Search results for “Stephanie Clement”
Stephanie Clement
Blog Post How Zinke Is Undermining National Park Service Employees A recent staffing shakeup at Yellowstone is the latest in a string of damaging actions and policies that could have a detrimental effect on people at the agency.
Magazine Article Night and Day After 30 years of intense habitat restoration on the Channel Islands, the island night lizard might be ready to come off the endangered species list.
Blog Post A Strong Recovery for the Island Night Lizard What's three inches long, lives on a remote island, and was just removed from the Endangered Species List? Meet the island night lizard, a species unique to the Channel Islands, whose population has rebounded so significantly since 1977, as of this month, it no longer needs federal protection.
Blog Post Do National Parks Matter to Millennials? Insights into some of the obstacles keeping university students from visiting national parks.