Search results for “Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve”
Report Center for State of the Parks: Kings Mountain National Military Park In recognition of the important historical and natural resources protected within Kings Mountain National Military Park, the National Parks Conservation Association’s Center for State of the Parks conducted an assessment to determine current conditions of the park’s resources.
Park Big Bend National Park Big Bend National Park features broad expanses of Chihuahuan Desert shrubland and grassland interspersed with smaller areas of high-elevation woodland in the Chisos Mountains. Rugged rocks and deep canyons along the Rio Grande are among the park's most striking features; wetlands and springs add to the park's biological diversity. Visitors can explore the rugged trails, seek out the colorful array of birds and wildflowers, and spread out on a blanket after dark enjoying some of the darkest night skies in the country.
Park Weir Farm National Historical Park This historic site preserves the country home of impressionist painter J. Alden Weir, as well as other artists who resided at the property, including Mahonri Young and Sperry Andrews.
Park Katmai National Park & Preserve President Woodrow Wilson established Katmai National Monument in 1918 to preserve the "Valley of 10,000 Smokes," so named when the Novarupta Volcano filled the valley with a 100- to 700-foot-deep ash flow.
Report Center for State of the Parks: Cowpens National Battlefield In recognition of the important historical and natural resources protected within Cowpens National Battlefield, the National Parks Conservation Association’s Center for State of the Parks conducted an assessment to determine current conditions of the park’s resources.
Report Center for State of the Parks: Alcatraz Island This report is a brief summary of the challenges the Park Service faces in caring for Alcatraz’s cultural and natural resources. Also included is information on the work the National Park Service is doing to protect the island’s irreplaceable resources into the future
Press Release Trump Administration Continues to Ignore Park Service Director Nomination Our national park rangers, and the American people, deserve a fully empowered leader.
Press Release EPA Declares Regions Exceeding Ozone Limits: Areas Include More than 95 National Parks EPA unveils what national parks are in areas that are not meeting the new, more protective ozone limit.
Press Release National Parks and Wilderness Groups Protest BLM Leasing Plans Near Dinosaur National Monument Groups argue that BLM's decision ignores value and health of the park unit
Press Release Perdue’s Forest Management Could Impact Parks Lack of diversity in Trump cabinet concerns parks group
Press Release New Colorado River Basin Study Provides Important Analysis, Misses Opportunity by Omitting National Parks Perspective Statement by David Nimkin, Southwest Senior Regional Director, National Parks Conservation Association
Press Release Trump Administration Delays Offshore Drilling Plan, Temporarily Protecting National Parks from Spills 68 coastal national parks could be susceptible to oil spills as a result of offshore drilling.
Press Release Members of Congress: Interior Must Prioritize Park Safety During Pandemic Commonsense protocols must be put in place to ensure the safety of park staff, visitors and surrounding communities.
Blog Post 2018 in Review: 5 Ways 'Energy Dominance' Threatens the Parks Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke may be on his way out, but proposals he advanced and regulations his agency dismantled during his tenure will have long-lasting impacts for our parks and public lands.
Press Release Proposed Birmingham National Park Site Would Tell Pivotal Civil Rights History Public meeting hosted today to discuss national park proposal
Blog Post Why NPCA Is Suing the Park Service over Testing at Big Cypress NPCA regularly supports the National Park Service and its core mission to protect our nation’s most iconic and inspirational places. But when the agency recently approved plans to allow extensive oil and gas testing in Big Cypress National Preserve, NPCA went to court to stop it. Here's why.
Blog Post Plan a Desert Getaway to Zion National Park One of the most widely visited national parks in the Southwest, Zion is famous for its colorful sandstone rock formations with high cliffs and narrow canyons carved into shape by the power of the Virgin River.
Press Release EPA Reinforces Weak Texas Haze Plan That Disregards the Health of Parks and Communities The EPA’s continued efforts to disregard the Clean Air Act is detrimental to the health of Texans and our national parks.
Press Release EPA Finalizes Updates to Clean Air Rules for Parks, Wilderness Areas Revisions Delay State Plans to Clean Park Air
Press Release National Parks Group Echoes Former Interior Secretary's Call to Preserve Public Lands Statement by Tom Kiernan, President, National Parks Conservation Association
Blog Post Why I’m Celebrating My 30th Birthday at All 400-Plus National Parks I'm hitting the road this month to become the youngest person to see every national park site in the country — and the only person to do it all in a single trip.
Press Release Annual Study Supports Plan to Bring More Wolves to Isle Royale National Park The decline of the natural wolf population at Isle Royale National Park has been the subject of the longest running predator-prey study in the world.
Blog Post Plan a Desert Getaway to Canyonlands National Park Utah’s national parks offer very different experiences, but all of them feature distinctive and amazing geological formations, whether you are looking down into a deep canyon, peering through an otherworldly arch, or scratching your head at formations like the Upheaval Dome that even geologists couldn’t definitively explain (until recently).
Blog Post 6 Tips to Keep Parks — and Yourself — Safe Celebrities don’t always set a good example for how to behave on public lands — but you can. These tips are sensible and easy to follow, and they’ll help you be a good park steward while avoiding embarrassment on social media.
Blog Post Commitment to Mission in Action: NPCA Volunteers at Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Many people seem surprised when they find out that, as an NPCA employee, a typical day on the job does not include hiking around in the parks we work so hard to protect.
Press Release Waive National Park Fees to Protect Staff and Visitors, Not Promote Accessibility Waiving fees prevents park staff and visitors from having close interactions during this ongoing pandemic.
Blog Post The Easternmost National Park Determining which national park site is the farthest east is surprisingly complicated.
Press Release Utah’s National Parks to Benefit from Innovative Oil and Gas Planning Effort National Parks Group Commends ‘Smart-from-the-Start’ planning for oil and gas in the San Rafael Desert.
Press Release With More than $56 Million Invested, Positioning Pullman Projects Maximize Benefits of Chicago’s First National Park With more than half of the original 30 projects complete, the next phase of Positioning Pullman will focus on improving infrastructure, renovating the highest priority historic assets and expanding Pullman’s story to surrounding community parks and cultural areas.
Blog Post Trivia Challenge: Guess This Park-Inspired Poet Q: What famed 19th century poet was inspired to serve as a nurse during the Civil War after spending time at Chatham Manor at what is now the Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park?
Blog Post Can Online Advocacy Still Make a Difference for National Parks? This past year, we've seen two national monuments gutted, unprecedented areas of the ocean proposed for oil and gas leasing, and numerous environmental regulations overturned. NPCA may lose some battles in the fight to protect public lands, but we're in it for the long haul. Here are 5 reasons why it's critical to keep taking action, even when the odds seem stacked against our national parks.
Press Release JustGreen™ Helps National Parks Conservation Association Offset their Carbon Footprint "Promoting Green Travel to National Parks in the USA"
Blog Post Our Top 7: The Best Things That Happened for Parks This Year From bipartisan funding legislation to major land and water protections, 2021 has been a great year for parks.
Press Release NPCA Celebrates Confirmation of Chuck Sams as National Park Service Director “It is an honor to welcome Chuck Sams as National Park Service Director and recognize the significance of the first Indigenous leader in the agency’s 105-year history" -- NPCA CEO Theresa Pierno
Press Release Parks Group Supports Protecting Mount Rushmore From Further Fireworks Damage Why would you risk setting a place like this on fire during the height of the annual summer drought? The state of South Dakota’s fireworks proposal carries significant dangers to park visitors and staff.
Press Release Delaware River Basin Commission Protects Parks From Fracking This decision, years in the making, will protect parks in the region from the harmful, poisonous impacts of fracked water.
Park Park Page Test National Historic Site testing
Jamie Varner Jamie joined NPCA's Center for Park Management in 2008. His current programmatic areas of focus are urban parks and NPCA's Find Your Voice initiative.
Letter Comments on Yellowstone’s Draft Winter Transportation Plan Comments on Yellowstone National Park’s Draft Winter Transportation Plan and Environmental Impact Statement
Letter Comments Regarding Tamiami Trail Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Everglades National Park Tamiami Trail Modifications: Next Steps project.
Ben Sander As the Travel Program Manager, Ben Sander helps NPCA members experience the national parks through unique educational small group tours.
Park Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley This national park site honors the family of Emmett Till, preserves the history of one of the country's most horrific hate crimes, and commemorates the struggle for civil rights that continues today.
Staff Ernie Atencio Ernie Atencio fell in love with parks and wild places at a young age and has spent most of his career working in and for those places.
Staff Rona Marech Rona Marech is the editor-in-chief of National Parks, NPCA’s award-winning magazine. Formerly a staff writer at the Baltimore Sun and the San Francisco Chronicle, Rona joined NPCA in 2013.
Staff Sarah Reed Sarah joined NPCA in 2017, with 13 years of development experience she serves as the Regional Director of Development for the Texas and Sun Coast Regions.