Resource Christine R. Goepfert May 5, 2016

Wolves at Isle Royale: Background Materials

Right now there are only two wolves left on Isle Royale, the lowest population at the park in over 50 years.

UPDATE March 2018: NPS plans to bring more wolves to the park.

More Info

In September 2013, the National Park Service released the report Using Climate Change Scenarios to Explore Management at Isle Royale National Park to better inform their decision about wildlife management at the park.

To better inform the public about the issue and potential responses, NPCA co-sponsored a public forum in Minneapolis in June 2013, where panelists discussed various alternatives. You may view this forum in full on our Vimeo page.

In October 2013, during the International Wolf Symposium in Duluth, Minnesota, filmmaker George Desort interviewed several attendees about Isle Royale’s wolves. Desort asked each interviewee questions in order to solicit their opinion/perspective on the wolf population issue and the available management alternatives. You may view the interviewees’ responses to Desort’s questions on our Vimeo page.

In October 2015, a group of almost 50 scientists sent National Park Service Director Jon Jarvis a letter urging NPS to “take immediate action to bolster the population of wolves on Isle Royale. Wolves play an important role in ecosystems through their predatory activities.”

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