Search results for “Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve”
Report Resources Related to Mining Proposals at Glacier National Park Maps of mining proposals, relative to Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park
Report Center for State of the Parks: Big Bend National Park In this report, the National Parks Conservation Association incorporates findings from an assessment by its State of the Parks program to describe the current condition of Big Bend National Park’s natural and cultural resources and many of the stewardship challenges ahead.
Report Center for State of the Parks: Lewis and Clark National Historical Park The Center for State of the Parks assessed the conditions of cultural and natural resources at Lewis and Clark National Historical Park.
Park Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park is home to one of the country's most spectacular waterfalls — a 260-foot-wide, 77-foot drop that rushes through the Passaic River Gorge and is recognized as a National Natural Landmark. These astounding falls made Paterson the ideal site for one of America's earliest industrial parks — a thriving manufacturing district developed in part by founding father Alexander Hamilton and run for decades on the area's abundant hydropower.
Report Center for State of the Parks: Catoctin Mountain Park Current overall conditions of Catoctin’s known natural resources rated a “good” score of 82 out of 100. Overall conditions of the park’s known cultural resources rated 64 out of 100, indicating “fair” conditions.
Park Ocmulgee Mounds National Historical Park This site brings together the history of many cultures that have lived alongside the Ocmulgee River in Georgia since ancient times, featuring a trove of archaeological artifacts on display at the visitor center, a thousand-year-old earthen lodge, and seven burial and ceremonial mounds to explore. The river corridor itself offers hiking, boating, and bird-watching opportunities, and the park hosts a spectacular Native American festival each September, showcasing hundreds of dancers, singers, musicians, storytellers and artists from more than a dozen different Native American nations.
Park Pecos National Historical Park At Pecos National Historical Park, you can tour the ruins of a 700-year-old pueblo, a Spanish mission, a Civil War battlefield, and a movie star's ranch.
Park San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park San Francisco Maritime National Historic Site celebrates the history of America’s relationship with the sea. The site is comprised of three main sections: the Maritime Museum, the visitor center/museum and Hyde Street Pier.
Press Release California Passes Vital Legislation to Protect Desert Water, Parks, Wildlife and Tribal Resources Bill halts Cadiz Groundwater Mining Proposal, heads to Governor Gavin Newsom for signature
Press Release Shameful: Interior Department Calls to Reopen Hunting Regulations on National Park Service Lands On July 14, 2017, the Acting Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks issued a memo to the Acting Director of the National Park Service to reconsider the Alaska state-wide hunting regulations, which were finalized in 2015.
Blog Post The National Park with the Most Endangered Species NPCA recently worked with Defenders of Wildlife to determine how many endangered species have critical habitats that include national park sites. One park has significantly more of these rare plants and animals than any other.
Press Release New EPA Lead Must Make National Park Protection a Priority Statement by NPCA President & CEO Theresa Pierno on confirmation of Scott Pruitt as Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Press Release Environment groups warn air tour plans threaten Washington national parks Allowing and expanding low-flying air tours throughout Olympic and Mount Rainier national parks would disturb parks’ natural quiet
Blog Post The First Park with a Million Visitors The 1930s brought big changes to the National Park System, setting the stage for large increases in tourism, including the first national park site to welcome more than 1 million annual visitors.
Press Release Wilderness Victory for National Parks Interior Secretary Salazar Protects West Coast's First Marine Wilderness Area at Drakes Estero in Point Reyes National Seashore
Press Release Park Advocates Fire Back on Wyoming’s Grizzly Hunting Plan More than 160 former National Park Service employees and over 22,000 Park Advocates call on Wyoming Governor Matt Mead to reject hunting proposal that threatens Grand Teton and Yellowstone grizzlies.
Press Release New Study Suggests Decrease in Wolf Sightings at Denali and Yellowstone Linked to Hunting and Trapping Near Park Boundaries The study raises immediate concerns from National Parks Conservation Association as data attributes decreased wolf sightings to states that allow wolf hunting to occur next to park boundaries.
Press Release Landmark Energy Plan Protects Arches, Canyonlands National Parks Plan underscores economic importance of national parks, provides model for coexistence of energy development and park visitation
Press Release Groups Defend National Parks From BP Cherry Point Refinery Pollution NPCA is challenging oil giant BP’s expansion permit in Whatcom County, WA, for failure to protect air quality of Olympic National Park and North Cascades National Park
Blog Post VIDEO: Native Birds and Wildlife Make a Comeback at Channel Islands National Park Yesterday, the Park Service released more good news from Channel Islands National Park. Just a few weeks after biodiversity advocates celebrated the recovery of the night lizard on these protected islands, park officials and their partners are now sharing dramatic findings on improvements to bird populations and other native wildlife at Anacapa Island, one decade after removing invasive rats from the ecosystem.
Blog Post Miami-Area Partnership Gets Urban Youth Involved in Protecting Parks We can inspire more kids in more communities to get involved in using their voices to protect national parks. It is a win-win-win for the organizers, the youth, and the parks!
Blog Post Trivia Challenge: Parks in the Arctic Q: Alaska is home to nearly two-thirds of the land in the entire National Park System—some 54 million acres in all. But only four of our 401 U.S. national park sites lie entirely north of the Arctic Circle. Can you name these four sites?
Blog Post FAQ: What the New Fee Increases Will Mean for Visitors and Parks The Trump administration has backed off its original plan to impose steep entrance fee increases at 17 national parks during peak visiting season, opting for more moderate increases at all the park sites that collect fees. Here’s what the plan will cost visitors and where those fees will go.
Press Release On the Heels of Proposed Grizzly Delisting, Lawsuit Challenges Wildlife Management at Grand Teton National Park NPCA is fighting a dangerous, precedent-setting decision by the National Park Service that puts wildlife at risk in Grand Teton National Park.
Blog Post Emotional and Financial Toll of Government Shutdown Hits Home for National Park Service Personnel More than 21,000 Park Service staff have been furloughed indefinitely, and the park rangers who still have jobs are taking heat for doing their jobs.
Blog Post What the Park System Needs for Its Birthday: Repairs This Sunday is the 103rd birthday of the National Park Service, yet so many of the 400-plus national park sites in the agency’s care need critical maintenance and repairs. Legislation exists that would help fix this problem — Congress just needs to vote on it.
Blog Post Victory! Plans for Coal Plant Near National Parks in Virginia Suspended We did it! NPCA supporters and thousands of others convinced Old Dominion Electric Company (ODEC) to suspend their plans to build a 1,500-megawatt coal-fired power plant in Surry County, Virginia!
Press Release California Governor Newsom Signs Bill to Protect Desert Water, Wildlife and Parks SB307 requires state environmental review of Cadiz Inc. and desert water mining proposals
Press Release National Parks Welcomed Record 331 Million Visitors in 2016 Record-breaking visitation demonstrates love of parks, need for more park staff.
Press Release National Parks Plagued by Significant Air Pollution Impacts, Finds New Analysis Majority of Parks Experience Days Risky for Vulnerable Visitors; Four Parks Regularly Unsafe for Most People
Policy Update National Parks Second Century Action Coalition The National Parks Second Century Action Coalition is a national coalition dedicated to promoting the protection, restoration, and operation of the National Park System to benefit the health and well-being of current and future generations.
Press Release Federal Report Touts $30 Billion Direct Economic Impact of National Parks, Underscores Benefit Of Increased Funding National Parks Are Proven Economic Engines; Congress Must End Sequester and Pass Pro-Park Transportation Bill
Press Release 4,265 Acres Purchased in Petrified Forest National Park The National Parks Conservation Association and Conservation Fund Protect Significant Prehistoric Lands within Park Boundary
Press Release Interior Secretary Jewell Calls on Congress to Invest in National Parks and Public Lands National Parks Group Calls for Renewed Commitment to National Parks
Blog Post National Parks' Birthday: Time to Renew a National Commitment Americans cherish national parks and want to see them adequately funded and protected for the future. As we look to the November election, the upcoming National Park Service centennial offers a unique opportunity for our next president and Congress.
Press Release Obama Calls for Public-Private Investment in National Parks President's Proposed National Park Centennial Package Would Provide Major Funding Solutions for Projects, Engage Youth for 100th Anniversary of Park System
Press Release Senate Passes Momentous Bill to Fix National Parks and Public Lands For five years, NPCA, park advocates and communities across the country have urged Congress to fix our parks. Today, those efforts paid off.
Press Release Bipartisan Bill Offers Funding Opportunity for National Park Repairs The Restore Our Parks Act includes significant investment in national parks’ $11.6 billion maintenance backlog
NPCA at Work Create a National Park Preserving the Legacy of Julius Rosenwald A Julius Rosenwald and Rosenwald Schools National Historical Park would recognize an important legacy of philanthropy and social justice and be the first national park honoring a Jewish American.
NPCA at Work Don’t Risk Wild Land and Fish for a Massive Mine Near Lake Clark Plans for a massive open-pit mine threaten wild salmon and bears at two of Alaska's wildest national parks.
Park Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore Nestled along Lake Superior’s southern shoreline on Michigan's Upper Peninsula, this remote park is a geologic wonder of colorful sandstone cliffs topped with stately pines, and miles of quiet, unspoiled beaches strewn with agate, jasper, and quartz. Stroll along the coast, hike quiet trails to the park’s historic lighthouse, and take a boat tour to marvel at the mineral-rich rock faces that tower 200 feet above the surface of the lake.
NPCA at Work Preserve the History of Amache NPCA supports creating a new national park site to preserve a the story of Amache, where thousands of people of Japanese descent were unconstitutionally incarcerated.
Megan Cantrell Megan Cantrell worked at National Parks Conservation Association for 10 years, much of that time shepherding NPCA’s social media program.
Ann Heyse Ann Heyse teaches English at Westminster Christian Academy, a college preparatory school in St. Louis, Missouri. This summer marks her eighth trip into the national parks with students from the school.
NPCA at Work Don't Divide Our Habitats, Ecosystems and Communities Oppose new walls and fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border.
Stephanie Heidbreder Stephanie joined NPCA in January 2016 as the Chesapeake Field Representative for the Mid-Atlantic Region.
Staff Rob Smith Rob serves as the Regional Director of NPCA's Northwest Regional Office in Seattle, Washington. Rob’s environmental work has included work on land and wildlife protection, climate change, and air quality through lobbying officials and organizing local support for conservation measures.
Staff Neal Desai Neal joined NPCA's Pacific office in 2004, and is now the Senior Director of Field Operations for this region.
Report Opportunity Knocks Hurricane Ike tore through the upper Texas Gulf coast in 2008, unleashing devastation on communities and economies. Yet portions of the region fared better, showing that undeveloped lands along the coast serve as a natural buffer for a tremendous amount of storm surge tide.
NPCA at Work National Heritage Areas Preserve America’s Landscapes and History From the Motor City to the Arabia Mountains, we should invest in the cost-effective partnerships that share America’s stories and create jobs around the country