Policy Update National Parks Second Century Action Coalition The National Parks Second Century Action Coalition is a national coalition dedicated to promoting the protection, restoration, and operation of the National Park System to benefit the health and well-being of current and future generations.
Press Release Voyageurs National Park Threatened by Plans to Allow for Toxic Mining Even small amounts of contamination from this toxic mining will threaten public health and the park's fish, plants, wildlife and entire ecosystem for decades to come.
Blog Post Get on a Boat: Tips for Choosing a Responsible Cruise It's hard to beat the convenience and simplicity of a cruise, but when it comes to sustainability, the industry has a bad reputation. Fortunately, this fast-growing sector offers responsible options, too. Here are issues to consider and questions to ask when researching a boat-based adventure.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 5420 & H.R. 6678 NPCA submitted the following positions to the House Natural Resources Committee ahead of a markup scheduled for September 5, 2018.
Press Release David Vela Nominated for Director of the National Park Service If confirmed, Vela would bring nearly three decades of public service expertise to the position.
Blog Post Federal Government Unleashing a Flood of Oil and Gas Leases in the West, Leaving Parks Surrounded NPCA worked with an aerial photographer to document the beauty and threats to five Southwestern parks where oil and gas development is rapidly encroaching on the landscape.
Blog Post Following the Spirit of Tie Sing A group of seven men trekked for miles through smoky skies and sweltering heat to reach the top of a mountain honoring a man who influenced the history of our national parks — but who few people have ever heard of. Here’s why these committed park lovers want to make sure Tie Sing’s legacy is remembered.
Magazine Article Living Monuments Ian Shive traveled to the corners of the sea to document the watery wonders of the nation’s marine monuments.
Magazine Article The Forgotten March The 1932 veterans’ protest in Washington had a lasting impact on America but disappeared in the dustbin of history. The Park Service is working to change that.
Magazine Article On the Rocks She went to City of Rocks and Castle Rocks to climb. Then it rained. And hailed. And snowed.
Magazine Article Drilling in National Parks? Oil and gas development already is harming dozens of national park sites around the country. It could get much worse.
Magazine Article Muskrats to the Rescue Biologists at Voyageurs National Park are counting on the voracious appetite of rodents to help contain a cattail invasion.
Magazine Article Battling History Manuel Chaves was a Civil War hero. He also murdered and enslaved Native Americans. How should we remember him?
Magazine Article What Are Your Dangerous Ideas? At a Rhode Island national park site, visitors share their dangerous ideas.
Magazine Article Wasting Away Deer, elk and moose across the country are dying from a mysterious ailment. Can the Park Service help in the race to stop chronic wasting disease?
Magazine Article Front-Lawn Fishing The National Mall is flooding to the point that anglers can catch fish swimming among the cherry trees. Should the Park Service worry?
Magazine Article Rolling Stones Using science to protect visitors from Yosemite’s falling rocks.
Press Release National Park Service greenlights lessened protections in favor of off-road vehicle use in Glen Canyon Increasing off-road vehicle use threatens park resources and remote solitude
Press Release Clean Power Plan Replacement Rule Weakens Climate Protections Allowing for More Air Pollution in National Parks This replacement rule prioritizes interests of polluters over the future of our public lands and public health.
Blog Post A Record-Setting Tsunami The largest wave ever recorded crashed down in 1958 on the coast of what is now a national park. The wave, a tsunami triggered by a powerful earthquake, killed two people and caused tremendous damage. Do you know where this massive natural disaster occurred?
Policy Update Position on S. 483, S. 2809 & S. 2907 NPCA submitted the following positions to members of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Public Lands, Forests, and Mining Subcommittee ahead of a hearing scheduled for August 22, 2018.
Press Release EPA's Proposed Texas Haze Plan Will Keep Air Across Our National Parks Hazy Proposed EPA Haze Plan fails to require modern pollution controls on Texas Coal plants
Press Release Management Plans for Bears Ears, Grand Staircase Opens Door for Destructive Development Near Surrounding National Park Sites Through these proposed plans, the administration is choosing the most damaging options of the alternatives presented.
Press Release Jeff Bridges: A Voice for Yellowstone Grizzlies NPCA has teamed up with actor and Montana resident Jeff Bridges in defense of Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem grizzly bears.
Press Release Fighting for Commonsense Protections for Washington’s National Parks Washington State Pollution Control Hearing Board decision to allow expansion of oil refinery in Puget Sound appealed
Policy Update Position on S. 599, S. 1644, S. 1993, S. 2015, S. 2604, S. 2870, S. 2889, S. 2831, S. 3176, S. 3827 NPCA submitted the following positions to members of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources National Parks Subcommittee ahead of a hearing scheduled for August 15, 2018.
Blog Post Can Online Advocacy Still Make a Difference for National Parks? This past year, we've seen two national monuments gutted, unprecedented areas of the ocean proposed for oil and gas leasing, and numerous environmental regulations overturned. NPCA may lose some battles in the fight to protect public lands, but we're in it for the long haul. Here are 5 reasons why it's critical to keep taking action, even when the odds seem stacked against our national parks.
Press Release Restoration Plans Must Maximize Freshwater Flow to Everglades National Park, Florida Bay Florida Bay advocates are calling on government agencies to develop alternatives that maximize the amount of freshwater flowing into Everglades National Park and provide immediate benefits to the Bay.
Press Release National Parks Conservation Association Teams Up with SunPower to Help Reduce Carbon Emissions and Improve Air Quality in Communities Nationwide SunPower will donate $500 for each SunPower® home solar system installed as part of this program in support of the NPCA's mission to protect and preserve our national parks.
Blog Post The National Park with the Most Endangered Species NPCA recently worked with Defenders of Wildlife to determine how many endangered species have critical habitats that include national park sites. One park has significantly more of these rare plants and animals than any other.