild trout fisheries in the country. Just a two-hour drive from Manhattan, this region of beautiful rolling farmland features charming small towns dotted with restaurants showcasing local foods. The bucolic landscape, however, belies tensions between residents who hold sharply divergent visions of its future.
Blog Post 12 Things You Might Not Know About Mamie Till-Mobley She forever changed the course of the civil rights movement in the United States. Here's what you should know about her legacy.
Blog Post World-Class Music and History at Muscle Shoals Nestled in the northwest corner of Alabama, the Muscle Shoals National Heritage Area (MNSHA) consists of the six northwest Alabama counties—Colbert, Franklin, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Limestone, and Morgan—that border the meandering Tennessee River. World-class fishing lakes and challenging golf courses combined with a thriving music industry and a fascinating local history attract thousands of visitors to the region every year.
Blog Post Two Years Later, the Gulf Oil Spill Is Still with Us Today marks the two-year anniversary of the deadly explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig. The resulting underwater oil spill transfixed the nation’s attention, with daily (even hourly) live reports from national television stations, print and internet outlets, and radio programs.
Policy Update Position on Twitter Ad Rules NPCA, along with partners, sent the following letter to Twitter on November 14, 2019.
Blog Post Batteries Not Included Kids who regularly spend time playing in and exploring the outdoors benefit from fitter bodies, calmer minds, reduced incidence of stress and attention deficit disorders, and greater academic achievement.
Magazine Article The Octogenarian and the Monolith At 87, Robert Kelman is the oldest person to climb Devils Tower.
Magazine Article An American Poet Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site memorializes the poet whose work defined mid-century America.
Policy Update Position on New Source Review Permitting Reform NPCA has submitted the following position to members of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment ahead of a hearing scheduled for May 16, 2018.
Blog Post Thousands of Schoolchildren Create Living Flag at Fort McHenry Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine in Baltimore, Maryland, is probably best known for its famous flag, which billowed over the star-shaped ramparts after a fierce British attack during the War of 1812 and inspired Sir Francis Scott Key to write the Star-Spangled Banner.
Blog Post Silos and Smokestacks Showcases Farming and Food Production in America’s Heartland America’s “amber waves of grain” have long been rooted in our history and culture. The fields of our heartland continue to supply sustenance, energy, and wealth to this country, and to the world, as they have for over a century.
Magazine Article The Beaver That Didn’t Give a Dam Solving the mystery of the ancient Palaeocastor.
Blog Post 5 Summer Tips to Leave No Trace Outdoors Ways to enjoy day trips and vacations while causing minimal harm to the landscape.
Blog Post Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Last Year He was a visionary leader whose vision didn't always match with those he led; on the 50th anniversary of King's assassination, NPCA's cultural affairs director reflects on the tumult and joy of his final days.
Policy Update Position on S. 414 and S. 1971 NPCA submitted the following positions on legislation considered by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Public Lands, Forests and Mining Subcommittee on October 8, 2015.