Greetings from Canyonlands National Park

For our honeymoon less than 2 years ago my husband and I decided to pack up the Land Cruiser and drive around this amazing country in hopes of reveling in the beauty of the various landscapes we would encounter along the way. We took off from Texas and traveled throughout New Mexico, Colorado, Utah and Arizona, somewhat aimlessly, searching for solitude in a natural setting amongst the backdrop of this ever-growing industrial world of ours. Just think, there was a time when it was the other way around, our society against a backdrop of wild, pure, unadulterated nature. The world is ever-changing and the most we can hope for at this point is at the very least the conservation of the wilderness we still have left, so that we can all experience the magic of the natural world. After all, when we look back as humans on our lives I don’t think we will think of the fascinating beauty of our local shopping malls, highways and offices; I think deep in our hearts we will think of that mountain meadow where we saw the wildlife play, or the deep canyon that stretched endlessly before our eyes, or a thick forest that we explored and for a moment got lost in, and so on. Anyway, one of my favorite parts of the trip ended up being in Utah at Canyonlands National Park. It was the middle of winter so there was no one that we could see or hear around us…and we could see and hear pretty far out there. We walked for hours, danced and talked without a care in the world. We climbed up on top of the mesas and jumped across rocks and felt so free and grounded the whole time…like little kids…an experience that everyone deserves and should seek out. We need to do everything we can to protect this aspect of our world while we still can.


Canyonlands National Park

Canyonlands National Park preserves an immense desert wilderness sculpted by the Green and Colorado rivers and featuring hundreds of colorful canyons, mesas, buttes, fins, arches and spires. The Island in the Sky District is the most accessible and popular section of the park — a mesa with spectacular views of the surrounding canyons. The Needles is a vaster territory below the Island in the Sky where visitors can hike among the sandstone spires and breathtaking rocks.

State(s): Utah

Established: 1964

“They protect the few sources of natural beauty of our country that we still have left to take advantage of...hell yea I support them.”

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