Search results for “Mississippi National River & Recreation Area”
Talking Points FAQ: Golden Gate National Recreation Area Dog Accommodations and Rule The National Park Service has recognized that dog-related recreation in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) is threatening the park’s natural resources and degrading the park experience for many user groups. GGNRA’s new zoning plan will replace an outdated, 1979 “pet policy” that was developed without considering scientific research and the diverse park uses.
Park Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens This lush wetland park on the banks of the Anacostia River is an oasis of lily pads and blossoms amid the city streets. The park land was originally owned by Walter Shaw, a hobbyist who cultivated and sold rare and exotic water lilies and lotus flowers; in contrast, these historic man-made ponds are surrounded by unspoiled and uncultivated marshes that characterize what the area looked like before the city was built. Every July, the park hosts a free lotus and water lily festival, when the garden is in peak bloom.
Park Wrangell St. Elias National Park & Preserve Covering more than 13 million acres of land, Wrangell-St. Elias is the largest national park site and the largest single wilderness area in the United States. Its massive glaciers, twisting rivers, rugged mountains and forested uplands are home to diverse wildlife, from grizzly bears and caribou to marmots and beavers. It’s also a land of extremes, with nine of North America's 16 highest mountains, the continent's largest subpolar ice field and a glacier larger than the state of Delaware. The park also encompasses an active volcano and a historic copper mine.
Alex Thompson Alex Thompson is a Graduate Student at Texas State University in the Public History program. When she is not in school, she is President-Elect of her church board, Executive Assistant to the Texas Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry, or just organizing in the Hays County area. She is a happy dog mom to Lily Tomlin and Winston Fox with whom she shares with her partner Destry.
Staff Steven Goodman As our Volgenau Wildlife Fellow, Steve ably lead our wildlife connectivity field research in the Pigeon River Gorge from 2018-2021 and we’re so happy to have him now on the Southeast team permanently.
Alejandro Lopez From Los Fresnos, Texas, Alejandro is a proud first-generation college graduate from The University of Texas Austin with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. His passions shine through in years of academic research with the Rose Research Group and legislative work with Texas State Senator Judith Zaffirini. Alejandro's ultimate goal is to continue advocating for the environment, especially in low-income areas and communities of color.
Park Great Falls Park At Great Falls, the Potomac River builds up speed and force as it falls over a series of steep, jagged rocks and flows through the narrow Mather Gorge. Great Falls Park has many opportunities to explore history and nature, all in a beautiful 800-acre park only 15 miles from the nation's capital.
Park Mount Rainier National Park Majestic Mount Rainier is the highest peak in the Cascade Range and an active volcano with more glaciers than any other mountain in the United States. Just an hour's drive from Seattle, the park's wild landscape feels much further from civilization. The forests, parkland, wetlands, lakes and rivers offer 260 miles of trails and varied habitat to dozens of plant and animal species.
Park Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve This park on the coast of southeast Alaska offers snowy mountain peaks, narrow fjords, bays, harbors, scattered islands, a temperate rainforest of spruces and hemlocks, and numerous glaciers. Two hundred years ago, the area was covered by a glacier more than 4,000 feet thick that extended more than 100 miles to the St. Elias Mountain Range. By the 20th century, it had drawn back 65 miles from the bay's mouth. This is the most rapid glacial retreat ever recorded. Today, icebergs continue to break off into the bay.
Fact Sheet Manhattan Project National Historical Park At the Manhattan Project National Historical Park, the National Park Service will interpret and facilitate discussion surrounding the complex stories of the Manhattan Project and the resulting impacts of atomic power and nuclear technology in the three major park site areas.
Blog Post Our Top 7: The Best Things That Happened for Parks This Year From bipartisan funding legislation to major land and water protections, 2021 has been a great year for parks.
Magazine Article Swimming with Dinosaurs Atlantic sturgeon are making a surprising comeback in the Chesapeake Bay.
Blog Post National Park Rangers Are Helping These 10 Animals and Plants Survive National parks offer some of the last suitable habitats for a number of species and are home to creatures that exist nowhere else in the world. This means park staff play a key role in saving some of the rarest animals and plants from being lost forever.
Blog Post What’s at Stake A look at the 10 national monuments targeted in Ryan Zinke’s leaked memo
Magazine Article New and Improved Preserving West Virginia’s best-loved view.
Spotlight An Insider's Guide to Badlands & Beyond Badlands National Park is a vast wilderness of jagged buttes, spires and pinnacles, mixed-grass prairies, and the world’s richest trove of fossils from the Oligocene epoch, estimated at 23 to 35 million years old.
Magazine Article Snow, Steam, Bison, Sky A winter adventure in Yellowstone National Park.
Magazine Article Drilling Down Fracking adjacent to Theodore Roosevelt National Park is changing the landscape. And a whole lot more.
Magazine Article The Wild Road Brent Steury and his collaborators have had a field day at an unlikely biodiversity hotspot: a park along a highway outside the nation’s capital where they have discovered dozens of new species.
Blog Post Fort Donelson: A Big Battle on the War’s Frontier Commemorate the anniversary of a critical Civil War battle at a host of upcoming national park programs.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 2546 & H.R. 2642 NPCA submitted the following positions to members of the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands ahead of a hearing scheduled for July 10, 2019.
Magazine Article Flight Tracking At Governors Island National Monument, biologists are discovering how birds navigate through New York City’s skyscrapers.
Magazine Article Where the Wild Things Were Denali paleontologists brave blizzards and bears to find fossils that could challenge what we know about dinosaurs.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 1791 & H.R. 2991 NPCA submitted the following positions to the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Federal Lands ahead of a hearing scheduled for April 11, 2018.
Blog Post 7 Tips for Winter Hiking — Plus 6 of NPCA’s Favorite Cold-Weather Trails The days are shorter and the weather is blustery — but that doesn't mean you need to stay indoors! NPCA has a few pointers and favorite places to explore during the winter months.
Press Release Badger-Two Medicine: Too Sacred to Drill US Interior Department moves to cancel Solenex lease in the Badger-Two Medicine
Spotlight Amy Robert's Story The Outdoor Industry Association’s Amy Roberts in Colorado has an insider’s view of recreation, her local national park and consumer activism.
Policy Update Position on H.R. 974, H.R. 1452, and H.R. 2406 NPCA submitted the following positions on legislation considered during the House Natural Resource Committee markup on October 7-8, 2015.
Press Release Court Upholds Grand Canyon Uranium Mining Ban Havasupai Tribe, conservation coalition celebrate key win for protecting water, wildlife, and sacred lands
Blog Post Better Than Fiction Imagine you’re 27 years old. You’re a talented military strategist and an accomplished soldier. In fact, you have dueled the strongest and bravest of your enemies—and won—repeatedly. You’ve been captured as a prisoner of war and sold as a slave. You’ve been a mercenary and a pirate. You’ve won yourself a coat of arms and the distinction of being a gentleman.
Press Release California Desert Conservation and Recreation Act to Complete a Landscape-Level Conservation Legacy California Conservation and Recreation Act (CDCRA) would Mojave National Preserve and Joshua Tree and Death Valley National Parks and designate the Sand to Snow and Mojave Trails as National Monuments
Policy Update Position on S. 145, S. 146, S. 329, S. 403, S. 521, S. 610, S. 782, S. 873, and S. 1483 NPCA submitted the following positions on legislation considered by the Senate National Parks subcommittee on June 10, 2015.
Blog Post My Members of Congress Are Friends of the National Parks. Are Yours? 228 members of Congress received NPCA’s Friend of the National Parks Award for their support of the National Park System through legislative votes in the 113th Congress (2013-2014).
Policy Update Position on S. 145, S. 146, S. 329, S. 403, S. 521, S. 610, S. 873, and S. 1483 NPCA submitted the following positions on legislation considered by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources National Parks subcommittee on June 10, 2015.
Policy Update Testimony: Public Witness Day for FY22 Appropriations Written testimony by John Garder, NPCA Senior Director of Budget and Appropriations, for the House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment and Related Agencies
Policy Update Comments on Transparency in Science Rulemaking NPCA submitted the following comments to the Environmental Protection Agency on the proposed supplemental rule regarding “transparency” in science
Policy Update Position on H.R. 1026, H.R. 2991 & H.R. 3440 NPCA submitted the following positions to the House Natural Resources Committee ahead of a markup scheduled for April 18, 2018.
Magazine Article Lost Bears Will grizzly bears return to the North Cascades?
Policy Update Position on H.R. 4644, H.R. 5727 & H.R. 6784 NPCA submitted the following positions to members of the House Natural Resources Committee ahead of a markup scheduled for September 26, 2018.
Magazine Article Walking the Walk Sixty-five years ago, park advocates joined a Supreme Court justice on an epic hike to save the landscape he loved.
Fact Sheet A National Park for Stonewall: FAQs The Stonewall legacy is a part of the push for human rights and civil rights in the United States.
Staff Colin Deverell Colin is the Senior Program Manager for NPCA’s Midwest Regional Office in Chicago, Illinois.
Report Park on the Edge: Funding Shortfalls at Olympic National Park Olympic National Park, one of the most visited national parks in the country, currently receives only approximately 60% of the funds it needs to adequately serve visitors, maintain roads and trails, and protect internationally recognized natural resources.
Megan Schwab Megan Schwab was born and raised in Austin, Texas. She received her BA in History with a minor in Anthropology from Texas A&M University in the spring of 2019 and is currently working on her master’s degree in Public History at Texas State University. When not doing schoolwork, she is listening to music, reading copious amounts of fiction, and taking her dog, Xena, to the park.
Resource Protecting Sensitive Resources near Mesa Verde National Park The serene, semi-arid landscape of the Four Corners region of southwestern Colorado once housed an early Native American civilization of ancestral Puebloan people. These ancient inhabitants left behind remnants of their culture that tell the story of a complex society that existed here for hundreds of years.